Galaxy Legion Forum

The Dysonians (Issues and Support)
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Author:  ODragon [ Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dysonians (Issues and Support)

Peticks wrote:
Dan has no reason to step in. you guys let high have the power to shaft you and shaft you he did. this was no issue with the programing. this was not a glitch. this was not something dan was in any way shape or form responsible or had remit for. you promoted him, you gave him the ability to mess up your legion like this. You are neither entitled nor worthy of a refund. you seriously think dans going to step in here when two years back you lost the whole hog to blitz's coup? no. Dans responsible for the game. not the players

You would be the first person crying in here if it happened to you and yours so have some empathy.

The real issue is poor programming and/or forethought. There is zero reason EVER to sell a GP module from your ship or you base. Temporarily uninstall; maybe; sell, never.

I believe that Dan should make it right. It happens so infrequently (first time in 4 years I am aware of), that he should just fix it.

Author:  GRIM_0 [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dysonians (Issues and Support)

and we got them back!!!!!!!

jk. still no response

Author:  pokerman123 [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dysonians (Issues and Support)

send another report with screen shots to him it may of gotten lost in his emails hope you get a response if not guess he just looking at it you guys promoted him you took the chance's a shame some idiot would pull something like that though

Author:  GRIM_0 [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dysonians (Issues and Support)

no response. at least we managed to get a merger that got us back on the boards

Author:  stevo2012 [ Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dysonians

ODragon wrote:
Chris Idra wrote:

Ouch. That is really upsetting and frustrating. I really don't think Dan should allow paid modules to be sold at all. At best, they can be uninstalled.

^ this

Author:  Skeleton1 [ Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dysonians (Issues and Support)

the way i see it there are two people responsible here, the person who did the deed, and the person who pushed the promote button, that being said, i think its unfair the whole legion has to suffer, as the whole legion did not promote the guy (or was there a vote?) I would suggest that the GP artis should be returned to the people who bought them (in all cases not just this one) if removed from the base to do with as they will, of course if the person who promoted the guy also bought the artis, then thats the price you pay for bad judgment, but I think if dan does not replace them, he should.

Author:  SirBlaze [ Thu May 14, 2015 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Dysonians (Issues and Support)

Skeleton1 wrote:
the way i see it there are two people responsible here, the person who did the deed, and the person who pushed the promote button, that being said, i think its unfair the whole legion has to suffer, as the whole legion did not promote the guy (or was there a vote?) I would suggest that the GP artis should be returned to the people who bought them (in all cases not just this one) if removed from the base to do with as they will, of course if the person who promoted the guy also bought the artis, then thats the price you pay for bad judgement, but I think if dan does not replace them, he should.

no there was no vote at the time he was just the next in line for the position when a leader left dyso's leaving a slot open it's how i basically became leader after that

in the end after several E-mails to Dan through various means and from several players ( most with screen shots) there was no response from Dan or the support team Dyso's were able to find another legion to merge with to help bolster numbers and we were able to find a player to buy GP items through a CTP trade for the standard every day GP items, though we're still missing plenty of base modules like bastions and chuhn trading module.

I believe High lotin/gmanilo just rage quit when the take over he did wasn't as successful as he hopped and numbers dropped dramatically so he basically gutted the base taking a years worth of base upkeep with him and removing all decent GB modules i'd say if he could of dismissed the legion he would of

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