Ship Allies are unique artifacts that can join your ship similar to the way a crew member would, however each one must be acquired through missions or another source. Each Ally requires 0 deck and has different bonuses depending on their type and rank, typically starting with 2 stats at rank 1 and increasing to 5 stats at rank 100. An ally will typically gain a new attribute or stat at Rank 30, 60, and 100.
It was originally believed that each ship was only able to equip two allies, but as of October 15th, 2012, the text that said, 'Limit 2 per Ship' was removed along with the restriction, and you can have more than two allies.
Ships / Allies
Name | Type | Effect | Source | Upgrade |
Anubix, AI Assault Drone![]() | Mechanical | Base: +160 Invasion, +60 Cloak Max: +477 Invasion, +179 Cloak, +149 Defense, +268 Shield, +3% attack | Collective Theory Lab | Successfully Raiding a Base (Level 5 or higher). |
Apparitious, Bane Familiar![]() | Familiar | Base: +60 Attack, +60 Defense Max: +179 Attack, +179 Defense, +149 Cloak, +477 Hull, +10% Invasion | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 90 GP during the Bane (seasonal event), starting in 2012 | Invading a planet within 48 hours of getting it on scan. |
Apparitious II, Bane Familiar![]() | Familiar | Base: +60 Attack, +60 Defense, Bane Shriek Ability (+5% Invasion for 1 hour) Max: +179 Attack, +179 Defense, +149 Cloak, +477 Hull, +10% Invasion, Bane Shriek Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 58 GP during the Bane (seasonal event), starting in 2013 | Invading a planet within 48 hours of getting it on scan. |
Bainar, Systems Cracker![]() | Hacker | Base: +60 Energy, +60 Cloak, +120 Hull Max: +179 Energy, +179 Cloak, +358 Hull, +179 Scan, +15% Hack, Core Access ability | Battle Market for 300 Blue Badges Requires 900 Medal Points | Use Bainar's 'Training' Ability (10 Blue Badges) |
Cuniculus, Lepus Adjutant![]() | Biomech | Base: +120 Shield, +120 Hull Max: +358 Shield, +358 Hull, +149 Scan, +5% Defense, Bio-Con Aspect ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 126 GP during the Lepus (seasonal event), starting in 2014 | Use Biomech Adaptation ability (Costs 15 Dark Badges and 250 Energy) |
Cuniculus II, Lepus Adjutant![]() | Biomech | Base: +120 Shield, +120 Hull Max: +358 Shield, +358 Hull, +149 Scan, +7% Defense, Bio-Con Aspect ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP during the Lepus (seasonal event), starting in 2015 | n/a |
Cuniculus III, Lepus Adjutant![]() | Biomech | Base: +120 Shield, +120 Hull Max: +358 Shield, +358 Hull, +149 Scan, +9% Defense, Bio-Con Aspect ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP during the Lepus (seasonal event), starting in 2016 | n/a |
Cuniculus IV, Lepus Adjutant![]() | Biomech | Base: +120 Shield, +120 Hull Max: +358 Shield, +358 Hull, +149 Scan, +11% Defense, Bio-Con Aspect ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP during the Lepus (seasonal event), starting in 2017 | n/a |
Cuniculus V, Lepus Adjutant![]() | Biomech | Base: +120 Shield, +120 Hull Max: +358 Shield, +358 Hull, +149 Scan, +13% Defense, Bio-Con Aspect ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP during the Lepus (seasonal event), starting in 2018 | n/a |
Cuniculus VI, Lepus Adjutant![]() | Biomech | Base: +120 Shield, +120 Hull Max: +358 Shield, +358 Hull, +149 Scan, +15% Defense, Bio-Con Aspect ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP during the Lepus (seasonal event), starting in 2019 | n/a |
Darmos Drone Ascendant![]() | Drone | Base: +220 Attack, +220 Defense, +330 Hull Max: +656 Attack, +656 Defense, +983 Hull, +298 Invade, +298 Cloak, Ring of Ascendance ability | Upgrading a Darmos Drone from Arenas of the Darmos Games) up to 200% | Use Drone Ascent ability (Costs 5 Red Badges and 500 Energy) |
Kriell, Tejiar Commander![]() | Tejiar | Base: +120 Attack, +70 Energy Max: +358 Attack, +209 Energy, +209 Cloak, +5% pvp attack, Raix focus ability | Raix Market for 52 Raix Requires 1,200 Medal Points to unlock | Complete The Tejiar Reformation daily mission |
Porowyn, The Adept![]() | Prismatic | Base: +200 Cloak, +100 Scan, +200 Energy Max: +794 Cloak, +397 Scan, +794 Energy, +794 Defense, + 1491 Shield Adept Teachings ability | Destiny Discovered Medal - collect daily reward after playing for 7 years | Use Prismatic Meditation Ability |
