senatorhung's analysis: 100% DCR (SSB strategy guide)
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Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:09 am Posts: 3473

porting this over from the pretty much defunct 1. what is SSB strategy ? 2. trade-offs 3. so why SSB ? 4. recommended priorities 5. SSB advice from others 1. what is SSB strategy ? SSB (small-ship build) strategy takes advantage of the damage cap formula. * the maximum damage that an enemy ship / base can do to you is: your ship decks / 2 OR (your rank + 19) / 2when you have decks = rank +19 ... then you have achieved a damage cap rating of 100%. however, this is not feasible at lower ranks as you do not have enough decks for any scan runs, you do not have enough space for energy modules, and you are unable to protect yourself effectively against pvp attacks. using a formula for damage cap rating of [(rank + 19) / decks], a 'true' SSB would have a 100% rating, anyone with at least an 85% rating would still generally be considered SSB, while anyone with higher than a 40% rating would be considered a MSB (medium ship-build). any ship with lower than a 40% rating would be considered a LSB (large ship-build).*note: this is the nerfed damage cap formula. the original damage cap formula, prior to April 2011, only used deck/2, leading to the 'scout of mass destruction' build, with no need for hull, shield, or defense. 2. trade-offsLSB's can install any ship module they acquire, without worrying about efficiency. the trade-off is that they can get hit for much more damage, whenever an opponent's attack far exceeds even their massive amounts of defense and hull. SSB's do not have enough space to install everything, anytime a pilot wishes to switch modes (scanning mode, hacking mode, raiding mode, npc mode, pvp mode, mission / energy mode, etc.), they must manually uninstall and re-install each individual ship module for those respective modes. after 10 uninstalls, a ship module breaks, incurring repair costs equal to the original purchase cost in credits. this can get expensive ... VERY expensive. however, you also install fewer modules, which cuts down a bit on daily upkeep costs. keep in mind that those lower-efficiency modules that would eat up a ton of deck space gather dust in cargo for a LONG time, and are always subject to a misclick scrap, so choose wisely when selecting which missions to complete. until a SSB ship reaches around rank 500-1000, when their artifact production kicks into high gear, their ship is generally weaker than other ships that have played for the same amount of time. at lower ranks, other ships will have much higher firepower, or be able to rank much faster with larger energy bars. however, properly-built SSB ships will eventually be able to hold their own against anyone in their battle tab range, but patience is required for the long slog to get to that point. 3. so why SSB ?there are 3 reasons that SSB may be worthwhile: A. optimize ship modules / low upkeep B. defend Exotica to get the medal C. discourage pvp retaliation A. optimize ship modules / low upkeepby going SSB, you only put on the highest efficiency ship modules in the long-term. in the endgame, your researched shield, hull, defense, attack, and energy mods can all be overtaken by artifacts. this leaves only scan, cloak, energy recharge, and shield recharge as essentials. at the lowest ranks, however, you need the deck space to just survive, so it would be better to figure out which mods you want to end up with at an interim rank, calculate how many decks they will take, acquire that many decks via ship.bots or rank points and then work within that amount of decks. attack, defense, cloak, and scan can all be debuffed, but hull is immune to debuffs. thus, hull modules and bonuses should be a top priority as they will combine with the damage cap to make you last longer between disables. some opponents have even given up with only one or two hits left as they either run out of energy or patience. if hull mods are good for SSB's, they surely shield and defense mods would be too ? not so. any attacker will likely have many more decks of guns so that any researched defense mods you do try out will likely not diminish the damage being done per hit. the GP mods which give % bonuses to defense will likely still pass muster. once you have enough android helmsmen already onboard, the %def bonus from the velox thrusters can be beneficial as well. meanwhile, since shields can be vaporized with a single krionite torpedo, avoiding reliance on shields is a good habit to start. any other modules (scan, cloak, attack, energy) will switch around like a merry-go-round. the modules that you do decide to keep will have high stats relative to deck space or upkeep cost. which ones you focus on will depend on what kind of play style you wish to pursue. ideally, a SSB is built for PvP, so getting scan and cloak mods to get the hacking and raiding medals and battle market artifacts which give % bonuses would be appropriate. if you are thinking of pvp'ing (kills), you