So, month-and-a-half update, with Chuhn come and gone. I scrapped on Friday, with 104420 starting, 111470 when beginning (includes 10k loan repayment) so spent 2950 more CTP than I found from RTCs and scanning.
After my main scrapping blitz, I had 268412 ctp (forgot to track freed up cargo space) for 156,942 CTP scrapped. Will get some dribs and drabs through Monday, obviously, but that's the brunt of it for this year.
My best scrappers:
4730 Void Barrier Chassis(s) scrapped for 74465 Complex Tech Parts
504 Toxic Processing Plant(s) scrapped for 11568 Complex Tech Parts
432 Polaron Emitter(s) scrapped for 11290 Complex Tech Parts
158 Continuum Parser(s) scrapped for - Complex Tech Parts
352 Silthion Gas Vesicle(s) scrapped for 7436 Complex Tech Parts
924 Astrobiology Ward(s) scrapped for 6008 Complex Tech Parts
477 Adumbrate Station(s) scrapped for 5494 Complex Tech Parts
915 Domain Walker(s) scrapped for 3846 Complex Tech Parts
201 Sha'din Hyperport Network(s) scrapped for 3230 Complex Tech Parts
143 Klorvis Troop Gateway(s) scrapped for 2983 Complex Tech Parts
140 Klorvis Shroud Generator(s) scrapped for 2556 Complex Tech Parts
50 Elios Heatsink(s) scrapped for 1984 Complex Tech Parts
9 Spice of Illustris 100%(s) scrapped for 1954 Complex Tech Parts
71 Stryll GenoLocator(s) scrapped for 1553 Complex Tech Parts
249 HyperSensor Satellite(s) scrapped for 1463 Complex Tech Parts
So, doubled how much I scrapped w/all the clicking I did the last couple weeks.
So, looks like I have enough CTP to make it through the 2 year mark, and am 46,588 CTP shy of making it to the 27 month upgrade, which I should be able to get in the next Chuhn, and would need to get that plus 180k CTP before the next 2 Chuhn’s have passed (so 230k CTP.) Which is certainly doable if the game is still around and I am still playing.
And, almost forgot! Add this:
70 Bainar, Systems Cracker(s) scrapped for 5584 Complex Tech Parts
My final CTP count was 277692, so I had a net gain of 166222 CTP for the season. Didn't have much time to NPC over the weekend, so just the random odd void barriers and a few scrappables with the couple of items I found from some Chuhn. Not too shabby. It'll keep me going longer than the game is likely to last at least.

Notable change from my last update is that now that I hit 2201 and lost troop carriers, I started adding engineers so that I can get to the point where I can autorank off of stellar cartography. So only added about 500 TACOs, but added 23k engineers and have surpassed a 1:1 ratio of energy:experience to rank. So on my way there. I expect at this point I'll be wasting a lot of energy at the end of each rank again, but that's not too big a deal.

During Chuhn, I went through 20.3k NPCs (about 24k since the last update.) Not quite 3k hacks and less than 200 raids. I didn't scan all that much during Chuhn, since I opted to spend that time NPCing, but I expect to scan a lot during Bane. Not because I really care about the extra findable, but just 'cuz I have 14 empty planet slots and might as well try to find some decent planets to invade while it's cheap. I do have 3 left of the 4 I found during Chuhn so I've got some inactives to get me started the first few days.

No changes on the leaderboard.
Minerals 219622 units / hour (5.2 hours)
Artifacts 387023 points / hour (4.9 hours)
Research 354691 research / hour (3.0 hours)
With planetary buffs on I'm hitting 400k fairly consistently (and was around 420k most of Chuhn when I remembered to use the service terminal.) Mild gains; I expect a post-bane update to be a little better even though it'll likely be a shorter timeframe just because I plan to invade a lot. I also discovered 5 mineral towers and 3 research data archives in my cargo while scrapping last week that I must have pulled off a planet and forgotten about, so those need to be placed too.

Making good headway on my hyperturbines; I actually started running out of MSPs and hyperturbines in cargo so have dropped off my pace of dropping one a day. Anything producing over 387 arti/hour now has one. I notice that I have more planets counted than I should, so I've probably lost a few planets that I forgot to delete from my list. Sometime soon I'll need to go in and see what's missing.
Unbuffed vs NPCs: Attack: 387342 / Defense: 360510 and in PvP: Attack: 358358 / Defense: 279567
Not much progress in attack, unsurprisingly, but a fairly modest increase in defense. That's nice.