Bane Reaver

Members of The Hallows Bane come out of hiding only at certain times in the Galactic cycle, looking to harvest unsuspecting ships for their supplies.

Rank: Matched
Shields: None
Hull: Scaled: Unknown
Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: Unknown
Defense: Scaled: Unknown
Cloak: 600
Rewards: Hallows Bane Trick, Megacharged Bane Emitter Approximate Chance: 95%/5%
Expires: After 24 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 12

  • Note: First appeared in 2012 and is available to ranks 500+.

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Cloak
548 0 95,000 13,090 10,900 600
564 0 95,000 13,090 10,900 600
566 0 95,000 13,540 11,275 600
568 0 95,000 13,570 11,300 600
575 0 95,000 13,750 11,450 600
577 0 95,000 13,810 11,500 600
584 0 95,000 13,960 11,625 600
586 0 95,000 14,020 11,675 600
587 0 95,000 14,050 11,700 600
588 0 95,000 14,050 11,700 600
689 0 105,000 16,480 13,725 600
850 0 115,000 20,350 16,950 600
1,007 0 125,000 24,130 20,100 600

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