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So, month-and-a-half update, with Chuhn come and gone. I scrapped on Friday, with 104420 starting, 111470 when beginning (includes 10k loan repayment) so spent 2950 more CTP than I found from RTCs and scanning.

After my main scrapping blitz, I had 268412 ctp (forgot to track freed up cargo space) for 156,942 CTP scrapped. Will get some dribs and drabs through Monday, obviously, but that's the brunt of it for this year.

My best scrappers:

4730 Void Barrier Chassis(s) scrapped for 74465 Complex Tech Parts
504 Toxic Processing Plant(s) scrapped for 11568 Complex Tech Parts
432 Polaron Emitter(s) scrapped for 11290 Complex Tech Parts
158 Continuum Parser(s) scrapped for - Complex Tech Parts
352 Silthion Gas Vesicle(s) scrapped for 7436 Complex Tech Parts
924 Astrobiology Ward(s) scrapped for 6008 Complex Tech Parts
477 Adumbrate Station(s) scrapped for 5494 Complex Tech Parts
915 Domain Walker(s) scrapped for 3846 Complex Tech Parts
201 Sha'din Hyperport Network(s) scrapped for 3230 Complex Tech Parts
143 Klorvis Troop Gateway(s) scrapped for 2983 Complex Tech Parts
140 Klorvis Shroud Generator(s) scrapped for 2556 Complex Tech Parts
50 Elios Heatsink(s) scrapped for 1984 Complex Tech Parts
9 Spice of Illustris 100%(s) scrapped for 1954 Complex Tech Parts
71 Stryll GenoLocator(s) scrapped for 1553 Complex Tech Parts
249 HyperSensor Satellite(s) scrapped for 1463 Complex Tech Parts

So, doubled how much I scrapped w/all the clicking I did the last couple weeks.

So, looks like I have enough CTP to make it through the 2 year mark, and am 46,588 CTP shy of making it to the 27 month upgrade, which I should be able to get in the next Chuhn, and would need to get that plus 180k CTP before the next 2 Chuhn’s have passed (so 230k CTP.) Which is certainly doable if the game is still around and I am still playing.

And, almost forgot! Add this:
70 Bainar, Systems Cracker(s) scrapped for 5584 Complex Tech Parts

My final CTP count was 277692, so I had a net gain of 166222 CTP for the season. Didn't have much time to NPC over the weekend, so just the random odd void barriers and a few scrappables with the couple of items I found from some Chuhn. Not too shabby. It'll keep me going longer than the game is likely to last at least.


Notable change from my last update is that now that I hit 2201 and lost troop carriers, I started adding engineers so that I can get to the point where I can autorank off of stellar cartography. So only added about 500 TACOs, but added 23k engineers and have surpassed a 1:1 ratio of energy:experience to rank. So on my way there. I expect at this point I'll be wasting a lot of energy at the end of each rank again, but that's not too big a deal.


During Chuhn, I went through 20.3k NPCs (about 24k since the last update.) Not quite 3k hacks and less than 200 raids. I didn't scan all that much during Chuhn, since I opted to spend that time NPCing, but I expect to scan a lot during Bane. Not because I really care about the extra findable, but just 'cuz I have 14 empty planet slots and might as well try to find some decent planets to invade while it's cheap. I do have 3 left of the 4 I found during Chuhn so I've got some inactives to get me started the first few days.


No changes on the leaderboard.

Minerals 219622 units / hour (5.2 hours)
Artifacts 387023 points / hour (4.9 hours)
Research 354691 research / hour (3.0 hours)

With planetary buffs on I'm hitting 400k fairly consistently (and was around 420k most of Chuhn when I remembered to use the service terminal.) Mild gains; I expect a post-bane update to be a little better even though it'll likely be a shorter timeframe just because I plan to invade a lot. I also discovered 5 mineral towers and 3 research data archives in my cargo while scrapping last week that I must have pulled off a planet and forgotten about, so those need to be placed too.


Making good headway on my hyperturbines; I actually started running out of MSPs and hyperturbines in cargo so have dropped off my pace of dropping one a day. Anything producing over 387 arti/hour now has one. I notice that I have more planets counted than I should, so I've probably lost a few planets that I forgot to delete from my list. Sometime soon I'll need to go in and see what's missing.

Unbuffed vs NPCs: Attack: 387342 / Defense: 360510 and in PvP: Attack: 358358 / Defense: 279567

Not much progress in attack, unsurprisingly, but a fairly modest increase in defense. That's nice.

