Scruuge Xeocore

Limited Time NPC-Dropped Artifact - Winter Holidays


Available from: the Extremely Rare NPC known as Hub-GMU3, Scruuge Base to ranks 300 - 5000, starting in December 2013.

Artifact Type: Ship Module, Defense
Set Duration: Permanent
Cost in Energy to Use: None
Cost in Upkeep per day: see table
Cost to Repair: see table
Artifact Effects:

Year Suffix Size Defense Energy Upkeep CR Repair CR
2013 none 15 150 30 15M 332.5M
2014 II 15 170 60 47.5M 950.0M
2015 III 15 190 70 97.5M 1.95B
2016 IV 15 210 80 122.5M 2.45B
2017 V 15 230 100 147.5M 2.95B
2018 VI 15 250 120 162.5M 3.25B
2019 VII 15 270 140 177.5M 3.55B
2020, 2021 VIII 15 290 160 177.5M 3.55B

Artifact Limit: 2
Alternate Uses:
Scraps for: 5 - 10 CTP
Share: No
Send: No

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