The Grid Crisis

Previous Mission Mylarai Chain (#6 of 9) Next Mission
Dubious Intent The Grid Crisis Grid Resistance

Mission Briefing

Our fears were true. The Octafari are building a massive dimensional control grid. If completed, they could use their abilities to manipulate our colonies and ships. Its clear they have been planning this all along - we cannot allow them to finish!

Becomes Available Upon: Completing Dubious Intent
Un-gray Requirements: None
Per Round Requirements: Energy 25
Per Round Rewards: 55 XP
Per Completion Rewards: Battle:Octafari Science Vessel: Gives the Octafari Deflector, size 12, Defense 25, Shields 40
Per Round Risks: None

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 25 energy
Rewards: 55 XP
XP Return Ratio: 2.2
  • 90 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 2,250 energy
Rewards: 4,950 XP, 1 Battle:Octafari Science Vessel
  • 4 Completions/Finish
Requirements: 9,000 energy
Rewards: 19,800 XP, 4 Battle:Octafari Science Vessel(s)

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Previous Mission Mylarai Chain (#6 of 9) Next Mission
Dubious Intent The Grid Crisis Grid Resistance

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