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Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:26 pm
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my data for comparison:

371703 mph (5.51H) ..... 581561 aph (5.43H) ..... 595131 rph (3.14H)

Total Planets: 548

Artifact Planets: 414 (75.55%) with minimum aph of 413
* planets with 413+ aph: 417 .. so 3 mining planets with as much arti as my dedicated arti planets

Mining Planets: 67 (12.23%) with minimum mph of 1161
* planets with 1161+ mph: 111 .. so 44 arti planets with as much mining as my dedicated mining planets (Mylarai REPRESENT !)

Storage Planets: 67 (12.23%)

PCV: 547 ..... CRED: 146 ..... PHTV: 411

so, 6 more turbines to cover all of my existing arti planets.

Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26
PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;

Tue Oct 15, 2019 2:59 pm
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Nice work.

Also, forgot to mention, now seeing Balthion, and during Chuhn found or jumped onto enough to get my plating upgraded (and even scrap some) but haven't found enough shipyards yet to start placing and collecting from those. Do have a bunch of couplings, but holding onto those until I need CTP. Will probably not bother, but depending on the state of the game I might go on a ship-bot spree just to see if there's a cap for those, if I get to the point where it's obvious we are shutting down or I decide I'm done and want to quit. Or if I'm just not caring about getting disabled even less than I do now.

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Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:14 pm
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Been busy for the last update and already buffed, but going to drop some stats anyway just to separate the seasonals:


So, ignore the attack/defense/shield stats. Everything else should be good. All my rank points have been going into engineers anyway, so no huge swings for those. Not quite 10k engineers, though my max energy is getting a bit closer to autoranking off of the purgers. Still 30k or so to go, maybe 40k by the time I get there. Less than 20 ranks during Bane.


Less than 10k NPCs killed during Bane. Probably explains why it took until the last couple of days to find any alertable NPCs. Did add a fair number of good planets at least, though not as many as I'd hoped to. Now up to 14 planet slots open. Only a little over 1k hacks.


No real changes on the hacks leaderboard. Everybody ahead of me is pulling away this month, and I still managed to pull away from everybody behind me, at least in the top 8.

Minerals 218776 units / hour (5.3 hours)
Artifacts 397197 points / hour (4.9 hours)
Research 355324 research / hour (3.1 hours)

Haven't applied buffs yet, so numbers are a little down, I'm usually around 420k arti/hour these days.


I've got 8 planets to put onto my spreadsheet still, so that'sout of whack. I also lost a few planets, though most of them weren't ones I minded losing despite them getting fluxed right away for some reason, unless I'd updated them w/o changing their entries in my spreadsheet.

Not going to bother updating my attack stats since I'm buffed right now anyway.

--------------- GD: A good legion for collecting relic badges ---------------

Wed Nov 13, 2019 3:10 pm

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Minerals 575211 units / hour
0 / 2763900
Artifacts 563454 points / hour
729 / 5251400 no exca some buff want that, npc now and get at least enough for any build you will do all year an in any seasonal. bane can be the exception. like this you can make planet whit only bullding witouth hyperforge still a 100% hyperforge can be replace the best are maxed planet just get on the action on your planet building


Thu Nov 14, 2019 6:31 am
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I had a pretty good but not great run through the Harvest season. Not including the ones I used, I finished the month out with 130 harvesters, 110 omni-harvesters, 28 terrafounders, 18 archotage transmitters (21 amplifiers), 80 perimeter station upgrades (not sure how many I started with, probably half of them), 19 omnipods and 14 headquarters. Put on 22 ranks. I did max my prismatic out, at least.


Added about 16k engineers and 2k TACOs. I'm not autoranking off of purgers yet but I'm kinda bored of adding engineers since there is no actual practical need for more at this point. Thinking it might be time to go back to adding TACOs.


Less than 10k NPC kills, lots of open planet slots.


Fell behind everybody ahead of me in the hacking department...didn't do a very good job of that this past month.

Minerals 219805 units / hour (5.3 hours)
Artifacts 396845 points / hour (5.0 hours)
Research 356135 research / hour (3.1 hours)

Obviously need to reset some buffs...again, usually around 420k arti/hour most days.


I have a dozen planets to add to my database so those numbers are a wee bit out of date.

Unbuffed vs NPCs: Attack: 389255 / Defense: 378607 and in PvP: Attack: 360127 / Defense: 293601

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Fri Dec 06, 2019 3:42 pm
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Zoinks... I have 300 ranks on you and 40k less engineers. I dont want to auto rank on purgers but can on everything else

Have added an Eng in over a year.

Sat Dec 07, 2019 12:51 am

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its a good idea because over time production become very intense and minerals to so em are hard to get away without big energy or auto rank


Thu Dec 12, 2019 12:26 am

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still a good idea to not go to fast on enginers and rank still now


Thu Dec 12, 2019 12:28 am
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I didn't do a ton during Scruuge. Busy around the holidays, and not particularly motivated.



12 ranks, 17k tacos, only 3k NPCs killed. Barely scanned. Only a few hundred hacks. Yeah...low activity month.