might want to focus on dominion cannons for attack mods, but don't expect to go toe-to-toe with others for awhile. on defense, even though you may be doing more damage to the attacker, if the attacker is online when you are not, they can quickly repair before finishing you off. better to just switch into gun mode when you go on a pvp rampage, and then back to hull / defense mode when going offline. with only a couple NPC slots available to start with, NPC runs are not very productive, but if you pursue the zolazin and lazuli race mission chains, you can unlock 2 additional NPC slots from each. the earlier you do this, the better, if you are aiming to eventually rank up via NPC'ing to maximize the NPC drops per rank. keep in mind that speed-ranking and SSB are not ideal partners as you need time to build up your ship from artifact production. this is also why maximizing energy to pursue missions as a SSB is a mistake - you get no advantages from your damage cap and you miss out on those NPC drops as you rank out of range. ranking more slowly gives you longer access to NPCs and allows you to get sufficient research for the best hull modules and obviation barriers (shield mods) to defend your planets. for scan runs, you can avoid pvp for a day to put on a halc, go 'naked' and then buy and install the biggest scan modules you can afford. after the scan run, the scan modules are sold off as they are some of the most expensive modules in terms of upkeep. lack of scan is the most critical area of weakness for a SSB under rank 100 as the quality of planets that you can scan is greatly hindered - this is where selecting an appropriate legion is crucial. overall, SSB's are for those who like to optimize. this requires time, effort, and usually a handy spreadsheet to track everything. if you are a more casual player, aim for a MSB or LSB type build. B. defend Exotica to get the medal you like to invade planets ? well, the Exotica medal rewards the Exotic Bio-Disruptor 2.0 which gives an extra invasion attack of 350 PLUS an additional 6% bonus to your overall invasion attack. to get that goody, you need to fend off all comers for 8 hours and then flag the planet. if you have built your SSB properly, this should be easy-peasy. change race to Lazuli Fixer, put on all your fancy Kalviums, Scruuge and Allocore hull mods / buffs and have your arti tab open to spam hundreds of nani (for nanite swarm capsules) and nano (for repair nanodrones). that is all you will need to KEEP Exotica. however, GETTING Exotica is a whole other ballgame ... C. discourage pvp retaliation the early ranks, anyone with enough energy and patience will take you down, regardless of your damage cap. an SSB is not an impregnable shield. however, once you get into the 300's or so, you will have enough planet slots to get some decent artifact production. even better would be if you have already unlocked your mission exotic and mission dyson planets. once it takes more than 50 hits (250 energy) to knock down your hull of durtanium brackets, most attackers will tend to write you off, unless you have done something to earn their ire. with all rescued prisoners going to tactical officers, you also now have some firepower oomph. from rank 300 to 500 is probably the ideal range to pvp, and the SSB shines throughout. the hack and raids leaderboards include many lower-ranking SSB's who don't worry too much about being alerted to opposing legions (and sometimes look forward to being alerted!). 4. recommended priorities- maximum hull module research - protean armouries - very efficient hull modules with raiding bonus - cipherbots - hacking bonuses with cloak to help hide you from similar-rank attackers - +2 npc slots from zolazin mission chain - +2 npc slots from the lazuli mission chain - kalvium platings (% hull bonus) from mylarai mission chain 5. SSB advice from otherscylontoaster: defense mod suggestions: this is even more restrictive for SSB:'s post on power-ranking ... pretty much the opposite of SSB strategy: you sell the scan mods in between runs ... make sure to have enough energy to scan until grey: build ?? "How to build a great SSB" query:"How to properly build a SSB" query: comparing ship builds: debouwer created a diary of a SSB build from reset to rank 100 before moving to MSB to start auto.ranking from NPC's:'s guide to picking your GL path covers SSB's in path #2:'s complaint about the damage cap formula and its effects when pvp'ing against SSB's:'s complaint about how Golgotha's single SSB held off all comers from 3 high-ranked legions from knocking him off of Exotica:'s question about whether SSB is cowardly: - gets a response from super-SSB Ejjakai explaining how the damage cap had already been nerfed to include rank to eliminate the effectiveness of the scout of mass destruction
_________________Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26 _____________ PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;
Last edited by senatorhung on Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:10 am, edited 9 times in total.
Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:34 am |
Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:55 pm Posts: 379
Haven't seen comments on this but I think it should receive credit it deserves - awesome informative post
Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:05 pm |
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:51 pm Posts: 331
Talking from personal experience here, power ranking can be the best way to build a good SSB if you do it right... At 2870 decks I'm the biggest SSB there is, but still an SSB  (rank 2824 with 2 years and 4 months played - in a few more ranks I will need to start adding decks again). The way I managed my deck size was always having enough space to install the scan modules I had access to, so I could do scan runs often enough while getting a lot of terraformers from NPCing. Getting badges has always been easy too... bit harder now due to lack of targets, but the new yellow badge stuff wasn't available when I did most of my killings ;P
Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:04 pm |
Joined: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:26 am Posts: 337
Didn't read all... but im confident those information from you are very informative. BUMP & KUDOS!! 
_________________MiracleOne, The Annihilator: Rank 1050Insane (Epic Legendary) Unbuffed Strength: 120,000+ w/Unbuffed Armor: 250,000+ The Dark Justice, assisting New Ship Members w/Everyday Even Strong Artifacts Payout
Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:15 am |
Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 7:33 pm Posts: 1988 Location: Aboard Blackwood Hall

First of all I want to say I dislike the nomenclature that's commonly acceptable. The "Small" in SSB works at lower ranks, but Raider Build is more accurate beyond low ranks. I say this because 4400 Decks isn't small by anyone's definition, however it's reasonably well within an SSB's parameters for a Rank 2000, so yeah I'll use the common terms, but they're not remotely accurate for the current state of the game.
Anyway, I was looking for something with nice definitions for SSB, MSB, LSB and HSB, which I absolutely didn't find here and decided to just ask here rather than continue searching for what likely doesn't exist.
Nobody, (admit it, not even you), would consider a ship with over 8.2k Decks to be an MSB, 'cause as far as I know that's larger than a Huge Ship Build (maxed LSB).
So mostly I'm curious to see what the community would say is a true definition of MSB and thus delineate the lower end of an LSB. (I personally didn't think my ship was an MSB, but it's not much larger than your definition for SSB given here.)
To that end we may want to redefine SSB to something that's accurate for all rank ranges too. Unless people honestly believe that 6000 Decks at Rank 1981 is truly "small" and not average.
Oh, and while we're at it, anyone want to figure out how many decks a Huge Ship Build has to have to fit absolutely everything now in game?
_________________DixieLandDelight: Lord SoulPlay's Padawan & Warden of the Chesterton Royal Asylum 
Sat May 17, 2014 2:03 am |
Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:48 am Posts: 18
I do think SSB disappears at some point, not sure what rank but people at rank 2k can never be a SSB. Defining a SSB as a ship that stays at the lowest possible damage cap may need some tinkering.
Sat May 17, 2014 7:14 am |
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:09 am Posts: 3473
my original definitions were outlined in section 1: "so, a deck value of 3x (rank + 19) is still generally considered to be SSB, with up to 6x (rank + 19) being considered a MSB (medium ship-build). LSB's (large ship-builds) would be anything higher than this." the link points to a previous version of the shiplog showdown for guidance. here's the latest chart from the shiplog showdown, this time with ranks instead of days played:  instead of ssb ... you could use 1x. a 1x, 3x, or 5x ship would mean different things depending on which rank range you are looking at: 0-500, 500-1000, 1000-1500, and 1500+ so you could have diagonal lines from upper left, going right down to the bottom axis. anything to the left of that line would be considered SSB. then MSB would be parallel to that at a higher level, and LSB would be a third parallel beyond that. but small-medium-large doesn't quite fit that scale, so some other terminology might be appropriate.
_________________Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26 _____________ PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;
Sat May 17, 2014 7:21 am |
Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 7:33 pm Posts: 1988 Location: Aboard Blackwood Hall

Merghltron wrote: I do think SSB disappears at some point, not sure what rank but people at rank 2k can never be a SSB. Defining a SSB as a ship that stays at the lowest possible damage cap may need some tinkering. By this definition an SSB become an HSB at Rank 8042, but it still doesn't tell me where an MSB falls between Decks=Rank+19 and Decks=8061.
senatorhung wrote: [...] 3x (rank + 19) is still generally considered to be SSB, with up to 6x (rank + 19) being considered a MSB (medium ship-build). Yes, I know what you claim the definitions are, and that's my point.
To put it another way, what I'm saying to you is that your definitions as described are patently absurd beyond low to early mid ranks and clearly need to be reinterpreted.
