
A Legion Base is a shared structure for the entire Legion. A legion will work over time to upgrade it, unlocking new modules and increasing its potential.


Base Construction and Upgrades

A base can be constructed by any legion by clicking on the ‘Legion Base’ button in the legion area. (Cost: 100 Energy)

Members will need the ‘Advanced Logistics’ research to build any modules on the base or contribute to its upgrade. As the base continues to upgrade, members will need even more advanced levels of Logistics research.

Further Base upgrades can be achieved by clicking on the ‘Upgrade’ tab once the base has finished construction. Each base level requires a certain amount of resources and research level, as outlined in the following table.

Energy contributions return 10% in Experience xp.pngXP (was 1:1 prior to 14jun2024).

To Base Level XP/E Ratio Energy EM CTP Research
1 2.0 1,000 0 0 Advanced Logistics Lv.1
2 1.8 4,000 2,000 0 Advanced Logistics Lv.1
3* 1.5 15,000 8,000 250 Advanced Logistics Lv.1
4 1.3 80,000 65,000 4,750 A.I. Logistics Lv.1
5 1.1 400,000 175,000 5,000 A.I. Logistics Lv.1
6 0.1[verification requested] 2,000,000 750,000 40,000 Sub-Quantum Logistics Lv.1
7 0.1[verification requested] 7,500,000 3,000,000 150,000 Dimensional Logistics Lv.1
8 0.1[verification requested] 30,000,000 16,000,000 300,000 Hyper Logistics Lv.1
9 0.1 160,000,000 30,000,000 1,500,000 Hyper Logistics Lv.1
10 0.1 600,000,000 200,000,000 6,000,000 Hyper Logistics Lv.1
11 0.01 3,400,000,000 1,950,000,000 14,000,000 Starcore Logistics Lv.1
  • Note that once a base reaches level 2, the base can not be abandoned without contacting the game development team.

Space for Base Modules

Base Level Special Space Standard Space
(Min) (Max) (Min) A (Max) B
1 5 10 10 20
2 10 20 20 40
3 15 30 30 60
4 20 40 40 80
5 25 50 50 100
6 30 60 60 120
7 35 70 70 140
8 40 80 80 160
9 45 90 90 180
10 50 100 100 200

Base Images

There are 30 different images to choose from for your base. Some images are not available until the base has been upgraded a few times; level 5 bases have all base images unlocked. There are multiple sources that give additional bases schematics.These are the Sha'din Hyperport, which drops an item, the Corruption Market has an item that changes the schematics, and the Legion Mission task Recover Base Technology awards an item that changes the schematics

Before Initial Construction:

Base Level 1:
base1.png base2.png base3.png base10.png base11.png base22.png

Base Level 2:
base5.png base8.png base9.png base14.png base26.png

Base Level 3:
base18.png base19.png base21.png base23.png base24.png base29.png

Base Level 4:
base4.png base12.png base13.png base15.png base17.png base25.png base27.png

Base Level 5:
base6.png base7.png base16.png base20.png base28.png base30.png

Base Level 6:
base31.png base32.png base33.png base34.png

Base Level 7:
base35.png base36.png base37.png base38.png

Base Level 8:
base39.png base40.png base41.png base42.png

Base Level 9:
base43.png base44.png base45.png base46.png

Base Level 10:
base47.png base48.png base49.png base50.png base51.png base52.png

Sha'din Shematics:

Cerulean Base Schematics:

Corruption Schematics:

Base Artifacts

At present there are several Base Artifacts available, which can be purchased with Galaxy Points, as well as one that can be bought via the Battle Market.

Artifact Name Effect Cost
Base Comm Interlink

Installs a Base Comm Interlink on your base and unlocks the use of certain base special abilities.
[Base Module - Standard Size: 2, Defense: +10%, Limit: 2 per Base]
80 Galaxy Points
Charged Exo-Clamp

Installs a Charged Exo-Clamp on your base.
[Base Artifact - Shield Capacity: +10, Hull Integrity: +15]
2 Silver Badges
Chromatic Teleporter

Installs a Chromatic Teleporter on your base.
[Size: 2, Defense +6%, Limit: 2 per Base]

Note: If you have 2 Chromatic Teleporters installed on your base, this unlocks the 'Chromatic Collective' base combat ability.

