Galaxy Legion Forum

What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?
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Author:  Spock for Captain [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

As the title says, wondering this point. I'm currently about to reach rank 500, and my arti prod is ~17500, due to increase as ive got some 6 arti planets on my invade list, and i can maybe get it to around 19000 by the time I hit 500 in a fortnight.

But what is a good production? (not a reset, not buying rifts etc., just regular, non-paying play)

EDIT: if people post their prods at r.500, if i could get how long they'd been playing for that would be great

Author:  senatorhung [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

'good' production all depends on the planets that you come across.

at rank 500 i had 23932 arti per hour ... that is with a mission exotic and mission dyson.

Author:  chiaro:scuro [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

At rank 500, I had between 23k and 25k AP/hour (23k at 490, 25k at 515). I had a mission exotic.

Author:  ShadowsPoison [ Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

I'd say 20k+ would be above the curve/better than most of gl at rank 500. You look like you're doing good, keep it up!
Edit: At rank 500 I had 14466 ap/h lolol mission exotic only

Author:  juiceman [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

1 billion trillion godzillion AP/hour. Since it's a ll relative and since your gameplay experience will pretty much tell you from pvp, bases, planet invasions etc. how easy the game is for your level, all numbers are somewhat semantic. That said, if you're doing 100 per rank thats a 'relatively' good rate of growth. Probably more applicable at higher ranks due to semi-geometric gains and npc rewards.

That said you seem fine.

Author:  elerian [ Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

this is an interesting question as it is relative to shop build
a msb / ssb wont need to worry so much about upkeep and will need less mining planets and likely have fewer rp planets so conversly their aph is likely going to be higher.

generall speaking though most rank 500 - 600's that i see on my bt will generally have around 15 - 25k aph, based on studies that ive seen, which is a comparison from all ship sizes that i could find. i have seen a few higher, some around 40 - 50k with no project planets, but, my gueses there are resets. didnt keep track of names, wasnt that interested.

Author:  Arc Light [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

Rank is a very misleading baseline for gauging one's development in this game in my opinion. One player can sit on their butt for three years collecting base shipments, selectively grabbing planet alerts, while doing countless scan runs for invasion worthy planets that entire time en route to rank 500. Another player could slap their credit card down next to the computer, pop a handful of Adderall, and hit rank 500 in a marathon session. Would you expect the Aph of these two rank 500 players to be the same?

You nailed it here...
(not a reset, not buying rifts etc., just regular, non-paying play)

.. and here.
if i could get how long they'd been playing for that would be great

Those are the factors to look at... not your rank. You sound like you're just a steady rolling player taking the game at its pace and always working to get your aph up. I'd say you're doing fine.

Author:  KJReed [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

Arc Light wrote:
Rank is a very misleading baseline for gauging one's development in this game in my opinion. One player can sit on their butt for three years collecting base shipments, selectively grabbing planet alerts, while doing countless scan runs for invasion worthy planets that entire time en route to rank 500. Another player could slap their credit card down next to the computer, pop a handful of Adderall, and hit rank 500 in a marathon session. Would you expect the Aph of these two rank 500 players to be the same?

You nailed it here...
(not a reset, not buying rifts etc., just regular, non-paying play)

.. and here.
if i could get how long they'd been playing for that would be great

Those are the factors to look at... not your rank. You sound like you're just a steady rolling player taking the game at its pace and always working to get your aph up. I'd say you're doing fine.

Depends how hard he slaps that card down.

Author:  juiceman [ Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is a good artifact production to have by rank 500?

Domino mutha effer!

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