Galaxy Legion Forum

Dan please its time buddy
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Author:  detregets [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Dan please its time buddy

Dan can we please have a way to RAPIDLY use multiple artifacts and multiple rank points ? It gets tiresome to keep up on it daily and takes away from actual game playing time . all of us would be grateful. Thanks !

Author:  Nuron [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

People have asked for this for years, it wasn't implemented then and it definitely won't be put in now.

Author:  senatorhung [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

how is building up your ship NOT gameplay ? sheesh.

Author:  detregets [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

Cmon guys be more positive . instead of " we've asked for this for years..." and whatnot how about making an agreement with my request and posting more arguements FOR the request.

Mr. Montgomery, please please please implement some method for multiple artifact and rank point use!! Im not sure if you even look at these ideas and suggestions anymore but as 6 year player and leader of a legion almost as old this is probably the complaint i have heard the most. After all this time i have seen many long time players just give up in frustration , citing this as one of the reasons, and quit the game. The game community suffers for the loss of these players , some were key factors in some of the galaxy wide character driven events like wars and such . another reason to implement this change, as i said before, would save time clicking to use them all that in my mimd would be better spent npc hunting, pvp attacking , or planet scans/invasions.

Author:  Deigobene [ Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

detregets wrote:
Cmon guys be more positive . instead of " we've asked for this for years..." and whatnot how about making an agreement with my request and posting more arguements FOR the request.

Mr. Montgomery, please please please implement some method for multiple artifact and rank point use!! Im not sure if you even look at these ideas and suggestions anymore but as 6 year player and leader of a legion almost as old this is probably the complaint i have heard the most. After all this time i have seen many long time players just give up in frustration , citing this as one of the reasons, and quit the game. The game community suffers for the loss of these players , some were key factors in some of the galaxy wide character driven events like wars and such . another reason to implement this change, as i said before, would save time clicking to use them all that in my mimd would be better spent npc hunting, pvp attacking , or planet scans/invasions.

I think you overstate how much the "game community suffers" when old collectors start getting sick of improving their ships, which frankly is a core part of the game.

I'd suggest the redistribution of good planets actually benefits way more people than ever notice they are gone.

I am not totally against the idea but I also don't get my knickers in a twist about it.
Improve your ship, don't improve your ship, the choice is yours.

Author:  CapitainePaul [ Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

If you use your stat-improving artifacts every hour or at least at every login this should not be a problem if you play daily. It shows your dedication to the game and your willingness to improve your ship. I work on my ship every hour and enjoy it. There would surely be abuse if a "use all" button was abused and we all know how "some" players are always looking for ways to cheat, create scripts, exploit or otherwise tamper with Galaxy Legion.

I will admit some artifacts like Tesseracts and Alien Data Discs would be nice to be used in multiples but another way would be a new Lab Discovery to create artifacts that would speed it up or some other way to stack these to be used faster.

Author:  Darth Flagitious [ Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

Like Paul said, a "Use All" button could (would) open a door for exploitation.

Look at it this way, every time you click "Use" or "Hire" it causes a change of state releasing cached notifications of Queens and Fabs... ;)

Author:  Peticks [ Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

I mean, a use all would have to come with some programmed stipulations but it is not impossible. What if every time you press use all a process starts up taking, say 2m, after which the artis are added. No two process can run at the same time, if someone attempts to get them to run at the same time they get a error message if they used one after the other, or, if trying to use multiple devices, simply flat out lose the artifacts. Its probably possible to make a system that would allow for multiple adding, but its not nessesarly that worth it imho. Adding artifacts is fairly easy, put on a tv show, go to ship and filter for a specific one, then repeatedly click mindlessly while watching the tv. TBH, to my mind, I would rather dan focus on things that get players engaging with the game rather than ways to speed up collecting.

Author:  detregets [ Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

Ugh you guys are stuck on use all/#

Why not a refining method ?
100 android helmsmen = helmsmen cadre

Or an ability/mod/structure/base mod that takes the arts and spits out one mega art ?
Lets say i have 100 rescued prisoners. I stick em in and out pops an art that adds 600 engineers ?

There are many ways one could do this and im sure dan can come up with a method to do so that would exclude cheating

Author:  ActualFate [ Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

Peticks wrote:
What if every time you press use all a process starts up taking, say 2m, after which the artis are added. No two process can run at the same time

Please stop. Technical details should be left to those who actually have a clue.

Author:  Xeno [ Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dan please its time buddy

After being in this game for over 5 years, I have come to the conclusion that Dan is paid by the click. This is real reason why the "use nnn" function has not been implemented in all that time.

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