Not going to bother with the planet updates; I've got a dozen and a half planets to add to my database that haven't been done yet.

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Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:59 pm
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lol .. you should have drafted behind HowBig on the hacks leaderboard .. you might have ended up in 2d place by now !

Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26
PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;

Tue Jan 07, 2020 6:34 am
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Bit late on updates; not a ton happening. Hopefully I'll get some good NPC time in during Lepus, or at least some decent scan runs.


Looks like I've added about 400 engineers in the last few months, and about 50k TACOs and 23k helmsman and 30k scientists.


A little over 30 ranks, 800 raids, and 2k hacks. So...not much action on any of those fronts. Probably about 2k raids to get onto the leaderboard, and still setting solidly at #4 on the hacks board. Not much chance I'll catch up to any of the top 3 in the near future. Should be able to maintain where I'm at without too much trouble though.

Minerals 229016 units / hour (5.3 hours)
Artifacts 426120 points / hour (5.0 hours)
Research 403149 research / hour (2.8 hours)


Making some progress on my hyperturbines, though I flagged for a while. Once Lepus starts again I'll likely go back to installing one every day and keep working my way down my planet list.

Unbuffed vs NPCs: Attack: - / Defense: 439031 and in PvP: Attack: 434211 / Defense: 340458

--------------- GD: A good legion for collecting relic badges ---------------

Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:58 pm

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hunt npc a lot at lepus scan most you can see the result over time whit the arti you get


Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:08 pm

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Production: 904052 research / hour [ More In: 53:35 2479900 sto
] Planetary Production Output [ Next In: 53:17 ]
Resource Production Total Planet Capacity
Minerals 625239 units / hour
625239 / 3168300 Receive Minerals Shipment
Artifacts 648986 points / hour
5653818 / 6911800


Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:09 pm
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Lepus came and went (well, technically it's still here, but I won't complain...) I added 22 ranks, 13k tacos, and spent most of the seasonal as an explorer after switching for a legion mission (just went back to Talth Excavator last night.)


Got about 12k NPCs, a new high for planets on scan at just shy of 1700, and added 5 planets total. Only 800 hacks, but over 300 raids.


Minerals 233192 units / hour (5.3 hours)
Artifacts 448664 points / hour (4.8 hours)
Research 422985 research / hour (2.7 hours)

I did find a storage planet recently, but now that I'm back to excavator I'm back to hitting capacity pretty quick. Oh well, every little bit helps.


I've got 7 or 8 planets to add to my DB a this point, but made some new progress working down on the hyperturbines. I've got 8 more to place and any planet bringing in at least 300 arti per hour will have one. Biggest bottle neck now is the MSPs, but that should ease up a little now that I'm not placing a new one every day and will go back to one every second or third day now that Lepus is done with and with my artifact production back up as an excavator.

Unbuffed vs NPCs: Attack: 485264 / Defense: 477752 and in PvP: Attack: 448951 / Defense: 370485

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Tue May 05, 2020 2:15 pm
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it says Planets Occupied 585 on your ship stats screencap.

however, your planets summary table indicates 594 polychoron vaults and 595 total planets .. so off by 10 phantom planets there.

i doubt that i will ever go excavator again. i already cap arti in just over 5H.

good work on the hyperturbines during lepus.

Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26
PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;

Tue May 05, 2020 8:34 pm
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senatorhung wrote:
it says Planets Occupied 585 on your ship stats screencap.

I probably lost a few planets without even noticing, haha! One of these days I'll catch up on adding planets to my list, and then work through and figure out which ones I don't have any more that didn't get deleted.

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Wed May 06, 2020 4:13 pm
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So, I can't speak that the entire spreadsheet is accurate, but at least the planet list is accurate now.


I was missing 2 planets, some random planet and my prismatic. So those are added in now.

I lost 5 or 6 planets producing 1k+ arti per hour that were in my spreadsheet without noticing or never going back to remove them when they originally got stolen. I didn't count the junk planets that are gone; I may have abandoned one or two, but most likely just got taken, again with out me noticing. I did notice a couple that were just duplicate entries (projects that got added twice in various stages.)

Taking a look at hyperturbines, all but 2 planets producing a minimum of 330 arti per hour have one. One planet is my prismatic (so can't have one), the other will be the next one to have one placed after I finish upgrading the current one. I have another 4 planets left producing 300+ arti per hour that do not have one (though one is probably higher than that already w/a half-upgraded one.)

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Tue May 12, 2020 8:33 pm
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Passed half a mil unbuffed NPC attack this morning (over 400k TACOs)

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Tue May 19, 2020 12:45 pm

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so it really is, TACO tuesday!!

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Tue May 19, 2020 7:59 pm
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