76 Galaxy Points
Lepus (seasonal event)
Command Beacon

Installs a Command Beacon on your base.
[Base Module - Special Size: 2, Scan Cost: -1 Red Badge, Limit: 3 per Base]
88 Galaxy Points
Darmos Arena Defenses

Increases a base's defense permanently by 100 and hull by 200.
[Base Artifact - Defense: +100, Hull +200]
Completion of LM Task:
Ring of Twilight
Hallows Bane Turret

Installs a Hallows Bane Turret on your base.
[ Base Module - Size:2, Attack: +10%, Limit: 2 per Base]
68 Galaxy Points
Bane (seasonal event)
Hallows Bane Turret II Upgrade

Upgrades a Hallows Bane Turret on your base to a Hallows Bane Turret II, increasing its attack bonus to 12%.
[ Base Module - Size:2, Attack: +12%, Limit: 2 per Base]
52 Galaxy Points
Bane (seasonal event)
Hallows Bane Turret III

Upgrades a Hallows Bane Turret II on your base to a Hallows Bane Turret III, increasing its attack bonus to 14%.
[ Base Module - Size:2, Attack: +14%, Limit: 2 per Base]
52 Galaxy Points
Bane (seasonal event)
Harvest Aegis

Constructs a Harvest Aegis Module on your base.
[Size: 15, Shield: +6%, Limit: 2]

Note: If you have 2 Harvest Aegises installed on your base, this unlocks the 'Allied Aegis' base combat ability.

76 Galaxy Points
Harvest (seasonal event)
Q-Pedd Field Generator

Constructs a Q-Pedd Field Generator on your base.
[ Base Module - Size:2, Shields: +12%, Limit: 2 per Base]
68 Galaxy Points
QPedd (seasonal event)
Scruuge Bastion

Constructs a Scruuge Bastion on your base.
[ Base Module - Size:2, Hull: +12%, Limit: 2 per Base]
68 Galaxy Points
Scruuge (seasonal event)
Scruuge Fortified Bastion Upgrade

Upgrades a Scruuge Bastion building on your base to a Scruuge Fortified Bastion.
[ Base Module - Size:2, Hull: +16%, Limit: 2 per Base]
52 Galaxy Points
Scruuge (seasonal event)
Sha'din Schematics

Changes your base's appearance to one similar to the Sha'din Hyperport.

Also permanently adds 50 attack to the base. Can only use on bases level 6 or higher.
[Base Artifact - Attack: +50, Base Image: Sha'din Hyperport]

Dropped from NPC:
Sha'din Hyperport
Silthion Thermal Regulator

Increases a base's attack permanently by 100.
[Base Artifact - Attack: +100] Scrap Value: 6250 to 25,000 Credits
Dropped from NPC:
Silthion Hybrid Cluster
Structural Extender

Installs a Structural Extender on your base.
[Base Artifact - Special Space: +1, Limit: 5 per Base Level]
80 Galaxy Points
T.O. Resistor Overcharge

Permanently upgrades a random shield module on your base, and increases its shield output by 10%, but increases the modules value and upkeep by 20%. Modules upgraded in this way cannot exceed a 100% bonus.
[Base Artifact - Shield Module Output: +10%, Shield Module Upkeep: +20%, Limit: 10 per Shield Module]
Dropped from NPC:
T.O. HyperSeeker
Tactical Base Extender

Installs a Tactical Base Extender on your base.
[Base Artifact - Standard Space: +1, Limit: 10 per Base Level]
40 Galaxy Points
Warp Arch

Installs a Warp Arch on your base.
[Base Module - Special Size: 2, Base Ability Point Production: +3 per Day, Limit: 3 per Base]
72 Galaxy Points

Base Resource Production

Similarly to planets, bases can produce Resource Points (mining, research, artifacts). Modules must be constructed to allow for the production of certain Resource Points. All bases start with the same level of production. Early base levels do not produce much, but larger bases will start to produce amounts that exceed very good planets. Bases are unlike planets in that the displayed production goes directly from "Ultra Rich" to "1x Mega Rich" without the plain "Mega Rich" that you find on planets. Any base output at or above "1x Mega Rich" will therefore be 25% lower than the equivalent named planetary availability.

Base Resource Point shipments can be divided either equally between all eligible members, or by the percentage base upgrade contribution from each eligible member. Legion members are eligible for shipments if they were active in the last day and have been with the legion for at least 24 hours. Base shipments are delivered either once per day, or can be manually claimed. Base shipments will be made to members even if they have already reached their planet resource capacity.

