Mission Strategies
Contents |
There are a variety of different approaches you can take towards choosing missions. Which ones you follow depend on which objectives you want to be able to work towards. This page will try to distinguish missions based on some of the possible objectives.
NPC Focus
Every ship starts the game with 2 NPC slots. You can unlock additional NPC slots by completing the indicated missions in the following table. The tactical remodulation ability is also useful to purge any non.alerted NPCs from your battle tab so that you can bypass less desirable NPCs for more desirable ones.
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PvP Focus
Mission | Previous Mission / Prerequisite | Rank Required | Total Energy | Total XP | XP / Energy | Mission Reward | Notes |
A Fateful Decision | Slip-Field Debris | 150 | 49,500 | 94,050 | 1.90 | Uldri Wave Ejector | Player Attack 2-4% (2 hours) |
A Fleeting Aspect | - | 125 | 33,000 | 67,650 | 2.05 | Merged Datanode | Scan 240, Cloak 360, Defense 4% |
Furtive Adjustments | Hastened Dispatch | 300 | 32,000 | 68,000 | 2.13 | Dark Smuggler Chassis | disguises race and profession on the battle tab |
Grid Resistance | The Grid Crisis | 007 | 2,000 | 4,800 | 2.40 | Kalvium Fortified Plating | Hull 150, Hull +5% |
Lazuli Independence | Help from the Inside | 190 | 20,000 | 40,800 | 2.04 | Lazuli Independence Pact | Lazuli Race: Hull +50% |
Sphere of Influence | The Oruas Eye (mission) | 400 | 88,000 | 88,000 | 1 | Hull-Adaptive Ray | 2% PvP Attack (fully upgraded) |
The Vetheral Prisoner | Sileena's Signal, 4000 decks | 100 | 468,000 | 26,000 | 0.06 | Jam Attenuator | Scan 330, additional Blue Badge, Red Badge, Yellow Badge, or Green Badge |
The Xecti Agreement | Cold Evasion | 020 | 7,200 | 15,600 | 2.17 | Xecti Truce Pact | Xecti Race: 40% defense when under attack or invasion |
Weaponizing T-Plasma | Silthion Hybrids | 225 | 27,000 | 63,000 | 2.33 | T-Plasma Gemini Cannon | 2% chance to deal 10% of attacking ships' combined hull and shield when under attack |
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Scan Focus
These missions will unlock scan modules or scan boosts. For additional ways to maximize scan power, see Scan Blitz and Max Scan.
Mission | Previous Mission / Prerequisite | Rank Required | Total Energy | Total XP | XP / Energy | Mission Reward | Scan / Deck | Notes |
A Destiny Unrestrained | The Biofleet Evacuation | 080 | 18,000 | 37,500 | 2.08 | Sehrin, Bioship Ally | - | Scan 149 at ally rank 100 |
A Fleeting Aspect | - | 125 | 33,000 | 67,650 | 2.05 | Merged Datanode | 11.43 | Scan 240, Cloak 360, Defense +4% |
Aberrant Signals | Anomalous Appearance | 005 | 9,000 | 19,800 | 2.20 | Exo-Temporal Translator | 2.50 | Scan 25, Invasion Attack 60 |
Corrupted Influence | The Lutuma Coup, 4000 decks | 400 | 130,000 | 13,000 | 0.10 | Corruption Channeler | - | Scan +1% |
Cracking the Protovault | Protogrid Entry | 100 | 4,200 | 9,100 | 2.17 | Protogrid Access Console | - | Scan +20% (5 minutes) |
