Sensors and Scanners

Sensors and Scanners have multiple uses in the game. A list of their various benefits has been included below. The maximum number of Scanners/sensors allowed on a ship is 5.

  • Increases the chance to successfully scan for planets
  • Increases the chance your ship will critically strike in combat
  • Increases your hacking potential and defense
  • Increases the chance of finding random cloaked ships

The current maximum Scan that can be obtained purely from researchable equipment (ignoring any artifact, Race or Profession bonuses) is from 5 Chroniton Imager - Mark IIIs, which gives 6,900 Scan for 620 decks and takes a total upkeep of 471,500,000,000 (471.5 billion) credits per day.


Researchable Sensors and Scanners

Name Size Scan Bonus Scan Per Size Cost Upkeep CR Images
Proximity Sensor 5 +4 0.800 500 CR 25 prox-sensor.png
Proximity Sensor - Mark II 10 +9 0.900 1,000 CR 50 prox-sensor2.png
EM Scanner 20 +20 1.000 1,500 CR 75 scanner.png
EM Scanner - Mark II 22 +26 1.181 2,250 CR 112.5 scanner2.png
EM Scanner - Mark III 24 +32 1.333 3,375 CR 168.75 scanner3.png
Wideband Scanner 28 +46 1.642 7,600 CR, 152 Dynite 380 wb-scanner.png
Wideband Scanner - Mark II 30 +53 1.766 11,400 CR, 228 Dynite 570 wb-scanner2.png
Wideband Scanner - Mark III 32 +62 1.937 17,000 CR, 34 Chrisium 850 wb-scanner3.png
Multiwave Sensor 36 +80 2.222 38,400 CR, 77 Chrisium 1,920 mw-sensor.png
Multiwave Sensor - Mark II 38 +90 2.368 58,000 CR, 12 Darrinyte 2,900 mw-sensor2.png
Multiwave Sensor - Mark III 40 +100 2.500 87,000 CR, 17 Darrinyte 4,350 mw-sensor3.png
Subspace Sensor 44 +124 2.818 194,620 CR, 39 Darrinyte 9,731 ss-sensor.png
Subspace Sensor - Mark II 46 +138 3.000 300,000 CR, 12 Hydium 15,000 ss-sensor2.png
Subspace Sensor - Mark III 48 +152 3.166 440,000 CR, 18 Hydium 22,000 ss-sensor3.png
Quantum Resonance Sensor 52 +186 3.576 990,000 CR, 20 Erixion 44,500 qr-sensor.png
Quantum Resonance Sensor - Mark II 54 +206 3.814 1,490,000 CR, 30 Erixion 74,500 qr-sensor2.png
Quantum Resonance Sensor - Mark III 56 +226 4.035 2,200,000 CR, 44 Erixion 110,000 qr-sensor3.png
Sub-Dimensional Sensor 60 +272 4.533 5,000,000 CR, 20 Pawlacite 250,000 sd-sensor.png
Sub-Dimensional Sensor - Mark II 62 +298 4.806 7,500,000 CR, 30 Pawlacite 375,000 sd-sensor2.png
Sub-Dimensional Sensor - Mark III 64 +324 5.062 11,200,000 CR, 45 Pawlacite 560,000 sd-sensor3.png
Tachyon Sensor 68 +382 5.617 25,000,000 CR, 50 Dieterion 1,250,000 t-sensor.png
Tachyon Sensor - Mark II 70 +414 5.914 38,000,000 CR, 76 Dieterion 1,900,000 t-sensor2.png
Tachyon Sensor - Mark III 72 +446 6.194 57,000,000 CR, 57 Dysillon 2,850,000 t-sensor3.png
X-Manifold Detector 76 +516 6.789 128,000,000 CR, 107 Dysillon 6,400,000 xm-detector.png
X-Manifold Detector - Mark II 78 +554 7.102 192,000,000 CR, 220 Dysillon 9,600,000 xm-detector2.png
X-Manifold Detector - Mark III 80 +592 7.400 290,000,000 CR, 30 Kurenite 14,500,000 xm-detector3.png
Hyperflux Sensor 84 +670 7.976 650,000,000 CR, 90 Kurenite 32,500,000 hyperflux.png
Hyperflux Sensor - Mark II 86 +712 8.279 970,000,000 CR, 200 Kurenite 48,500,000 hyperflux2.png
Hyperflux Sensor - Mark III 88 +756 8.591 1,500,000,000 CR, 400 Kurenite 75,000,000 hyperflux3.png
Continuum Analyzer 92 +836 9.086 2,500,000,000 CR, 40 Aidonium 125,000,000 conanalyzer.png
Continuum Analyzer - Mark II 94 +895 9.521 3,200,000,000 CR, 60 Aidonium 160,000,000 conanalyzer2.png
Continuum Analyzer - Mark III 96 +960 10.0 4,900,000,000 CR, 90 Aidonium 245,000,000 conanalyzer3.png
Chroniton Imager - Mark I 104 +1090 10.481 420,000,000,000 CR,
5,555 Complex Tech Parts
21,000,000,000 chronscan1.png
Chroniton Imager - Mark II 114 +1250 10.965 900,000,000,000 CR,
11,111 Complex Tech Parts
45,000,000,000 chronscan2.png
Chroniton Imager - Mark IIII 124 +1380 11.129 2,200,000,000,000 CR,
22,222 Complex Tech Parts
110,000,000,000 chronscan3.png