To find the total production of any Resource Points of a base, use this formula:

Total Base Production=(Production Module Output)*(1+(Base Level Bonus)/100%)*(1+(Base Defender Bonus)/100%)*(1+(Base Loyalty Bonus)/100%)*(1+(Availability Bonus)/100%)*(1+(Base Ability Bonus)/100%)


You can use This .xls Microsoft Office spreadsheet based calculator made by THEBIGPOTPLANT. This simple tool allows you to "on the fly" change values to your base to see the long term effects without waiting 20 hours. :-) Free software comparable to "Microsoft Office" can be Found Here.

Some Features Include:
-Total Base Production for all resources.
-Total resources received from your shipment.
-Amount of credits you should deposit to the base for your share of the upkeep.
-Amount of credits you pay with base upkeep per resource point.
-ALSO factors in the amount of players NOT claiming shipments.
-Option for percentage based resource dividend results.

Production Module Output

Special Base Production modules can be built to allow the base to produce Artifact Points, Mining Points, and Research Points. Only 4 modules associated with each resource type can be built at a time. As the base level increases, more advanced production modules can be built. See the Special Base Modules section for more details about these modules.

Base Level Bonus

The base receives a 500% production bonus for each base level 2+. A level 3 base receives a 1000% production bonus, a level 4 receives 1500%, and so on.

Base Level Production Bonus Multiplier
1 1x
2 5x
3 10x
4 15x
5 20x
6 25x
7 30x
8 35x
9 40x
10 45x

Base Defender Bonus

The base receives a 10% production bonus for each day since the base was last disabled, up to 100%.

Base Loyalty Bonus

The base receives a 40% production bonus for each active loyal legion member that has been with the legion continuously for a week or longer. The cap on the number of members in a legion is currently 60.

If a legion member leaves and returns, they are considered a new member, regardless of how long they were with the legion before. Loyalty affects many parts of the base, including its production bonuses, and whether certain modules can be used, such as the CT Lab.

Note that while the total production of the base increases with each additional member, each member receives a lower percentage payout of that total.

Base Payout Percentages

Number of
Loyal Active Members
Base Production
(% of Initial)
Base Payout Per Member
(% of Initial)
1 100 100
2 140 70.0
3 180 60.0
4 220 55.0
5 260 52.0
6 300 50.0
7 340 48.6
8 380 47.5
9 420 46.7
10 460 46.0
11 500 45.5
12 540 45.0
15 660 44.0
20 860 43.0
30 1260 42.0
40 1660 41.5
50 2060 41.2
60 2460 41.0

Availability Bonus

Leaders can increase the availability of certain resources by spending 'Production Points'. 5 Production Points are awarded each time the base gains a new level. A Legion may choose to focus all of their points on a single resource, but note that the cost to increase availability rises as more points are spent.

Point Increase Progression:

Availability Level Availability Bonus Total Allocated Points Points To Next Lvl
Average 0% 0 1
Abundant 25% 1 1
Very Abundant 50% 2 2
Extremely Abundant 75% 4 2
Rich 100% 6 2
Very Rich 125% 8 2
Extremely Rich 150% 10 3
Ultra Rich 175% 13 3
1x Mega Rich 200% 16 3
2x Mega Rich 225% 19 3
3x Mega Rich 250% 22 4
4x Mega Rich 275% 26 4
5x Mega Rich 300% 30 4
6x Mega Rich 325% 34 4
7x Mega Rich 350% 38 5
8x Mega Rich 375% 43 5
9x Mega Rich 400% 48 5

Base Ability Points

Base ability points gain just like energy, but the cap depends on the level of base.

Base Level Ability Point Cap Ability Point Recharge per Day (nominal) Ability Point Recharge per Day (1 Warp Arch) Ability Point Recharge per Day (2 Warp Arch) Ability Point Recharge per Day (3 Warp Arch)
1 15 5 8 11 14
2 30 10 13 16 19
3 45 15 18 21 24
4 60 20 23 26 29
5 75 25 28 31 34
6 90 30 33 36 39
7 105 35 38 41 44
8 120 40 43 46 49
9 135 45 48 51 54

Base Combat Abilities

See: Base Combat Abilities

Base Production Abilities

There are multiple abilities that improve base production.