Crimson Retaliation | The Garathon Offensive | 300 | 22,000 | 36,850 | 1.68 | Tej-Sheel Data Drone | 9.00 | Scan 180, Energy 180, Cloak 300 |
Deepest Journeys | Empty Arrival | 230 | 48,000 | 125,000 | 2.60 | Gravidynamic Isolator | 2.67 | Scan 40, Shields 60 |
Fragments of the Unseen | Unfamiliar Remnants | 040 | 8,500 | 4,675 | 2.18 | Datastream Compiler | 1.88 | Scan 30 (x2 for explorers and hackers), Defense 25 |
Futile Interrogation | Zortah's Abduction | 260 | 45,000 | 105,000 | 2.50 | Zortah's Interface Upgrade | 7.06 | Scan 113, Energy 45 |
Hidden Voices | Message from the Prejor | 040 | 5,000 | 12,000 | 2.40 | Prejor Decrypted Data | - | Scan 70 (4 hours) |
Hoigra's Disclosure | Vision of Oruas, 4000 decks | 400 | 234,000 | 19,500 | 0.08 | Lutuma Vision Shaper | 4.80 | Scan 240 |
Message from the Prejor | Slaves to the Cause | 040 | 8,800 | 18,480 | 2.10 | Prejor Beacon Sensor | 4.00 | Scan 40 |
Ominous Threat | Hacking the Sentiox | 165 | 27,000 | 63,000 | 2.33 | TitanProxy | 2.50 (before % bonus) | Scan 100, Scan +4% |
Signal Alignment | Prototype Engineering | 200 | 9,500 | 25,500 | 2.68 | Signal Processor Blueprints | 5.33 | Co-Align Signal Processor: Scan 80 |
Silthion Hybrids | Controlling the Silthion | 225 | 108,000 | 234,000 | 2.16 | T-Plasma Dynamo | 2.73 | Scan 60 |
Stryll Infiltration | - | 010 | 4,000 | 8,800 | 2.20 | Stryll Transponder | 2.00 | Scan 20 |
The Alarri Transaction | Closing Engagement | 125 | 20,000 | 40,500 | 2.03 | Trovar Zane, Elite Tracer | - | Scan 179 Ability: Scan +5% (1 hour) |
The Covert Ally | Ravyn, Covert Operative | 100 | 99,000 | 49,500 | 0.50 | Ravyn System Mods | - | Scan 179 |
The Isolation Factor | Reaching the Core | 100 | 32,000 | 65,600 | 2.05 | Te'Vul's Core | 3.00 (before % bonus) | Scan 60, Ability: Scan +4% (1 hour) |
The Klorvis Aftermath | - | 400 | 4,000 | 8,200 | 2.05 | Klorvis Debris | 2.86 | Scan 80 (potential) |
The Lutuma Coup | The Great Elders | 400 | 200,000 | 40,000 | 0.20 | The Oruas Eye (ally) | - | Scan 209 |
The Uldrinan Agreement | Solemn Reflections | 150 | 30,000 | 55,000 | 1.83 | Uldrinan Trade Pact | 6.67 (before % bonus) | Uldrinan Henxicant Scan 200, Scan +2% |
The Vetheral Prisoner | Sileena's Signal, 4000 decks | 100 | 468,000 | 26,000 | 0.06 | Jam Attenuator | 11.00 | Scan 330 |
The Voliir Arrival | Imminent Conflict | 080 | 9,450 | 20,250 | 2.14 | Voliir Modulator | 8.00 | Scan 80 (potential) |
Thoughts Revealed | The Genetarr Capture | 010 | 8,000 | 17,600 | 2.20 | Genetarr Transmitter | 5.50 | Scan 55 (potential) |
Uldrinan Introductions | Passage of Risks | 150 | 49,500 | 94,050 | 1.90 | Uldrinan Onxicant | 9.00 | Scan 180 |
Uncomfortable Diplomacy | The Message Within | 100 | 13,500 | 28,125 | 2.08 | Litheor Data Interface | 1.33 | Scan 20 |
Zortah's Abduction | - | 260 | 54,000 | 126,000 | 2.33 | Zortah's Interface Jack | 4.69 | Scan 75 |
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Planet Artifact Production
This set of missions focuses on boosting artifact production on planets, focusing on %bonuses and structures which provide 2:1 artifact per space or better.