Note: Scanners are a large size module, gaining 2 size per mark and 4 size per new system, except the newest "Chroniton Imager" modules which increase the space required per level.

Discoverable or Salvageable Sensors and Scanners

Name Size Bonus Scan Per Size Second Bonus Gained From Cost to Repair Upkeep Equip Limit Image
AI Supercomputer 0 5 +5 attack, +5 Defense, +5 Cloak 9 missions completed N/A N/A   1 Flux Ringdisc supercomputer.png
Autonomous Processor 20 5% N/A randomized (last scan buff was apr2012) Medal: The Pinnacle 1B CR,
50M CR 1 Autonomous Processor cadevice4.gif
Carjean Data Node(200% upgrade) 25 150 6 +270 Cloak, +10% Hacking Bonus Legion Mission Task: Hack Into Carjean 2.55B CR 127.5M CR 1 Carjean Data Node shdataterm.png
Co-Align Signal Processor 15 80 5.333 - Mission: Signal Alignment
(Artifact: Signal Processor Blueprints)
120M CR,
100 CTP
6M CR 4 Co-Align Signal Processors sensorhub.png
Continuum Parser 30 80 2.667 +80 Cloak, +80 Attack Level 5, 6 & 7 Base Crates 500,000 CR 50,000 CR 4 Parsers kritube.png
Continuum Parser II 30 120 4.0 +120 Cloak, +120 Attack Upgrading via vision from The Oruas Eye (ally) 500,000 CR 50,000 CR 4 Parsers kritube.png
Cybernetic Link Interface
(200% upgrade)1
30 120 4 +120 Attack, +120 Defense,+120 Cloak, +120 Energy Legion Mission Task: Perform Cybernetic Link Experiments 6B CR 300M CR 1 Cybernetic Link Interface cybpart.png
Darmos Champion Seal (200% Upgrade) 35 120 3.43 +120 Attack, +120 Defense, +120 Energy Overall success on Arenas of the Darmos Games 127.5M CR 2.55B CR 1 Darmos Champion Seal dcseal.png
Exo-Temporal Translator 10 25 2.5 +60 Invasion Attack Mission: Aberrant Signals 47,500 CR 2,500 CR   4 Exo-Temporal Translators exotemp.png
Eye of Andromeda 20 50 2.5 +60 Energy NPC: Chuhn Merchant 900M CR 45M CR   2 Eye of Xs eyeandr.png
Eye of Sagittarius 22 60 2.5 +70 Energy NPC: Chuhn Merchant 900M CR 45M CR   2 Eye of Xs eyesag.png
Eye of Virgo 25 80 3.2 +90 Energy NPC: Chuhn Merchant 6.9B CR 345M CR   2 Eye of Xs eyevirgo.png
Flux Ringdisc 0 30 +30 Cloak 82 missions completed N/A N/A   1 Flux Ringdisc ringdisc.png
Genetarr Transmitter 10 20 2 +20 Energy Mission: Thoughts Revealed 12,500 CR 1,250 CR 4 Genetarr Transmitters gcomm.png
Genetarr Transmitter -
Mark II4
10 55 5.5 +20 Energy Mission: Thoughts Revealed 125,000 CR 12,500 CR 4 Genetarr Transmitters gcomm.png
Gravimetric Flume 18 90 5 - Collective Theory Lab 400M CR 20M CR 3 Gravimetric Flume bp-gflume.png
Lepus Detector 15 30 2 +25 Attack NPC: Bio-Con Minor, Lepus Elite 8M CR 400K CR 2 Lepus Sensors lepusscan.png
Lepus Revealer 25 60 2.4 +50 Attack NPC: Bio-Con Alpha, Lepus Elite 100MCR 5M CR 2 Lepus Sensors lepusscan2.png
Lepus Widecaster 30 90 3 +75 Attack NPC: Bio-Con Prime, Lepus Base 300M CR 15M CR 2 Lepus Sensors lepusscan3.png