As it stands you're saying every ship above Rank 1340, REGARDLESS of total Decks, is an MSB or smaller, and every ship above Rank 2680 is an SSB, even with every last module in the game (including ratios as awesome as Bio-Signature Scramblers) installed. (Basing the rank guestimates upon Max Decks for an HSB being 8061 as calculated here.)
By your definition, the MyLilPony is generally accepted as a SMALL Ship Build as long as he has under 12861 Decks (3*(4268+19)).
_________________DixieLandDelight: Lord SoulPlay's Padawan & Warden of the Chesterton Royal Asylum 
Last edited by Annabell on Sat May 17, 2014 8:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sat May 17, 2014 9:46 am |
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:09 am Posts: 3473

do i think Golgotha is a SSB ? nope. the original definitions that i offerred were from many months ago using the information available at that time from the shiplog showdown. the question at that time was what constituted a SSB and i made my proposal as a rough guideline to highlight ranges of damage caps - it was not meant to be extrapolated to the higher ranks wholesale, but no one offerred any better definition. in my response to your post, i outlined how you were incorrect in stating that no definition had been supplied. while you may disagree with the proposed outline, you offered no alternative. in that same response, i offerred an alternative solution, obviously agreeing in spirit with your contention that a higher rank ship is unlikely to be considered 'small', but you completely ignored it so i guess your only interest was in ranting about the terminology that is commonly used. if the hangup is based on the number of decks related to damage cap, then you can use 'efficient' ship build (ESB) and 'bloated' ship build (BSB) as new terms. but those will be just as challenging to come up with numbers that will provide a reasonable comparison across ranks. the easiest would likely be as a percentage of the total number of decks required to install every single ship mod. so you could have a 1xSSB for damage cap purposes, while having a 0.2 ESB for efficiency purposes.  i used a fixed value of 10k for max decks for this, but it should vary as each new mod gets released. the x-axis becomes a measure of 'efficiency'. ships that require more efficient mods will appear to the left, while ships that are more efficient in terms of not having to shuffle mods around will appear on the right. inverting the decks / SSB decks gives this chart of 'deck efficiency':  x-axis remains decks / max decks (10k used) y-axis = SSB decks / decks
_________________Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26 _____________ PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;
Last edited by senatorhung on Sat May 17, 2014 10:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Sat May 17, 2014 10:20 am |
Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 7:33 pm Posts: 1988 Location: Aboard Blackwood Hall
You gave me a picture and said draw lines on it, that's not a definition. I'm asking if there's a formula that doesn't say the MyLilPony is a Medium Ship Build at 25722 Decks or less.
All the charts in the world mean nothing without explanation. All I see is a bunch of colorful dots with no formula and no specific example(s) of that formula in practice with actual Ranks and Decks cited.
I'm not offering alternatives 'cause obviously I wouldn't be asking what an SSB and MSB really is if I knew the answer. 
Basically the only way I see to fix this is if there's some sort of modifier applied that accounts for Decks capping out at a max. (If you're saying you've done this, then what's the specific formula(s) you used for it?)
The only thing I know for certain is that a Strict Small Ship Build (SSSB) is Decks=Rank+19 and a Huge Ship Build (HSB) is Decks=8061 (assuming my Max Decks calculation is correct).
_________________DixieLandDelight: Lord SoulPlay's Padawan & Warden of the Chesterton Royal Asylum 
Sat May 17, 2014 8:36 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:17 pm Posts: 140

We could redefine the terms of what SSB, MSB and LSB mean in a given rank range by basing it on the average deck count of players in a given rank range. Also taking into consideration the usefulness of said average decks at a given rank range. The average decks for the range usually gives an approximation of between MSB and LSB in the low to mid rank ranges, and follows the mostly linear equations senator statedTherefore, we could extend this thought to high ranks, where the average decks seen represent a high rank player between MSB and LSB. Then we can retrofit an equation to this kind of graph, giving a new equation that will: - satisfy the nearly linear data of what early to mid rank SSB/MSB/LSB are based on sens original equations of Quote: 3x (rank + 19) is still generally considered to be SSB, with up to 6x (rank + 19) being considered a MSB (medium ship-build). LSB's (large ship-builds) would be anything higher than this.
- also satisfy the different data set of high ranks, where the linear equation no longer applies. Or, we could define a boundary like was done for the scan blitz, and use 2 different equations to define SSB/MSB/LSB. One low/mid rankers and one separately for high rankers.However, this kind of defeats the beauty of having one unifying equation that can define the boundaries all at once by using the existing data of lower ranks to outline an equation that also takes into consideration high ranks. The only issue is we dont have a way to reliably obtain a mass consensus of ship sizes realistically.