The Invincible Planet Chain provides access to 3 invincible planets. The Planet Transformer Chain provides access to artifacts which will boost both planetary size (up to Colossal) and planetary richness (up to 22x). For more details on maximizing planetary richness, see Maximizing Planets
Mission | Previous Mission / Prerequisite | Rank Required | Total Energy | Total XP | XP / Energy | Mission Reward | Notes |
A Choice of Sides | The Strain of Conflict | 300 | 76,000 | 138,000 | 1.82 | Tejiar Ally HQ | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
A Distant Detonation | - | 300 | 90,000 | 168,750 | 1.88 | T5 Analysis Data | 35% research (1 week) OR 4% research OR 1% all production |
A Station Adrift | - | 020 | 30,000 | 66,000 | 2.20 | Adaptive Spire | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
A Trap for Ja'kell | The Aperture Principle | 125 | 49,000 | 100,450 | 2.05 | Alarri Signaling Drone | Drone Signal Ability x4: 10% production (4 days) |
Beyond the Corporeal | The Trellith Emergence | 040 | 42,500 | 93,500 | 2.20 | Trellith Structural Energizer | +24 arti production building (potential) |
Closing Engagement | A Trap for Ja'kell | 125 | 35,000 | 71,750 | 2.05 | Trader's Boon | can boost arti richness above 15x (random) |
Dark Pursuit | Enigmatic Destruction | 400 | 80,000 | 80,000 | 1.00 | NSX Tracking Matrix | 3:1 arti building (potential) |
Enigmatic Destruction | - | 400 | 88,000 | 88,000 | 1.00 | Nanoshearing Sensor | Scan 200, Cloak 200; NSX Crate: Amber |
Intercepted Tarriance | Unexpected Ties | 100 | 75,000 | 1,200,000 | 0.0625 | XC1 Transport Probe | 2:1 arti building |
Necessary Precautions | - | 150 | 35,000 | 71,750 | 2.05 | Uldri Spacial Marker | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Organic Convergence | Beyond the Corporeal | 040 | 7,500 | 9,500 | 2.60 | Trellith Resequencer | boost planet richness (choice) higher than 15x |
Passage of Risks | The VARA Integration | 150 | 44,000 | 90,200 | 2.05 | VARA Interface | ability: planet production +4% or +8% (2 days) |
Sileena's Signal | The Closing Barrier, 4000 decks | 100 | 280,000 | 17,500 | 0.06 | Terran-Stryll Interrogation Cell | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Silent Extraction | Uncomfortable Diplomacy | 100 | 3,600 | 7,500 | 2.08 | Litheor Transmutative Locator | Artifact +6% (potential) |
Solemn Reflections | A Fateful Decision | 150 | 35,000 | 66,500 | 1.90 | Uldri Recovery Capsule | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Taltherian Renewal | New Generations | 230 | 33,000 | 72,000 | 2.18 | Taltherian Alliance Pact | Taltherian Race: Urbanize ability Planet artifact richness +1 (40 hour cooldown) |
The Alarri Sojourn | Zane's Deal | 125 | 30,000 | 63,000 | 2.10 | Alarri Comm Tower | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Chuhn** | Chuhn seasonal event | 050 | 1,350 | 1,950 | 1.44 | Chuhn Trading Post | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Closing Barrier | The Orbisbarrier Discovery | 100 | 270,000 | 18,000 | 0.0667 | Orbisbarrier HyperNexus Upgrade | 2:1 arti building |
The Elios Migration** | Elios seasonal event | 050 | 900 | 1,500 | 1.67 | Elios Solar Drill | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Era of Harvest** | Harvest seasonal event | 050 | 750 | 1,450 | 2.05 | Perimeter Station Upgrade | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Garathon Offensive | A Choice of Sides | 300 | 76,000 | 134,000 | 1.76 | Raix Refinery | 3:1 arti building (potential) |
The Great Elders | Opening the Kassivar | 400 | 160,000 | 80,000 | 0.50 | Oruas Eye Chamber | 2:1 arti building |
The Great Plot | Chamber of Lies, 4000 decks | 400 | 240,000 | 20,000 | 0.08 | Essence of the Arbilon | Planet production +7% (potential) |