Lepus Surveyor 35 120 3.43 +100 Attack NPC: Bio-Con X32, Lepus Elite 3B CR 150M CR 2 Lepus Sensors lepusscan4.png
Merged Datanode (500% Upgrade) 21 240 11.43 +360 Cloak, +4% Defense Mission: A Fleeting Aspect 15M CR 300M CR   1 Merged Datanode onxicant.gif
Mission Archives 20 140 6 +200 Hull Medal: The MVP 46.5M CR 930M CR   1 Mission Archives marchive.png
Omni-Field Regulator 28 80 2.857 +300 Shields Mission: The Klorvis Aftermath
(Artifact: Klorvis Debris)
1B CR 50M CR 3 Omni-Field Regulators wregulator.gif
Prejor Beacon Sensor 10 40 4 - Mission: Message from the Prejor 47,500 CR 2,500 CR   2 Prejor Beacons prej-detector.png
Sha'din Supercomputer 10 25 2.5 +25 Cloak NPC: Yahnosh, Sha'din Hacker
NPC: Sha'din AI Matrix
190,000 CR 10,000 CR   4 Sha'din Computers shadincomp.png
Sha'din AI Core 12 35 2.916 +35 Cloak NPC: Sha'din AI Matrix 1M CR 50,000 CR   4 Sha'din Computers shadincomp2.png
Sha'din Hypergrid Core 14 55 3.928 +55 Cloak NPC: Sha'din Hypergrid 10M CR 500,000 CR   4 Sha'din Computers shadincomp3.png
Strazi Oculix (200% upgrade) 30 180 6 +300 Defense Legion Mission Task: Engage The Strazi 27.75B CR 1.39B CR 1 Strazi Oculix oculix.png
Stryll Hunt Sensor 10 50 5 - NPC: Sketh, Stryll Predator 190,000 CR 10,000 CR 2 Stryll sensors cprobe3.png
Stryll Prey Tracker 14 75 5.357 - NPC: Graxis, Stryll Prison 2.1M CR 55,000 CR 2 Stryll sensors cprobe4.png
Stryll Locator Eye 20 125 6.25 - NPC: Grivv Prime 46M CR 3.9M CR 2 Stryll sensors stryllhs3.gif
Stryll GenoLocator 30 175 5.83 - NPC: Stryll Genosynth 1.92B CR 96M CR 2 Stryll sensors stryllhs4.gif
Stryll Transponder 10 20 2 +20 Defense Mission: Stryll Infiltration 47,500 CR 1,300 CR   2 Stryll Transponders stransponder.png
Tachyon Router 0 25 +10 Energy 46 missions completed N/A N/A   1 Tachyon Router grbox.png
Tej-Sheel Data Drone (500% Upgrade) 20 180 9 +180 Energy, +300 Cloak Mission: Crimson Retaliation 4.2B CR 210M CR   1 Tej-Sheel Data Drone tejprobe.png
The Litheoria 20 75 9 +75 Attack Medal: Under Pressure 850M CR 42.5M CR   1 Litheoria litheoria.png
TitanProxy 40 100 2.5 - Mission: Ominous Threat 1B CR 50M CR   3 TitanProxys
Uldrinan Henxicant (300% Upgrade) 30 200 6.67 +400 Shields, +520 Hull, +2% Scan Bonus Market: Uldrinan Market 21.2B CR 1.06B CR   1 Uldrinan Henxicants uldmi1.png
Uldrinan Onxicant (500% Upgrade) 20 180 9 +240 Cloak, +720 Hull Mission: Uldrinan Introductions 660M CR 33M CR   1 Uldrinan Onxicants onxicant.gif
Voliir Modulator5 10 40 4 +15 Energy NPC: Voliir Enforcer 50,000 CR 2,500 CR 3 Voliir Modulators volscan5.png
Zortah's Interface Jack 16 75 4.69 +30 Energy Mission: Zortah's Abduction 56M CR 2.8M CR   3 Sha'din Interfaces z-interface.png
Zortah's Interface Jack v.2 (Upgrade) 16 113 7.06 +45 Energy Mission: Futile Interrogation 56M CR 2.8M CR   3 Sha'din Interfaces z-interface2.png

