Galaxy Legion Forum

Self Imposed Legion Rules
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Author:  Kaos [ Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Self Imposed Legion Rules

We can't rely on Dan to fix everything. As great as he is, there are a few things changing computer code cannot fix.

I am suggesting a few self imposed legion rules. I think the legion heads should agree to something like...

1) No more than 2-3 affiliated legions

2) Copied and pasted logs are not valid proof in a dispute because they are to easily edited. Screenshots are required.

3) The legion heads become a tribunal. If someone in my legion and Bender's get into a fight, we let the heads of the other legions jedge. Their decision is final. That means an and to looking the other way when someone in your legion is a thug.

4) If a player is booted from a group, the other legion heads are notified so that the rogue players actions are his own, and not his former groups.

5) Groups that are in this agreement will not sign NAPs, Treaties or Alliances with groups that do not agree to these terms.

I am sure there are a lot of other suggestions that I haven't thought of and would help.

Author:  Zhorgul [ Tue Sep 14, 2010 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

It's just a game Kaos ...

I hate rules, that's why I'm Desperados ;)

Author:  Kaos [ Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Well out of 29 views, at least someone commented. If you don't like my idea you are free to add your own suggestions. I am just tired of hearing all the whining that Dan didn't do this or he needs to change that. This group is to big or that group does whatever it wants

We are adults, we can be responsible for making up our own rules. We can control our own actions can't we?

There were 28 people who read this and didn't respond. If that is because you aren't capable of keeping your word and are afraid to suggest a commitment you know you won't keep, then I understand.

Author:  Y2KJMan [ Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Why does this seem like its the cold war all over again? All kinds of nuclear powered states (allied into just two camps until DOO broke up) vying for power and trying to put rules to war. Why not just have an all out bloodbath? How will that ruin the game... I mean, isnt this a game of Galactic Domination?

P.S. I am not being a smartass, I just dont understand the rationale behind having mediators for things like this.

Author:  paulfrick [ Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Or maybe no one replies because no one cares....

Author:  zophah [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

I just didn't respond because I did not have a response.

Author:  LawrenceK [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Gentlemen, Im a New Legion member and will be "Catching Up" on the news and posts for a while. The rules Ive seen seem reasonable. As the game grows some controls seem necessary or new players may get frustrated with their slow progress. Having Teams to work with gives the Game broader appeal and allows players (like me) to learn from others experience. Talk to all again soon. Regards, Kev

Author:  Kaos [ Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

The reason I proposed these rules are half of the topics on this board are whining about how things are and the changes Dan should make.

Dan cannot do everything for us. Instead of whining about this legion and that legion, why not agree as a majority to a set of standards?

My suggestions are just that, suggestions. Rather than #$&*@ about what Legion X, Legion Y and Legion Z do, make a suggestion about what you will do.

I hope we can agree to some basic standards as a group. If we set the example, maybe the others will follow.

Author:  Mark W [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

1) No more than 2-3 affiliated legions

Obviously directed at DOO. Why are you still waging this war?

Author:  Kaos [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Mark W wrote:
1) No more than 2-3 affiliated legions

Obviously directed at DOO. Why are you still waging this war?

Because it is obvious there is something wrong to everyone outside of DOO. If something isn't fixed I keep trying to get it right. I realize that many DOO members like the "wrong" of their group but the rest of us don't.

And #4 is actually in DOO's favor. Supposedly they are booting a lot of the bad apples. If we came to some sort of agreement, #4 gives DOO a chance to start with a clean slate.

If people do not agree with these standards, they are not forced to submit to them. That is why they are "self imposed". Think of "self control" if that makes it easier to understand.

DOO's lack of self control should not stop the rest of us from agreeing to some basic standards. If DOO is the kinder, gentler legion their leaders keep claiming to be, why aren't they here making suggestions and trying to help improve it?

This is for those of us who do want things to get better and realize we shouldn't whine and complain and then expect Dan to fix everything.

Author:  Mark W [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

This is a war game, just because you get your butt kicked doesn't mean there is a problem. I saw the need for alliances from the moment I started playing the game. If DOO hadn't done it, someone else would have. Most of the top players joined DOO because there was no alternative. Had alliances been part of the game from the beginning, things would probably be more balanced now. Things are the way they are for a reason, look at the history and get over it.