The Hallows Bane (Daily Mission)** | Bane seasonal event | 050 | 1,350 | 1,800 | 1.33 | Bane Psybeacon | 3:1 arti building (potential) |
The Klorvis Aftermath | - | 400 | 4,000 | 8,200 | 2.05 | Klorvis Debris | +30% production (2 days) (potential) |
The Litheor Conciliation | The Isolation Factor | 100 | 15,000 | 30,000 | 2.00 | Litheor Alliance Pact | Litheor Race: Deep-Phase Probe ability 2:1 arti building (40 hour cooldown) |
The Litheor Egress | Tremors From Below | 100 | 12,000 | 25,200 | 2.02 | Litheor Tetractic Crystal | +10% production (2 days) (potential) |
The Lutuma Coup | The Great Elders | 400 | 200,000 | 40,000 | 0.20 | Lutuma Command Module; The Oruas Eye (ally) | +x% planet production based on # of allies; ally ability: 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Oruas Eye (mission) | The Lutuma Report | 400 | 80,000 | 80,000 | 1.00 | Sub-Tachyonic Axis | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Permanent Bond | The Trellith Symbiosis | 040 | 11,000 | 23,100 | 2.10 | Trellith Binding Catalyst | Trellith Influence ability: +30% production (choice) (3 days) |
The Strain of Conflict | Factions at War | 300 | 76,000 | 138,000 | 1.82 | Raix Bunker | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Trellith Emergence | Fragments of the Unseen | 040 | 35,000 | 77,000 | 2.20 | Trellith Comm Relay Upgrade | 2:1 arti building |
The Uldrinan Agreement | Solemn Reflections | 150 | 30,000 | 55,000 | 1.83 | Uldrinan Trade Pact | Uldri Power Node Artifact +5% |
The VARA Integration | Necessary Precautions | 150 | 44,000 | 90,200 | 2.05 | VARA Interface | +4% planet production (2 days), +8% planet production (2 days) (potential) |
Trade Secrets | A Fleeting Aspect | 125 | 56,000 | 114,800 | 2.05 | Trade Outpost Intelligence | +4% planet production |
Tremors From Below | - | 100 | 30,375 | 64,125 | 2.11 | Orbital Stabilizer | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Unexpected Ties | The Covert Ally | 100 | 240,000 | 120,000 | 0.50 | Stryll Bioresearch Bay | 4:1 arti building (potential) |
Unfamiliar Remnants | - | 040 | 28,125 | 61,875 | 2.20 | Intraphasic Hoveroid | +5% planet production |
Vision of Oruas | Corrupted Influence, 4000 decks | 400 | 560,000 | 20,000 | 0.07 | Oruas Corrupted Disjector | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
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Daily Missions
Completing a daily mission is required to rank up Sehrin, Bioship Ally. You can use the rank 100 Kriell, Tejiar Commander Raix Focus ability to repeat the most recently-completed daily mission for the cost of 1 Raix.
Non.Repeatable Daily Missions
These daily missions have a fixed number of completions before they finish and disappear from your Missions Tab.
- ** Seasonal
Mission | Previous Mission / Prerequisite | Mission Chain | Rank Required | Total Energy | Total XP | XP / Energy | Mission Reward | Notes |
A Choice of Sides | The Strain of Conflict | Raix #3 | 300 | 76,000 | 138,000 | 1.82 | Tejiar Ally HQ | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
A Distant Detonation | - | Raix #1 | 300 | 90,000 | 168,750 | 1.88 | T5 Analysis Data | 35% research (1 week) OR 4% research OR 1% all production |
A Fateful Decision | Slip-Field Debris | Uldrinan #6 | 150 | 49,500 | 94,050 | 1.90 | Uldri Wave Ejector | Player Attack 2-4% (2 hours) |
A Fleeting Aspect | - | Alarri #1 | 125 | 33,000 | 67,650 | 2.05 | Merged Datanode | Scan 240, Cloak 360, Defense +4% |
A Strazi Scout | The Vvarix Truth, 4000 decks | Sileena #4 | 100 | 1,560,000 | 52,000 | 0.03 | Strazi Corpse Pod | - |
A Trap for Ja'kell | The Aperture Principle | Alarri #7 | 125 | 49,000 | 100,450 | 2.05 | Alarri Signaling Drone | Drone Signal Ability x4: 10% production (4 days) |
