Galaxy Legion Forum

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Author:  webguydan [ Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  FORUM RULES

Galaxy Legion Forum Rules:

- There will be no excessive use of profanity. Any excessive or uncalled for language will be deleted and final warning issued.

- There will be no racism, name calling, or any personal discriminations.

- Posters should be respectful of others. Any flaming or abusing other posters in any way will result in a warning.

- Changed to: Please no excessive bumping of topics or spamming. These topics will be locked or deleted. "+1" and other non-substantive posts may be considered bumps, moderator will make the determination.

- Please post in the correct forum. If a post is in the wrong forum, it will be moved by a moderator.

- Threads should stay on topic. Replies added should stay in context of the original thread. (no thread-jacking)

- Posts that create undue discontent on the forums will either be locked or deleted.

- Use the in-game contact option to report potential Terms of Service violations. Do not make posts on the forum.

- Users may not argue or discuss a moderators decision publicly. Poster must discuss the issue with the moderator in question via PM. If a resolution cannot be resolved there, it will be taken up by the forum admin for a final decision.

- You may not make Posts and/or private messages that, in any manner whether directly or indirectly, discuss disciplinary actions taken by Galaxy Legion against any player (including the poster) whether in-game or on the Forum.

- Posting and/or commenting on behalf of users who have been banned is not allowed.

- Forum topics are not the proper place to bring up inter-legion conflicts. If these threads get out of hand, they will be deleted without notice.

Violation of forum rules will result in warnings, temporary bans, and permanent bans of the forum.

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