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 Zombie's Ship Log 
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Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:25 am
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As of rank 325, pictures will be posted instead(if i figure out how to use it :D :D )
Rank 305 Konqul Fixer
Combat Reputation: Menacing

0 / 2105 Energy in: 01:09
0 / 20255 Hull (nanite swarm)
0 /4570 Shield(shield amp)

Battles 100604 (Grand Legend)
Player Kills 730
Deaths from Players 494
Non-Player Kills 5920
Planets Found 358
Planets Occupied 71
Planets Captured 59
Missions Completed 451
Scans Performed 4512
Successful Hacks 897
Successful Raids 781

Ship Design Intruder
Size Class Heavy Cruiser
Ships/Allies Anubix, AI Assault Drone, Thraccti, Scruuge Defector, Apparitious II, Bane Familiar
Weapons Ion Pulse Ballistae, Combat Analyzer, Prototype Mech XV
Energy Silthion T-Plasma Hub, Isomorphic Repeater x4, F.A.T.H.E.R. x2, Omicron Injector, Chron-Transistor
Sensors Stryll Prey Tracker, AI Supercomputer
Hull Perfect Syncopated Plating x3, Korteth Plating x2, BioMimetic Sealer II x4, Protean Armory x3
Shields Q-Phase Battery Array, Harmonic Resonator
Cloaking Gamma Channeler
Defenses Dark Phase Engine, Auto-Evasion Node, Trinity-Core Drive x2, Thrust Stabilizer

Apparitious II, Bane Familiar
Rank: 19
Anubix, AI Assault Drone
Rank: 40
Thraccti, Scruuge Defector
Rank: 65

Size Class: Heavy Cruiser
Space: 320 / 322
Attack: 4056
Defense: 2117
Scan: 81
Cloak: 264
Cargo: 12565 / 18225
Upkeep: 1.6B
Konqul: Attack +20%
Fixer: Hull +30%

322 Decks
18225 Cargo
2410 Engineers
3188 Tactical Officers
1531 Helmsmen
2320 Scientists

Total Medal Points Awarded: 430 of 2415

Minerals 5823 units / hour 0/ 42500
Artifacts 9452 points / hour 0 / 78000
Production: 6644 research / hour 0/52750

Research Tree
Quasi-Chaotic Force Research Levels: 1 / 3
Wormhole Channeling Research Levels: 0 / 1 [working on this]
Force Obviation Fields Research Levels: 0 / 3
Negative Refraction Research Levels: 1 / 3
Syncopated Phase Matter Completed
Phase Shifting Research Levels: 0 / 3
Continuum Analysis Research Levels: 1 / 3
Topopolis Rings Research Levels: 0 / 1
Sub-Quantum Logistics Research Levels: 0 / 3
Total Research Drone: 20660411 Points

Goals for 300:
3k+ TOs [completed]
1/2 way to 4th dom cannon [completed]
Goals for 325:
Maintain 10:1 or better tacs to rank ratio
Over 7k combined atk and def
550+ medal points
1-2 auto blasters
1200 hacks
1000 raids and kills

I was/am npcer, but would like to work more towards pvping. I want my ship to be able to successfully defend against most attackers.
Also would like some mission suggestions.
Need help on how I can make this ship better and would like some comparisons, Thanks!


Last edited by Zombiekiller531 on Mon Aug 13, 2018 5:52 pm, edited 40 times in total.

Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:44 am

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Need to know what your goals are, missions, pvp, npc'ing....tough to kill...etc..

Your race/class is unfavorable--thats one thing. Research and arti are good focuses for your planets at low level...dont see your production rates there so can only say generically.

Signature created by Necromancer

Spy status_ #1 Cloak master in galaxy

Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:26 am

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Oh yea, i would like to work my ship towards pvp and i'm trying to work my ship more towards SSB, so i won't get killed as easily
and i fixed the post a bit


Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:26 am

Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:25 am
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Also i am considering to change to Konqul Fixer, but i want to get the intruder ship design first


Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:42 am

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If your going to go SSB, its going to be a long road ahead. Its hard to give good advice to low rank SSBs, because theres so few decks to use.
Anyways, Get fermionics when you can if you can afford it. Seems like your upkeep is low enough your MP can handle it atm.
From what I see, i believe your already putting your rank points into TOs, and thats good.

Get your 3rd protean armory, work towards the protean arsenals. If you want to PvP a bit, Id say pick up your Dom III Cannons.
They will be the best possible guns you can run for a while, so Id say its worth it. Only run your energy mods when you have extra energy.