Ravyn, Covert Operative![]() | Spy | Base: +80 Cloak, +80 Scan, +160 Shield Max: +238 Cloak, +179 Scan, +477 Shield, +179 Hull, +6% Cloak, Clandestine Plot ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 126 GP during the Harvest (seasonal event), starting in 2015 | Ravyn System Mods |
Ravyn, Covert Operative II![]() | Spy | Base: +80 Cloak, +80 Scan, +160 Shield Max: +238.4 Cloak, +238.4 Scan, +476.8 Shield, +178.8 Hull, +6% Cloak, Clandestine Plot ability, Deep Cover Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP during the Harvest (seasonal event), starting in 2016 | Ravyn System Mods |
Ravyn, Covert Operative III![]() | Spy | Base: +80 Cloak, +80 Scan, +160 Shield Max: +238.4 Cloak, +238.4 Scan, +476.8 Shield, +178.8 Hull, +10% Cloak, Clandestine Plot ability, Deep Cover Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP during the Harvest (seasonal event), starting in 2024 | Ravyn System Mods |
Sehrin, Bioship Ally![]() | Biological | Base: +80 Attack, +150 Hull Max: +238 Attack, +238 Defense, +447 Hull, +149 Scan, +149 Energy | A Destiny Unrestrained, final mission Voliir chain | Completing a Daily Mission |
Solynia, Technician Elite![]() | Tech | Base: +40 Attack, +80 Defense, +70 Cloak Max: +119 Attack, +238 Defense, +209 Cloak, +179 Energy, +358 Shield, +2% Artifact | Nostalgic Voyage Medal - collect daily reward after playing for 3 years | Colonizing a planet at least size large |
The Oruas Eye (ally)![]() | Crystalline | Base: +90 Defense, +80 Energy, +70 Scan Max: +268 Defense, +238 Energy, +209 Scan, +179 Cloak, +5% Shield, Far Sight Ability | The Lutuma Coup | Use Bond ability (Costs 200 ctp and 300 Energy) |
Thraccti, Scruuge Defector![]() | Pirate | Base: +140 Invasion, +150 Hull Max: +417 Invasion, +447 Hull, +179 Cloak, +10% Raid, Scruuge Tribute Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 130 GP, during the Scruuge (seasonal event), starting in 2013 | Use Loyalty ability (Costs 5 Yellow Badges and 250 Energy) |
Thraccti II, Scruuge Defector![]() | Pirate | Base: +140 Invasion, +150 Hull Max: +417 Invasion, +447 Hull, +179 Cloak, +12% Raid, Scruuge Tribute II Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 66 GP, during the Scruuge (seasonal event), starting in 2014 | n/a |
Thraccti III, Scruuge Defector![]() | Pirate | Base: +140 Invasion, +150 Hull Max: +417 Invasion, +447 Hull, +179 Cloak, +14% Raid, Scruuge Tribute III Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 74 GP, during the Scruuge (seasonal event), starting in 2015 | n/a |
Thraccti IV, Scruuge Defector![]() | Pirate | Base: +140 Invasion, +150 Hull Max: +417 Invasion, +447 Hull, +179 Cloak, +16% Raid, Scruuge Tribute IV Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 74 GP, during the Scruuge (seasonal event), starting in 2016 | n/a |
Thraccti V, Scruuge Defector![]() | Pirate | Base: +140 Invasion, +150 Hull Max: +417 Invasion, +447 Hull, +179 Cloak, +18% Raid, Scruuge Tribute V Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 74 GP, during the Scruuge (seasonal event), starting in 2017 | n/a |
Thraccti VI, Scruuge Defector![]() | Pirate | Base: +140 Invasion, +150 Hull Max: +417 Invasion, +447 Hull, +179 Cloak, +20% Raid, Scruuge Tribute VI Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 74 GP, during the Scruuge (seasonal event), starting in 2018 | n/a |
Thraccti VII, Scruuge Defector![]() | Pirate | Base: +140 Invasion, +150 Hull Max: +417 Invasion, +447 Hull, +179 Cloak, +22% Raid, Scruuge Tribute VII Ability | LIMITED TIME Artifact Market for 74 GP, during the Scruuge (seasonal event), starting in 2019 | n/a |
Trovar Zane, Elite Tracer![]() | Tracer | Base: +160 Shield, +60 Energy Max: +477 Shield, +179 Energy, +179 Scan, +5% Cloak, Elite Trace Ability | The Alarri Transaction, final mission in Alarri chain | Alerting a planet that has been in your scan database for under twelve hours. |
Vortov, Hired Mercenary![]() | Mercenary | Base: +80 Attack, +150 Invasion Attack, +200 Hull Max: +318 Attack, +596 Invasion Attack, +794 Hull, +318 Defense, +397 Shield, Mercenary Call Ability | Mission Market for 48 Relic Badges Requires 700 Medal Points to unlock | Mercenary Payment (Mission Market for 2 Relic Badges and requires 800 Medal Points) |
Xephius, Aeon Portalier![]() | Aeon | Base: +80 Energy, +80 Cloak, +300 Shield Max: +238 Energy, +238 Cloak Attack, +894 Shield, +8% Energy, +8% Player Range, Xephius Portal ability | Aeon Market for 39 Aeon Badges Requires 5800 Medal Points to unlock and at least rank 500 to recruit. | Evolve with 2 Aeon Badges +1100 Influence |