Sat May 17, 2014 8:51 pm |
Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 7:33 pm Posts: 1988 Location: Aboard Blackwood Hall

Ghznl wrote: We could redefine the terms of what SSB, MSB and LSB mean in a given rank range by basing it on the average deck count of players in a given rank range. Also taking into consideration the usefulness of said average decks at a given rank range. The average decks for the range usually gives an approximation of between MSB and LSB in the low to mid rank ranges, and follows the mostly linear equations senator statedTherefore, we could extend this thought to high ranks, where the average decks seen represent a high rank player between MSB and LSB. Then we can retrofit an equation to this kind of graph, giving a new equation that will: - satisfy the nearly linear data of what early to mid rank SSB/MSB/LSB are based on sens original equations of Quote: 3x (rank + 19) is still generally considered to be SSB, with up to 6x (rank + 19) being considered a MSB (medium ship-build). LSB's (large ship-builds) would be anything higher than this.
- also satisfy the different data set of high ranks, where the linear equation no longer applies. Or, we could define a boundary like was done for the scan blitz, and use 2 different equations to define SSB/MSB/LSB. One low/mid rankers and one separately for high rankers.However, this kind of defeats the beauty of having one unifying equation that can define the boundaries all at once by using the existing data of lower ranks to outline an equation that also takes into consideration high ranks. The only issue is we dont have a way to reliably obtain a mass consensus of ship sizes realistically. Why not something simple, like:
(Decks/Max Decks) = SSSB Score
SSSB Score <0.1 = SSSB
SSSB Score of 0.1 to 0.25 = SSB
SSSB Score of 0.25 to 0.5 = MSB
SSSB Score of 0.5 to 0.99 = LSB
SSB Score of 1.0 = HSB
_________________DixieLandDelight: Lord SoulPlay's Padawan & Warden of the Chesterton Royal Asylum 
Sat May 17, 2014 9:12 pm |
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:09 am Posts: 3473

senatorhung wrote: instead of ssb ... you could use 1x.
a 1x, 3x, or 5x ship would mean different things depending on which rank range you are looking at: 0-500, 500-1000, 1000-1500, and 1500+
so you could have diagonal lines from upper left, going right down to the bottom axis. anything to the left of that line would be considered SSB. then MSB would be parallel to that at a higher level, and LSB would be a third parallel beyond that. but small-medium-large doesn't quite fit that scale, so some other terminology might be appropriate. didn't post this originally as i was ready for bed and did not have the mental energy to fiddle with my graphics program. plus, i was still figuring out what ranges could be assigned to each category. here's what that would look like:  so this still uses the 3x/6x model for lower ranks, but scales it down as rank increases. someone else will have to come up with the equations to match these points: rank 1 - SSB up to 3x, MSB 3x to 6x, LSB 6x to 10x rank 500 - SSB up to 1x, MSB 1x to 5x, LSB 5x to 8x rank 1500 - MSB up to 1x, LSB 1x to 2.5x (assuming LSB 1x at rank 2000) again, i think the SSB, MSB, and LSB designations should be restricted to their current common usage with respect to damage cap, and some other terms should be used for deck efficiency. Annabell wrote: Why not something simple, like:
(Decks/Max Decks) = SSSB Score
SSSB Score <0.1 = SSSB
SSSB Score of 0.1 to 0.25 = SSB
SSSB Score of 0.25 to 0.5 = MSB
SSSB Score of 0.5 to 0.99 = LSB
SSB Score of 1.0 = HSB my SSSB score is currently 1 ... but with all the ship mod shuffling i have to do, i would not consider myself a HSB. so rank still has to come into play somehow ... Ghznl wrote: We could redefine the terms of what SSB, MSB and LSB mean in a given rank range by basing it on the average deck count of players in a given rank range. the issue with using 'average' decks is that this doesn't account for the decrease in usefulness of decks as rank increases. at lower ranks, decks are essential, so there is a real trade-off between ship mod capacity and damage cap considerations. at higher ranks, this trade-off disappears. using any kind of 'average' would not clarify the differences in ship build strategies.