Assault on the Capitol | The Crimson Bait | Raix #8 | 300 | 121,000 | 143,000 | 1.63 | Tejiar Capitol Barrier | - |
Breaching the Compound | The Alarri Sojourn | Alarri #9 | 125 | 42,000 | 98,200 | 2.10 | Alarri Compound Turret | - |
Chamber of Lies | Hoigra's Disclosure, 4000 decks | Corruption #4 | 400 | 640,000 | 40,000 | 0.06 | Tri-Ocular Inhibitor | - |
Closing Engagement | A Trap for Ja'kell | Alarri #8 | 125 | 35,000 | 71,750 | 2.05 | Trader's Boon | can boost arti richness above 15x (random) |
Corrupted Influence | The Lutuma Coup, 4000 decks | Corruption #1 | 400 | 130,000 | 13,000 | 0.10 | Corruption Channeler | Scan +20% (5 minutes) |
Crimson Retaliation | The Garathon Offensive | Raix #6 | 300 | 22,000 | 36,850 | 1.68 | Tej-Sheel Data Drone | Scan 180, Energy 180, Cloak 300 |
Dark Pursuit | Enigmatic Destruction | Lutuma #2 | 400 | 80,000 | 80,000 | 1.00 | NSX Tracking Matrix | 3:1 arti building (potential) |
Enigmatic Destruction | - | Lutuma #1 | 400 | 88,000 | 88,000 | 1.00 | Nanoshearing Sensor | Scan 200, Cloak 200; NSX Crates |
Factions at War | A Distant Detonation | Raix #2 | 300 | 121,000 | 226,875 | 1.88 | Raix-Radiated Plating | Hull 1560, Defense: 600 |
Hoigra's Disclosure | Vision of Oruas, 4000 decks | Corruption #3 | 400 | 234,000 | 19,500 | 0.08 | Lutuma Vision Shaper | Scan 240 |
Intercepted Tarriance | Unexpected Ties | Ravyn #3 | 100 | 1,200,000 | 75,000 | 0.0625 | XC1 Transport Probe | 2:1 arti building |
Necessary Precautions | - | Uldrinan #1 | 150 | 35,000 | 71,750 | 2.05 | Uldri Spacial Marker | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Opening the Kassivar | Sphere of Influence | Lutuma #6 | 400 | 88,000 | 88,000 | 1.00 | The Key of Kassivar | Key ability for random ship bonus |
Passage of Risks | The VARA Integration | Uldrinan #3 | 150 | 44,000 | 90,200 | 2.05 | VARA Interface | ability: planet production +4% or +8% (2 days) |
Porowyn's Arrival | Destiny Discovered medal | - | 1800 | 495,000 | 49,500 | 0.10 | Prismatic Philtery | ability: ?? |
Sileena's Signal | The Closing Barrier, 4000 decks | Sileena #1 | 100 | 280,000 | 17,500 | 0.06 | Terran-Stryll Interrogation Cell | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Slip-Field Debris | Uldrinan Introductions | Uldrinan #5 | 150 | 35,000 | 66,500 | 1.90 | Ventar Field Collapser | - |
Solemn Reflections | A Fateful Decision | Uldrinan #7 | 150 | 35,000 | 66,500 | 1.90 | Uldri Recovery Capsule | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Sphere of Influence | The Oruas Eye (mission) | Lutuma #5 | 400 | 88,000 | 88,000 | 1 | Hull-Adaptive Ray | 2% PvP Attack (fully upgraded) |
The Alarri Sojourn | Zane's Deal | Alarri #4 | 125 | 30,000 | 63,000 | 2.10 | Alarri Comm Tower | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Alarri Transaction | Closing Engagement | Alarri #9 | 125 | 20,000 | 40,500 | 2.03 | Trovar Zane, Elite Tracer | Scan 179 Ability: Scan +5% (1 hour) |
The Aperture Principle | Breaching the Compound | Alarri #6 | 125 | 44,000 | 90,200 | 2.05 | Alarri Probability Core | random 5% bonuses including NPC attack (1 hour) |
The Covert Ally | Ravyn, Covert Operative | Ravyn #1 | 100 | 99,000 | 49,500 | 0.50 | Ravyn System Mods | Scan 179 |
The Crimson Bait | Crimson Retaliation | Raix #7 | 300 | 76,000 | 130,000 | 1.71 | Tej-Brask Refueling Depot | - |
The Garathon Offensive | A Choice of Sides | Raix #5 | 300 | 76,000 | 134,000 | 1.76 | Raix Refinery | 3:1 arti building (potential) |
The Great Elders | Opening the Kassivar | Lutuma #7 | 400 | 160,000 | 80,000 | 0.50 | Oruas Eye Chamber | 2:1 arti building |
The Great Plot | Chamber of Lies, 4000 decks | Corruption #5 | 400 | 240,000 | 20,000 | 0.08 | Essence of the Arbilon | Planet production +7% (potential) |
