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The Prisoner
Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:28 pm Posts: 468
nmgod wrote: I have scanned 2, both on my last reset, around level 100 (about 6-8 months ago probably). 1 was owned, 1 was unowned both with Multi-Mega resources. Just rifted the unowned one a few weeks ago.  I get more out of my C 22x gaia :'''')
_________________ IGN: Itachi Uchiha
Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:27 pm |
Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:08 am Posts: 55
You should be aiming for 16-17k artifact per hour on a 63x planet not 2.3k per hour lol.
Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:56 pm |
Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:26 am Posts: 337
Crazyh wrote: You should be aiming for 16-17k artifact per hour on a 63x planet not 2.3k per hour lol. 16-17k per hr... no way any rank 100 can stick that much of productions in that planet. But Im sure he might able to squeeze a little more 
_________________MiracleOne, The Annihilator: Rank 1050Insane (Epic Legendary) Unbuffed Strength: 120,000+ w/Unbuffed Armor: 250,000+ The Dark Justice, assisting New Ship Members w/Everyday Even Strong Artifacts Payout
Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:19 am |
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:00 pm Posts: 371
Agreed. I'm getting 6.9k out of a x43 Dyso
Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:25 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:16 am Posts: 3824
Toruk_Makto wrote: Agreed. I'm getting 6.9k out of a x43 Dyso I'm getting more than 7k from my 37x rift and I don't even run the Klorvis Supply artie.
Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:04 pm |
Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:12 am Posts: 55
MiracleOne wrote: Crazyh wrote: You should be aiming for 16-17k artifact per hour on a 63x planet not 2.3k per hour lol. 16-17k per hr... no way any rank 100 can stick that much of productions in that planet. But Im sure he might able to squeeze a little more  Yeah, I just don't have the arties for it. Went heavy PVP so got none from the missions and it has been months since my last extractor which is infuriating, got 20 or so arties on planets waiting to be lifted but can't.
_________________    Legion: The Wild Hunt Rank: 591 Kills: 5753 and counting Deaths: 44
Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:52 am |
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2012 7:34 pm Posts: 206 Location: Ontario, Canada
 Not sure if this helps you out any, but I finally found my first natural dyson. Owned 1 month, 1 week (minus 5 days for ptv's). Arti production isn't the greatest, and still saving room for some specific arties i want to put on it, hence why only 1200 ap/hr so far.
_________________ NorthernPrince Officer - Stormkyn Alliance
Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:58 pm |
Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:26 am Posts: 337
Very nice! Congratz NorthernPrince finding your Dyson
_________________MiracleOne, The Annihilator: Rank 1050Insane (Epic Legendary) Unbuffed Strength: 120,000+ w/Unbuffed Armor: 250,000+ The Dark Justice, assisting New Ship Members w/Everyday Even Strong Artifacts Payout
Fri May 09, 2014 10:47 am |
Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:26 am Posts: 337
Anymore new Dyson found? just wondering 
_________________MiracleOne, The Annihilator: Rank 1050Insane (Epic Legendary) Unbuffed Strength: 120,000+ w/Unbuffed Armor: 250,000+ The Dark Justice, assisting New Ship Members w/Everyday Even Strong Artifacts Payout
Fri May 30, 2014 12:46 pm |
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:46 pm Posts: 151
I know of 2 in the last 4 weeks, one was mine (16x for arti).
Fri May 30, 2014 8:38 pm |
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:51 pm Posts: 23
I'm overjoyed for our legionmate who just scanned an unoccupied 35x arti dyson today  It gives me some hope that they are still indeed out there. Keep the faith guys and gals!
_________________ Cherie2185 ☆ The Wild Hunt Leader ☆ Annihilator Galaxy Legion Mission Planning Chart
Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:10 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:54 am Posts: 988
Yep, we have had four 35x Artifact or better Dysons scanned in the last 90 days.
They are definitely still out there, and they are fabulous!
Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:07 am |
The Prisoner
Joined: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:28 pm Posts: 468
One of our guys just scanned one, but we can't say he hit the jackpot lol
4x Mining Extremely Rich Artifact 50x Research
owned by an inactive player
_________________ IGN: Itachi Uchiha
Sun Aug 10, 2014 6:26 pm |
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:36 am Posts: 970
The Prisoner wrote: One of our guys just scanned one, but we can't say he hit the jackpot lol
4x Mining Extremely Rich Artifact 50x Research
owned by an inactive player Isn't that the lowest possible ap production value for a natural Dyson?
_________________SIG'D The Prisoner wrote: You know something's wrong when the Trade Outpost sub-forum has the most interesting topics Well it was an ill considered idea in the first place.
Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:00 pm |
Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:44 pm Posts: 1997 Location: Causing chaos somewhere
The Prisoner wrote: One of our guys just scanned one, but we can't say he hit the jackpot lol
4x Mining Extremely Rich Artifact 50x Research
owned by an inactive player tell him to sell it to meee!
_________________ Meow chika meow meow!!Stark Tech Inside
Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:23 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:54 am Posts: 988
Pongoloid wrote: Yep, we have had four 35x Artifact or better Dysons scanned in the last 90 days.
They are definitely still out there, and they are fabulous! I lied: the one that was scanned on Saturday was only 11x Artifact! 
Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:47 pm |
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:36 am Posts: 970
Congratulations then Pongo ... your legion's members have found more dysons in the past month than the members of the majority of all other legions in the game since the inception of their respective legions. That was way to freaking wordy ... anyways you guys need to teach me how to massage the RNG like that. Seriously... or did you guys just beat on it until it spat out what you wanted?
_________________SIG'D The Prisoner wrote: You know something's wrong when the Trade Outpost sub-forum has the most interesting topics Well it was an ill considered idea in the first place.
Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:51 pm |
Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:46 am Posts: 285 Location: NOT on Spotify
Pongoloid wrote: Pongoloid wrote: Yep, we have had four 35x Artifact or better Dysons scanned in the last 90 days.
They are definitely still out there, and they are fabulous! I lied: the one that was scanned on Saturday was only 11x Artifact!  They had good teachers! 
_________________#1 in GL... and in your heart  Top 50 in BattlesTop 10 in Kills, Raids, Hacks and Medal PointsOfficer in Empire of the Sun
Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:09 pm |
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:54 am Posts: 988

Serne wrote: Congratulations then Pongo ... your legion's members have found more dysons in the past month than the members of the majority of all other legions in the game since the inception of their respective legions. That was way to freaking wordy ... anyways you guys need to teach me how to massage the RNG like that. Seriously... or did you guys just beat on it until it spat out what you wanted? It's been three nice Dysons over 90 days, not one month: I corrected myself after learning that the fourth Dyson was only 11x Artifact, not 35x as I had originally thought (was confusing it with somebody else's recent scan). Still some awesome finds, though! To answer your question: no massages allowed. It's a full-on beatdown. We have a very strong "culture of scanning" at TWH; it was reinforced early on that even though 99% of the planets you scan on any large run will be garbage, there's always that 1% that are truly interesting... and in that 1% you'll find a gem every now and then. So accept that you'll "lose" the vast majority of the time and increase your odds through brutish volume (i.e. scan whenever humanly possible). If you look at the number of scans performed by leaders/officers in our legion compared to other ships who have played for a similar length of time, it's obvious we've taken that advice to heart. (you can stop patting yourself on the back now, Superstar  ) So IMO, we aren't a "lucky" legion. We just have lots of players who are willing to scan whenever possible until their eyes are bleeding, despite the monotony, despite the fact that they'd rather spend their cubes/tri-matrixes on something else. Our luck of the last 90 days is a tribute to dogged persistence more than anything. Plus, do you honestly think the RNG would tolerate Noirpa's attempts at "massaging" her? She knows exactly where his hands will eventually and inevitably wander! 
Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:50 am |
Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:07 am Posts: 274
I was wondering, how many scans do you think TWH has done in the last 90 days?
Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:25 pm |