_________________Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26 _____________ PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;
Last edited by senatorhung on Sat May 17, 2014 10:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Sat May 17, 2014 9:57 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:17 pm Posts: 140

Annabell wrote: Why not something simple, like:
(Decks/Max Decks) = SSSB Score
SSSB Score <0.1 = SSSB
SSSB Score of 0.1 to 0.25 = SSB
SSSB Score of 0.25 to 0.5 = MSB
SSSB Score of 0.5 to 0.99 = LSB
SSB Score of 1.0 = HSB This one doesnt apply properly to low ranks. I know a rank 150 with 2500 decks. Thats far and large a LSB. Yet according to your listing, he would be on the boarder of SSB/MSB This is why Im saying that the data for low-mid and high ranks cannot be defined by a simple linear relation. Your method uses different variables then sens to obtain a linear set for higher ranks, but is inapplicable to lower ranks. Sens original method only applies to low-mid ranks and doesnt make sense for high ranks. I *could* suggest to make a complicated negative logarithmic style function that defines the mean in the MSB range. It would be just like how the toughness equation in the SSR was a revised equation to give a better picture of the durability of a GL ship when under fire EDIT: just saw that graph, its a rough approximation of what I was envisioning, except it wouldnt be a linear line, it would be a downward curve that levels out. This is because in the rank 1000+ range, the decks required further on really levels out and generally does not make sense to add more decks. But yes, thats very similar to what I meant where the x axis is rank and y axis is decks/SSB decks.senatorhung wrote: Ghznl wrote: We could redefine the terms of what SSB, MSB and LSB mean in a given rank range by basing it on the average deck count of players in a given rank range. the issue with using 'average' decks is that this doesn't account for the decrease in usefulness of decks as rank increases. at lower ranks, decks are essential, so there is a real trade-off between ship mod capacity and damage cap considerations. at higher ranks, this trade-off disappears. using any kind of 'average' would not clarify the differences in ship build strategies. Typically an average ship does have more decks then what useful mods are realistically available to them in a given rank range. A rank 100 *can* aim for velox and aegis, but realistically takes forever and shouldnt be taken into consideration when trying to come up with an average build deck count
Sat May 17, 2014 10:10 pm |
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:09 am Posts: 3473

Ghznl wrote: I *could* suggest to make a complicated negative logarithmic style function that defines the mean in the MSB range. It would be just like how the toughness equation in the SSR was a revised equation to give a better picture of the durability of a GL ship when under fire
EDIT: just saw that graph, its a rough approximation of what I was envisioning, except it wouldnt be a linear line, it would be a downward curve that levels out. But yes, thats very similar to what I meant where the x axis is rank and y axis is decks/SSB decks. i just used straight lines for drawing purposes and to make it easy to generate the linear equations to outline the different ship build regions. a downward curve would be better, but i think the inflection points that i highlighted would make reasonable endpoints (though stretching SSB up to 1x at rank 600 would make me feel better, and Golgotha might prefer 1x for MSB at rank 2000). some other math whiz will have to come up with those fancy equations though ... this also outlines some other poster's comment about there not being any high-ranking SSB's. according to these kinds of charts, that would be impossible 
_________________Rank 3950 Litheor Governor 100% DCR r385-r2200 GL Marauder #26 _____________ PvP leaderboards: 70212 raids: #1; 40852 kills: #1; 96377 hacks: #3;
Last edited by senatorhung on Sat May 17, 2014 10:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Sat May 17, 2014 10:28 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:17 pm Posts: 140
Yea, You replied before I finished the edit again lol. But the idea of thought from the downward curve comes from observing the higher ranks at the right end of the graph. There's that phenomenon where they all seem to level out over rank as a curve like I expected. Those points are pretty useful though. I might take a look at it later and see if I can come up with some kind of equation.
Sat May 17, 2014 10:30 pm |
Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 7:33 pm Posts: 1988 Location: Aboard Blackwood Hall

Ghznl wrote: This one doesnt apply properly to low ranks. I know a rank 150 with 2500 decks. Thats far and large a LSB. Yet according to your listing, he would be on the boarder of SSB/MSB But that's where you're wrong or just not seeing the big picture of what I'm trying to say.
