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Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 3:49 pm
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The penalty of a base getting disabled is a bit harsh..
It impacts smaller or casual legions much to much.
Although no immediate suggestions.. the 10 day recovery period is too high.
You cannot defend a base against a determined well armed foe..
Smaller bases, and smaller legions, are going to die out.
The trainee system will also negatively impact older players and more powerful legions. They just haven't realized it yet.
(Back to topic) Having a base disabled is hard on moral. Smaller younger players are impacted the most by that.
Getting more arlens is no t really feasible.. its almost a penalty. Not to mention younger players just don't get it.

Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:08 pm
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base production payouts should be considered as a SUPPLEMENT to your own planetary production. anyone relying on the base payout for regular play is crippling themselves in the long run.

Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26
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Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:15 pm
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senatorhung wrote:
base production payouts should be considered as a SUPPLEMENT to your own planetary production. anyone relying on the base payout for regular play is crippling themselves in the long run.

Correct; and even being disabled only reduces its base by 50% (plus in ability to use AP abilities).

Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:34 pm
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Cannot disagree more, bases get locked all the time and yes sometimes depending on who attacking there is zero chance to stop the attackers but that's the game, teach your legion members esp the lower ranked ones there's more to the game than waiting for a base payout. Help the with the ship's, throw some planets their way and get them to improve themselfs so that the highlight of their day isn't 90/100k artifact pull.
Also there should be a disadvantage for a base to be disabled, else every base would be production mod only and base battles would become pointless. If you want an option for Small / Casual legions then maybe an opt-out could be added but in return base production should be dropped 50% and the said legion should be locked out from attacking other bases as well.

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Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:33 pm

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not so sure about that abb, if instead of reduced production for the loser the winners got an extra base pull.....

Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:00 pm

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draxsiss wrote:
not so sure about that abb, if instead of reduced production for the loser the winners got an extra base pull.....

surely you're not suggesting that for every base a legion kills, they get another pull from their own base?

cuz that would mean in our case up to an additional 9 pulls a day of 140k ap.... heck bring on % sundays wherein i'd rake in up to 2.7 million ap for as many bases as we disabled that day

Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:13 pm

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No I ment a pull from the base you disabled. This also has the side benefit of people would want to disable higher ranking bases to get more points instead of just glasses for badages.

Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:27 pm

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I cannot disagree more with the OP.

Your base gets a bonus for not being disabled, increasing each day up to 10 days without being disabled.
The bonus is just that... a bonus. It is not your normal base pull.

As has been pointed out by many posters, defend better, make it hard, add clamps and don't worry too much about what should only be a supplement to your AP.

Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:59 am

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I also disagree with poster.... get enough people you will defend to the teeth and build that pup....sure it will get killed occassionally, but people in real life, take the path of least resistance oft as not. If your base dies a lot, up your game.

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Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:30 am

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The penalty is much more than 50%.. its more like a 90% drop.
I'm not saying no penalty, just reduce it. Change it to 5 days instead of 10.
Not everyone is in a top 50 legion with a level 8+ base. Great if you are..
But that doesn't mean they will not get there.
But having your base production wiped out for 10 days (or more frequently) is pretty demoralizing to a group.
It's pretty easy to get on your high horse and say "defend it better"... that's bs.
The only defense is the deterrent of more arlen fixers.
This issue is killing smaller legions and groups.
It is driving casual players out of the game.
Note I said "CASUAL"... not the die hard types that have been responding to this post.

Also to a lower level player, that base production is HUGE.. To an older player, yes.. should just be a supplement..
but to someone under level 200 it can really help develop the player faster.
We want more new players, right?

Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:45 pm

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People wont start playing due to a base producing more. I don't even know where to go with that one.

As far as low ranks suffering more from base death, well, stuff happens. Quit slow ranking and hoping base collections will do it all for you. There was a day before bases when people had to actually EARN their meals and build their ship based on npc, scans, and missions, not using the base as a crutch. People are waaaay to spoiled toxics, cheap res planets, free arti from base....

UP your game and quit whining. I have a lot of interpersonal empathy on many things, but this isn't one of them.

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Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:31 pm
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While I can agree with what everyone said above, I can also see where the poster is coming from. Having a massive legion wrecking your base constantly can't be fun especially as they're very tough to defend unless you're a legion that's been around for a while with a lot of active members willing to clamp. Maybe have a system where base locks are based on legion strength, or even that any bases destroyed by a legion out of the strength range of that legion don't suffer a penalty when their base is disabled. Just an idea I'll throw out there that'll help new players to catch up to longer playing players faster.

Sun Feb 22, 2015 3:55 pm
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Andy wrote:
The penalty is much more than 50%.. its more like a 90% drop.

nope, maximum defense bonus is 100% for 10 days ... so the penalty maxes out at 50% of your top base production.

Andy wrote:
But having your base production wiped out for 10 days (or more frequently) is pretty demoralizing to a group.

yes, it can be demoralizing. but all you can control is how you respond. you can take it as an incentive to improve (what most other posters here are suggesting), or you can find a better legion where they already have the defend it better mentality.