The Lutuma Coup | The Great Elders | Lutuma #8 | 400 | 200,000 | 40,000 | 0.20 | Lutuma Command Module; The Oruas Eye (ally) | +x% planet production based on # of allies; Scan 209, ally ability: 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Lutuma Report | Dark Pursuit | Lutuma #3 | 400 | 88,000 | 88,000 | 1.00 | Lutuma Memory Core | - |
The Orbisbarrier Discovery | Intercepted Tarriance | Ravyn #4 | 100 | 1,224,000 | 102,000 | 0.0833 | T.O. Orbisbarrier Emitter | - |
The Oruas Eye (mission) | The Lutuma Report | Lutuma #4 | 400 | 80,000 | 80,000 | 1.00 | Sub-Tachyonic Axis | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Strain of Conflict | Factions at War | Raix #3 | 300 | 76,000 | 138,000 | 1.82 | Raix Bunker | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The VARA Integration | Necessary Precautions | Uldrinan #2 | 150 | 44,000 | 90,200 | 2.05 | VARA Interface | +4% planet production (2 days), +8% planet production (2 days) (potential) |
The Vetheral Prisoner | Sileena's Signal, 4000 decks | Sileena #2 | 100 | 468,000 | 26,000 | 0.06 | Jam Attenuator | Scan 330, additional Blue Badge, Red Badge, Yellow Badge, or Green Badge |
The Vvarix Truth | The Vetheral Prisoner, 4000 decks | Sileena #3 | 100 | 87,500 | 8,700 | 0.10 | Strazi Genolink Probe | - |
Trade Secrets | A Fleeting Aspect | Alarri #2 | 125 | 56,000 | 114,800 | 2.05 | Trade Outpost Intelligence | +4% planet production |
Uldrinan Introductions | Passage of Risks | Uldrinan #4 | 150 | 49,500 | 94,050 | 1.90 | Uldrinan Onxicant | Scan 180 |
Unexpected Ties | The Covert Ally | Ravyn #2 | 100 | 240,000 | 120,000 | 0.50 | Stryll Bioresearch Bay | 4:1 arti building (potential) |
Vision of Oruas | Corrupted Influence, 4000 decks | Corruption #2 | 400 | 560,000 | 20,000 | 0.07 | Oruas Corrupted Disjector | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
Zane's Deal | Trade Secrets | Alarri #3 | 125 | 44,000 | 90,200 | 2.05 | Subquantum Tracing Console | - |
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Repeatable Daily Missions
These daily missions DO NOT have a fixed number of completions and will always be available on your Missions Tab once they have been unlocked.
- ** Seasonal
Mission | Previous Mission / Prerequisite | Mission Chain | Rank Required | Total Energy | Total XP | XP / Energy | Mission Reward | Notes |
Gifts Unraveled** | Scruuge seasonal event, 20 completed missions | - | - | 750 | 1,400 | 1.87 | Gift of the Mind | - |
Hosting the Summit | - | - | 050 | 500 | 1,100 | 2.20 | Science Summit Contract | Research +25% (48 hours) |
The Archotage (mission)** | Harvest seasonal event, Ravyn's Return | Terran Outsiders #8 | 075 | 5,000 | 7,500 | 1.50 | Archotage Amplifier | - |
The Chuhn** | Chuhn seasonal event | -- | 050 | 1,350 | 1,950 | 1.44 | Chuhn Trading Post | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Elios Migration** | Elios seasonal event | -- | 050 | 900 | 1,500 | 1.67 | Elios Solar Drill | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Era of Harvest** | Harvest seasonal event | -- | 050 | 750 | 1,450 | 2.05 | Perimeter Station Upgrade | 2:1 arti building (potential) |
The Hallows Bane (Daily Mission)** | Bane seasonal event | -- | 050 | 1,350 | 1,800 | 1.33 | Bane Psybeacon | 3:1 arti building (potential) |
The Klorvis Aftermath | - | - | 400 | 4,000 | 8,200 | 2.05 | Klorvis Debris | Scan 80 (potential), +30% production (2 days) (potential) |
The Lepus Messenger** | Lepus seasonal event | -- | 050 | 1,000 | 1,500 | 1.50 | Lepus Data Kernel | - |
The Q-Pedd Catalyst** | Q-Pedd seasonal event | -- | 050 | 500 | 700 | 1.50 | Hyperluminal Satellite | - |
The Tejiar Reformation | Assault on the Capitol | Raix #9 | 300 | 8,000 | 8,000 | 1.00 | 2 Raix | Kriell, Tejiar Commander |
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