Exterminus wrote:
I am going to address the elephant in the room.
This Elite SUCKS. It says it's Super Rare, but I get LOTS of them every day.
The trap is on a hair trigger, so I wind up getting disabled between 4-6 times (my record is 12 times) any time they show up.
And for what?
An upgrade for 2 items that you can only get from the other Super Rare NPC (which most of us have dozens of), or the miniscule chance that you MIGHT get a lame planetary artifact.
Something needs to change on these THINGS. Either their number appearing has to go down, or the damage needed to kill them needs to be reduced considerably AND it needs some decent artifacts for killing them.
There. I got that off my chest.
If you can change races easily, I'd try Genetarr/Merchant, Improved Mind Influence works on these, as well as with other seasonal NPC's (except for the bosses). It also works with Bane Krows. Something to consider.
And in your artifact window, type "restore" so it pulls up both Repair Nanodrones and Shield Restorers, this stops you from having to scroll to find an artifact. It only takes me around 20 seconds, 30 tops to kill these and I haven't been a Genetarr in months.