Author:  Kaos [ Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Mark W wrote:
This is a war game, just because you get your butt kicked doesn't mean there is a problem. I saw the need for alliances from the moment I started playing the game. If DOO hadn't done it, someone else would have. Most of the top players joined DOO because there was no alternative. Had alliances been part of the game from the beginning, things would probably be more balanced now. Things are the way they are for a reason, look at the history and get over it.

If you look around the board you will see that I don't complain about getting my but kicked. It is actually a few DOO members complaining that I kick their butts. It is the "Oh we are so weak and little, it isn't fair that Kaos attacks us." thing.

And I did not say that the problem is "butt kicking". The problems are well known and I won't bother going into them all over again or encouraging you to make new and more ridiculous assumptions to start an argument that is false.

Kudos for everything else you said. I am glad you had the chance to share that you knew everything and foresaw the solution before the rest of us did.

Even now that we have legions, people are still complaining. Hopefully you can add to the conversation about the solutions for the real problems and not made up ones.

Author:  OneHitPoint [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

well I'm quite certain that at the guy who suggested that the planet window be made larger demonstrated the potential ability to fake a screenshot. Not that I'm accusing that person of being the sort that would fake a screenshot in such a manner, just that the possibility exists.

As we give those who can fake a screenshot the benefit of the doubt, we must also consider the people who don't know how to get the screenshot evidence they would need under these rules to prove that they are right. If you don't make such info easily to locate and understand, a lot of honest but unskilled people will have no way to argue their case.

Author:  Chakotay [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Face it everyone. the group DOO has died. It has now splintered. Few are taking the ideals with them to their new legions and some of the DOO have decided to go a different direction. Just focus on making allies or enemies with them and leave out there and not on the boards.

Author:  Kaos [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Please don't threadjack. This thread is not about DOO but about some simple rules and standards that all legions can set for themselves.

If you have a suggestion about how to make our legions better, you are welcome to share it. If you merely want to point out how good or bad DOO is there are plenty of other threads for that.

Author:  SpoonyJank [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

I always thought legion rules were pretty silly. Any incident can become some huge conflict and getting to the bottom of anything via the comm system is a monumental waste of time and energy. You can't post onto someone's board unless they are notified, so any legitimate peacemakers are ignored by default since you can't actually reply to their comm. Not to mention how people will take advantage of such rules if they think it suits them. If a legion is supposed to be a group of protectors then they should educate people how the ship's log and traps work and how cloaking and non-agression are the only ways to stay out of a conflict in the first place... if that is actually anyone's intent.

Author:  Chris24markey [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Ok rules for my legion please obey or we may have to boot you out into the cold dark corner of space.

1. Rule 1 You must keep alerting npc for me to kill…. If I log in and I don’t see at least 20 to look at on my tab then your not doing your job….even if there dead 90% of the time in 5 min.
2. Rule 2 Maximize the npc farming by allowing enough time for all prizes to be won from npc farming….. npc ship parts = power!!!!!
3. Rule 3 Have fun……. If you like to hack people then hack them……if you like to destroy them then do that too and if you like to raid them when there down more power too you.
4. Rule 4 Have fun if you like invading planets then take them at will!!!!!!
5. Rule 5 Have fun and make sure you help out one another in the legion….a happy helpful legion is a fun legion.
6. Rule 6 If all else fails have fun and repeat Rule 1. Because if I log in and don’t see my normal 10-20 npc on the com list then I am not happy and someone is not doing there part ……

Author:  Remric [ Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Self Imposed Legion Rules

Chris24markey wrote:
Ok rules for my legion please obey or we may have to boot you out into the cold dark corner of space.

1. Rule 1 You must keep alerting npc for me to kill…. If I log in and I don’t see at least 20 to look at on my tab then your not doing your job….even if there dead 90% of the time in 5 min.
2. Rule 2 Maximize the npc farming by allowing enough time for all prizes to be won from npc farming….. npc ship parts = power!!!!!
3. Rule 3 Have fun……. If you like to hack people then hack them……if you like to destroy them then do that too and if you like to raid them when there down more power too you.
4. Rule 4 Have fun if you like invading planets then take them at will!!!!!!
5. Rule 5 Have fun and make sure you help out one another in the legion….a happy helpful legion is a fun legion.
6. Rule 6 If all else fails have fun and repeat Rule 1. Because if I log in and don’t see my normal 10-20 npc on the com list then I am not happy and someone is not doing there part ……

Amen to That!!!

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