Your friend is absolutely a midrange damage cap. I would hit him for 1250 per shot; meanwhile, I hit the average ship on my Battle tab for two or three times that each and every shot, no question, and consider those I hit for less than four-digits damage to be a small ship build. (Yes, there are Rank 1200+ ships that easily take 3500+ damage per shot.)senatorhung wrote:  rank 1 - SSB up to 3x, MSB 3x to 6x, LSB 6x to 10x rank 500 - SSB up to 1x, MSB 1x to 5x, LSB 5x to 8x rank 1500 - MSB up to 1x, LSB 1x to 2.5x (assuming LSB 1x at rank 2000) Again, all I see a pretty picture, but no coherent formula that allows me to plug in anyone's Rank and Decks to get a value.
Not trying to be mean, I'm serious about wanting to know what an MSB is, but is it just fair to say that the concept of SSB/MSB only applies to slow-ranking low rankers, and they don't care about anybody else but themselves, so it doesn't work beyond the middle of the mid-ranks (about Rank 1340)?senatorhung wrote: Annabell wrote: Why not something simple, like:
(Decks/Max Decks) = SSSB Score
SSSB Score <0.1 = SSSB
SSSB Score of 0.1 to 0.25 = SSB
SSSB Score of 0.25 to 0.5 = MSB
SSSB Score of 0.5 to 0.99 = LSB
SSB Score of 1.0 = HSB my SSSB score is currently 1 ... but with all the ship mod shuffling i have to do, i would not consider myself a HSB. so rank still has to come into play somehow ... Uh, the only way your SSSB Score could be 1 is if you have Max Decks or greater, which is currently 8061. Pretty sure you're nowhere near that.
_________________DixieLandDelight: Lord SoulPlay's Padawan & Warden of the Chesterton Royal Asylum 
Sat May 17, 2014 10:59 pm |
Joined: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:17 pm Posts: 140

Annabell wrote: Ghznl wrote: This one doesnt apply properly to low ranks. I know a rank 150 with 2500 decks. Thats far and large a LSB. Yet according to your listing, he would be on the boarder of SSB/MSB But that's where you're wrong or just not seeing the big picture of what I'm trying to say.
Your friend is absolutely a midrange damage cap. I would hit him for 1250 per shot; meanwhile, I hit the average ship on my Battle tab for two or three times that each and every shot, no question, and consider those I hit for less than four-digits damage to be a small ship build. (Yes, there are Rank 1200+ ships that easily take 3500+ damage per shot.)Except a rank 1200 ship with 3500 cap is 7000 decks, or 5.833 deck ratio A rank 150 with 1250 cap has 2500 decks, which is a 16.67 deck ratio So back to the rank 150 with 2500 decks, sure thats a good mid game cap for a mid rank player, but the player definitely is not a mid rank. Just looking at the deck ratio heavily implies a LSB for his rank, and suggests aiming for a HSB. When looking at a ship build, I believe its categorized first by rank before damage cap or decks. This is because you can only be hit by people within your range on your BT. Thus, we are looking at a low rank ship who just happens to have a midgame damage cap, not a ship with a midgame damage cap that just happens to be low rank. Thus, this suggests if he had a midgame rank, he would have an end game cap. But according to your formula, 2500 decks/ 8061 max decks = 0.31 SSSB score. This is barely within the MSB range. Sure its a midgame cap to you, but the build of the ship is dependent on rank. If we only use your formula, then it heavily implies almost every single sub-rank 100 is a SSSB, and almost all ships in the rank 100-200 range are SSBs. This is why the equation cannot be applied to low ranks. td;lr: 2500 decks = mid game cap, rank 150 = early game. Your equation suggests barely MSB, but ship is clearly LSB by far and wide. Annabell wrote: Why not something simple, like:
(Decks/Max Decks) = SSSB Score
SSSB Score <0.1 = SSSB
SSSB Score of 0.1 to 0.25 = SSB
SSSB Score of 0.25 to 0.5 = MSB
SSSB Score of 0.5 to 0.99 = LSB
SSB Score of 1.0 = HSB
A rank 150 ship is not mid rank at all. The game has evolved to the point where rank 150 is still pretty near low rank. Extremely early Mid-rank game content would be in reference to command nexus, and hypergrids. These dont even start showing until rank 200+. Rank 150 is still on the first set of elites in the game.
Last edited by Ghznl on Sun May 18, 2014 5:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sun May 18, 2014 12:12 am |
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:55 pm Posts: 104
Perhaps multiplying or dividing by rank is the best way to account for the rank.
Sun May 18, 2014 12:23 am |
Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:55 pm Posts: 104
Maybe something like the Max Decks/(rank*decks)
Sun May 18, 2014 12:31 am |
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