Andy wrote:
This issue is killing smaller legions and groups.
It is driving casual players out of the game.
Note I said "CASUAL"... not the die hard types that have been responding to this post.

casual players tend not to know what they are missing out on. smaller legions and groups have every right to exist ... but your choice to join / stay with one has consequences. you get a higher per.member base payout in a smaller legion, but you give up more planetary protection and more chances for your base to be disabled.

if a base is constantly disabled, then the focus of smarter players would be to either find a different legion OR start building up your own planetary resources so that your reliance on the base payout is lessened. even at AU's level 8 base, the payout i receive from the base is now just over an hour's worth of my personal production. if you are a legion leader and NOT recommending building up individual capacity, then your members are better off elsewhere anyway.

Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26
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Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:10 pm
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I'd like to point out that you can't activate TR or chuhn the first two days after disable. This does translate in a temporary drop of up to 75% prod drop, but realistically it's closer to 65-70% for those days. How ever, by the time you can use them again, base prod is already only - 30-35% with the boosts. You have to play up your game competitively to get your base to survive. The weaker legions have to work harder, but it makes sense because the top legions only made it there by working harder than their peers back in their time.

NPC is key if you don't have a set plan, or a benefactor, especially when the legion as a whole is weak compared to top50.
PvP gives some vital badges for the market that give +% mods or really good deck:stat ratio.
You don't want to mission aimlessly because it makes ships weak. You do what you need for the best benefits and leave the less useful ones for later. If you purely mission, your in it to build your own ship and not help others. If you don't help others, what right do you have in a say about how a base and legion is maintained? A leader actively works on all parts of the game to break new grounds for his legion.
You want to get your legion active and interesting for others to invest in. Look at how EotS started. It was one of the final top legions made yet still climbed all the way to the top. Their base has become a monstrosity despite being one of the youngest around and all started with the decision to start a new legion by Ko-Chan.

You need to reach out more and offer promises of potential, but not empty promises. You need to give to get through contests, a lot of banter, cooperation, cooperation between legions, allies, helping your lower/newer members grow. Without that, a legion cannot prosper. Just existing as a legion is not enough to motivate people to play and actively grow without using the base as a crutch. Every game you play in with PvP elements, casual players are always targeted by elite players. It's just the way games are. You just have to get to be the best you can be as a casual. Also, I'd like to say any leader who plays very casually and doesn't try to push the limits of what you call casual should not be a leader. They cannot give the support that is required and expected.

Slow Ranking Noob, following the footsteps of TheBlackPearl
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Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:17 pm
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TrinityThree wrote:
I'd like to point out that you can't activate TR or chuhn the first two days after disable. This does translate in a temporary drop of up to 75% prod drop, but realistically it's closer to 65-70% for those days. How ever, by the time you can use them again, base prod is already only - 30-35% with the boosts. You have to play up your game competitively to get your base to survive. The weaker legions have to work harder, but it makes sense because the top legions only made it there by working harder than their peers back in their time.

NPC is key if you don't have a set plan, or a benefactor, especially when the legion as a whole is weak compared to top50.
PvP gives some vital badges for the market that give +% mods or really good deck:stat ratio.
You don't want to mission aimlessly because it makes ships weak. You do what you need for the best benefits and leave the less useful ones for later. If you purely mission, your in it to build your own ship and not help others. If you don't help others, what right do you have in a say about how a base and legion is maintained? A leader actively works on all parts of the game to break new grounds for his legion.
You want to get your legion active and interesting for others to invest in. Look at how EotS started. It was one of the final top legions made yet still climbed all the way to the top. Their base has become a monstrosity despite being one of the youngest around and all started with the decision to start a new legion by Ko-Chan.

You need to reach out more and offer promises of potential, but not empty promises. You need to give to get through contests, a lot of banter, cooperation, cooperation between legions, allies, helping your lower/newer members grow. Without that, a legion cannot prosper. Just existing as a legion is not enough to motivate people to play and actively grow without using the base as a crutch. Every game you play in with PvP elements, casual players are always targeted by elite players. It's just the way games are. You just have to get to be the best you can be as a casual. Also, I'd like to say any leader who plays very casually and doesn't try to push the limits of what you call casual should not be a leader. They cannot give the support that is required and expected.

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Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:26 am
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Bass! How low can you go?
Death row, what a brother knows
Once again, back is the incredible
The rhyme animal
The uncannable D, Public Enemy Number One
Five-O said, "Freeze!" and I got numb
Can I tell 'em that I never really had a gun?
But it's the wax that the Terminator X spun
Now they got me in a cell cause my records, they sell
Cause a brother like me said, "Well
Farrakhan's a prophet and I think you ought to listen to
What he can say to you, what you wanna do is follow for now"
Power of the people, say
"Make a miracle, D, pump the lyrical"
Black is back, all in, we're gonna win
Check it out, yeah y'all, here we go again
Turn it up! Bring the noise!
Turn it up! Bring the noise!

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Message Posted on your Comm: Can you please stop disabling me. It's costing me too much to repair

Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:46 pm

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What about a npc base? One that you as a developer can test out new arties on and we can hit at will. It seems as if we are "capped" by the amount of firpower we can hit a base with. That shouldn't be the case but it is what it is. Also in a similar limit on how low we can attack in pvp do something similar for bases. A lvl 9 base cant hit lvl 5 or lower bases, which would mean less potential attacks on lower bases. For the critical idiots out there limits can be set by Dan this is simply a guideline. And it's a suggestion so we can get conversations started if you don't like the ideas please provide positive input on how to make it better.

Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:45 pm
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