Up your arti. Im assuming you have somwhere around 25 planets colonized. You average 300 resources per planet.
Sounds like you have a plasma or two hiding around there. Ignore your mining for now until you upgrade your ship to more expensive mods, you have enough MP
And definitely change your profession once you can get around to it. Id suggest Vygoid excavator, or Konqul Excavator, or Aerlen Excavator.
Konqul saves e in PvP, Aerlen helps make you tougher to take down, and helps the legion base bonus.

Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:59 am
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Ghznl wrote:
If your going to go SSB, its going to be a long road ahead. Its hard to give good advice to low rank SSBs, because theres so few decks to use.
Anyways, Get fermionics when you can if you can afford it. Seems like your upkeep is low enough your MP can handle it atm.
From what I see, i believe your already putting your rank points into TOs, and thats good.

Get your 3rd protean armory, work towards the protean arsenals. If you want to PvP a bit, Id say pick up your Dom III Cannons.
They will be the best possible guns you can run for a while, so Id say its worth it. Only run your energy mods when you have extra energy.

Up your arti. Im assuming you have somwhere around 25 planets colonized. You average 300 resources per planet.
Sounds like you have a plasma or two hiding around there. Ignore your mining for now until you upgrade your ship to more expensive mods, you have enough MP
And definitely change your profession once you can get around to it. Id suggest Vygoid excavator, or Konqul Excavator, or Aerlen Excavator.
Konqul saves e in PvP, Aerlen helps make you tougher to take down, and helps the legion base bonus.

hes got 34 planets meaning an average of 217 per. if you recalc the res bonus out hes down to 201.
i wouldnt bother with aerlen since it would be buffing up a stat you wont be getting much of, or really needing for that matter either. your deck count is your defense.
konqul though might help you get more arti planets.
dont colonize mining planets. if you find maxed toxics or irradiated planets fine but other than those you should only be buying uplifts when your credits are no longer still constantly building.( think you should be good for a bit)
not sure what your best planets are, but most likely you are best off going full production on everything since the kind of defense you can put on a planet right now isnt going to stop much.


ICBLF wrote:
to be honest, I was rooting for you even while eating KVTs

Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:39 pm

Joined: Fri May 30, 2014 3:56 pm
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Are you in a legion? If not join Subspace Destroyers. We have the Chuhn Trade Comm artifact for our base.. And now pumping out 90k a day shipment to each member that is about 3.5k/hr artifact. That should help greatly if you not already in a legion.

Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:15 pm

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I'm in The Wild Hunt atm, and hope to stay there.
I have 2 16x toxics, one 15x, everything else is MR, ER, VR and I have a couple of rich arties, I'm dropping a few planets atm
Also I ususally run 1.3k energy, 1.4-1.5k atk, 400-500 def and 200 scan(buffs) and I would have about 15 decks handy.


Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:39 pm

Joined: Sun Jul 06, 2014 4:25 am
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Also uninstalled/in my cargo I have:

Atmospheric Decimator
Crimson Auto-Laser
Crimson Auto-Phaser
Crimson Auto-Phaser
Dominion Cannon - Mark III
Heavy Singularity Launcher
Light Antiproton Cannon
Light Antiproton Cannon
Vortul Blast Phaser
T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser
Auto-Evasion Node
BM50 Convoy Shuttle
Dark Ring Thruster
T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser
T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser
Trinity-Core Drive
Trinity-Core Drive
3x CpiherBot
3x Parser
Decryption Quad-Frame
Sha'din Supercomputer
2x Stryll Hunt Sensor
Tetra-Seek Targeter
2x Zolazin Jammer
Dark Complex Thruster (Uses Left: 2)
Dark Ring Thruster (Uses Left: 3)
Crimson Auto-Phaser (Uses Left: 2)
Sha'din Supercomputer (Uses Left: 3)
Sha'din AI Core
T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser

I know its a big list, what should I add/scrap/take off


Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:52 pm
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Get all the hull you can get because you want to be able to take more hits, while you dish out more damage. The amount of hits you can take is
((Hull +Shields)/(decks space/2))

Don't put on energy reactors and replace those with more hull because you can get more energy from more engineers, but keep the relays.

Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:39 am

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Zombiekiller531 wrote:
Also uninstalled/in my cargo I have:

Atmospheric Decimator
Crimson Auto-Laser
Crimson Auto-Phaser
Crimson Auto-Phaser
Dominion Cannon - Mark III
Heavy Singularity Launcher
Light Antiproton Cannon
Light Antiproton Cannon
Vortul Blast Phaser
T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser
Auto-Evasion Node
BM50 Convoy Shuttle
Dark Ring Thruster
T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser
T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser

Trinity-Core Drive
Trinity-Core Drive
3x CpiherBot
3x Parser
Decryption Quad-Frame

Sha'din Supercomputer
2x Stryll Hunt Sensor
Tetra-Seek Targeter
2x Zolazin Jammer

Dark Complex Thruster (Uses Left: 2) -> equip these
Dark Ring Thruster (Uses Left: 3) -> dont equip these, unless you dont have enough COmplex thrusters
Crimson Auto-Phaser (Uses Left: 2) -> You dont need these, so dont equip them
Sha'din Supercomputer (Uses Left: 3) -> Like listed above, only equip when scanning
Sha'din AI Core -> See Sha'din Supercomputer

T.O. Harmonic MegaPulser NO

I know its a big list, what should I add/scrap/take off

Whats in cyan should only be equipped when necessary. Ie the deimator only when invading. Those scan mods only when on a scan run.
You only need 51 scan to see TO Troop Carriers. Cipher bots only when your hacking.
Parsers are very inefficient atk modules. Equip at your own discretion. But they are good for scan runs.
Do not equip things listed in red. Those are a waste of space or unneccessary until much later in the game

Things in gold are stuff you havent equipped yet. I comented about them.

Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:56 am

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Zombiekiller531 wrote:
I'm in The Wild Hunt atm, and hope to stay there.

:cry: we were hoping you'd come home eventually :cry:


Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:11 am
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i would say you should swap reactors on for a level up and then off after you burn off that energy.


ICBLF wrote:
to be honest, I was rooting for you even while eating KVTs

Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:55 pm

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I only keep reactors when I'm about to rank, otherwise they're offline


Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:40 pm

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So when i take off reactors I'm at 198/245 with conduits on what should i add to make up for the space?


Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:50 pm

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That depends on what you are going to be doing. PvPing? toss on extra cannons. hacking? Cipher Bots and Zolazin Analyzer. going away for a while and don't need to worry about overcharging your energy bar? Toss on extra hull and maybe a def mod.


The Prisoner wrote:
You know something's wrong when the Trade Outpost sub-forum has the most interesting topics

Well it was an ill considered idea in the first place.

Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:23 pm

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First of all, Artifact Production needs to be high for PvP and SSB. That is always said to me time and time again.

Only use decks for Hull and Defences. All 3 Proteans, Vortul plating, Kalvium plating is useful too (see Myalari Chain) Only NPC dropped defences, and Trinity cores i would recommend on your ship at the moment. Try not to freeze rank, if you will slow rank, at least two ranks a week or so. Gives you more Rank Points to play with. Energy modules are quite big, but if you can equip the Drannik Power cores when you have spare room, it may be a blessing in disguise. And as my mate is finding out (with almost 4k hull at rank 51 with a 36 dmg cap), all the hull in the world wont save you. You NEED the power to deter ships, so i would recommend maybe just a few of the better weapons on. Blasters, Dom Cannon mk3s, etc. Even a Drannik Ballistae.

I wish you luck, and hope you have the patience to do this, and maybe we will meet on the battlefield one day. (As a ship of similar level, I could link you to my log, comparison etc.)

Active Leader at Stargate Operations

viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41172&p=418403#p418403 <---Ship log


Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:11 am
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Zombiekiller531 wrote:
Rank 171

91 / 1290 Energy in: 01:11this(above)
3035 / 3035 Hull
555 / 555 Shield

Rank 171 Vygoid Hackergross
Combat Reputation: Weak

Battles 32471 (Legend)
Player Kills 316
Deaths from Players 352
Non-Player Kills 1633 this(above)

Goals for 200:
2k TOs
Finish Mission exoticthis does not work with (see above)
Get 2nd/3rd Dom cannon mk3
DONE---3rd Protean Armory

Need help on how I can make this ship better thanks!

Vygoid hacker does nothing for you. You probably only have a couple terraformers, so without a big increase in npcing or gp spending you wont be seeing that hperterraformer anytime soon. You also need around 12x energy per rank to safely autorank on npcs. Research scanners, planetary structures, and weapons. My advice? Don't get too caught up on x amount of blank by rank y.

Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:51 am

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I hold 1.2k E, but if i install more reactors, then I can hold 2k E.
I'm 6/10 for the terra project.
And I'm working on my hull atm.


Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:27 pm

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Still looking for comparisons and advice :D :D


Fri Nov 28, 2014 3:35 pm
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