1 Module stacks, upgrading its stats (including upkeep, but not its size) by 50%, up to 200% max. Unlocks Cybernetic Helm Connection ability when fully upgraded (One helmsmen is added to your crew; Cooldown: 20 hours).

2 While installed, Datastream Compilers give Explorers and Hackers double the Scan bonus.

3 While installed, Datastream Compilers give Aerlen, Genetarr, and Xecti double the Defense bonus.

4 Genetarr Transmitter will install as Mark II if you are higher than rank 50 when you first install it. It is therefore highly recommended that you wait until rank 50 before installing it.

5 Voliir Modulator will install as Mark II, doubling both the Scan and Energy bonuses, if you have at least one 'F.A.T.H.E.R.' module already installed when you first install it. It is therefore highly recommended that you wait until you have at least one F.A.T.H.E.R. before installing it.

Combat Market Sensors and Scanners

Name Size Scan Secondary Bonus Scan Ratio Cost in Badges Repair Cost Upkeep Equip Limit Equip Requirements Image
Tetra-Seek Targeter 20 40 +5% Attack Vs. Bases 2 24 Silver Badges 1,000,000 Cr. 50,000 Cr. 3 Tetra-Seek Targeters Rank 40+ basetargeter.png
Decryption Quad-Frame 10 25 +25 Cloak 2.5 80 Blue Badges  ? Cr. 5,000 Cr. 4 Decryption Quad-Frames None mechcomp2.png
Decryption Senary-Frame Upgrade 10 45 +45 Cloak 4.5 136 Blue Badges, 350 Medal points earned.  ? Cr. 250,000 Cr. 4 Decryption Senary-Frames None d6frame.gif
Composite Ray - Type S 13 40** +80 Attack 3.08 304 Dark Badges  ? Cr.  ? Cr. 4 Composite Rays Rank 50+ myscannon2.png

    • NOTE: Scan is an optional bonus for the Composite Ray, The "Secondary" Bonus is technically it's "Primary" Bonus. You must choose the Weapon's Bonus when you purchase it from the Battle Market.

See also

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