Base Ability Description Ability Point Cost Other Requirements
Chuhn Trade Comm

Boosts base artifact output by 1%, plus an additional 1% for each continuously active trade pact (1 month or greater) you have with other legions. Lasts 20 hours. 4 2 Chuhn Transgalactic Comm installed on base
Cyborg DataChannel

Boosts base research output by 2% for each loyal Vygoid and Zolazin member in your legion. Lasts 20 hours. 5 Days since base was last disabled: 2+

1+ Vygoid (Loyal Members)
Trade Route

Boosts base artifact output by 2%, plus an additional 2% for each active trade pact you have with other legions. Lasts 20 hours. 5 1 Base Comm Interlink Module(s) Installed

Days since base was last disabled: 2+
Miners Coalition

Boosts base mining output by 2% for each Loyal miner in your legion. Lasts 20 hours. 5 Days since base was last disabled: 2+

1+ Miner Professions (Loyal Members)
Mentor's Instruction

Boosts your base's production by 5% plus an additional 5% for each base level lower than 8, up to a maximum of 20% bonus at level 5 and lower. Lasts 20 hours (?) 15 Days since base was last disabled: 2+

1+ Mentor Professions (Loyal Members)

Base Modules

Bases hold 2 different types of modules. Special modules occupy their own "special" space on the base and allow for production of resources and unlocking of base abilities. All other modules use up the the standard space, which is separate. This allows defensive modules to be constructed that do not conflict with the space used for special purposes.

Unlike ship modules, base modules cannot be "uninstalled", as there is no cargo storage, thus a base module can only be sold to free up necessary space. When a module is sold, the balance is added to the base funds.

All modules have a daily upkeep cost. If there are not enough base funds to pay the upkeep, all modules on the base will provide no bonuses until the funds are brought back to positive. Any Legion member may add more base funds by clicking on the ‘Add Credits’ in the actions tab.

Standard Base Modules


These modules can be obtained by studying the Advanced Weapons Research Tree.

Weapons Base Modules
(Occupy Standard Space in the Base)
Module Name Bonus Cost Upkeep Size Limit Required Research Min
Rail Turret Attack +50 2,000 CR 100 CR 2 12 Turrets Linear Induction Lv 2 ** 1 base-mass.png
Ion Turret Attack +100 20,000 CR 1,000 CR 2 12 Turrets Ion Channeling Lv 1  ?? base-ion.png
Phase Turret Attack +200 100,000 CR 5,000 CR 2 12 Turrets Phased Energy Lv 1 2 base-phase.png
Disruptor Turret Attack +400 2,000,000 CR 100,000 CR 2 12 Turrets Matter Disruption Lv 1 2 base-disruptor.png
Singularity Turret Attack +800 50,000,000 CR 2,500,000 CR 2 12 Turrets Micro-Singularities Lv 1 3 base-singlaunch.png
Null Turret Attack +1600 500,000,000 CR 25,000,000 CR 2 12 Turrets Null Rays Lv 1 4 base-attacknull.png
Quasi-Chaos Turret Attack +3500 5,000,000,000 CR 250,000,000 CR 2 12 Turrets Quasi-Chaotic Force Lv 1 5 base-quasichaos.png


These modules can be obtained by studying the Shield Systems Research Tree.

Shields Base Modules
(Occupy Standard Space in the Base)
Module Name Bonus Cost Upkeep Size Limit Required Research Min
Deflector Grid Shield +200 5,000 CR 250 CR 4 12 Shields Hull Polarization Lv 1  ?? base-shield0.png
Forcefield Grid Shield +400 50,000 CR 2,500 CR 4 12 Shields Force Projection Fields Lv 1  ?? base-shield1.png
Phase Shield Grid Shield +1000 250,000 CR 12,500 CR 4 12 Shields Phase Fields Lv 1  ?? base-shield2.png
Stasis Grid Shield +2000 5,000,000 CR 250,000 CR 4 12 Shields Stasis Fields Lv 1  ?? base-shieldstasis.png
Rift Grid Shield +5000 50,000,000 CR 2,500,000 CR 4 12 Shields Rift Fields Lv 1 3 base-shieldrift.png
Meta-Chron Grid Shield +10000 500,000,000 CR 25,000,000 CR 4 12 Shields Meta-Chron Fields Lv 1 4 base-shieldmeta.png
Obviation Grid Shield +20000 5,000,000,000 CR 250,000,000 CR 4 12 Shields Force Obviation Fields Lv 1 5 base-shieldobj.png


These modules can be obtained by studying the Advanced Armor Research Tree.

Hull Base Modules
(Occupy Standard Space in the Base)
Module Name Bonus Cost Upkeep Size Limit Required Research Min
Titanium Base Plating Hull +300 2,000 CR 100 CR 4 12 Platings Titanium Improvements Lv 1  ?? base-platingt.png
Durtanium Base Plating Hull +600 50,000 CR 2,500 CR 4 12 Platings Durtanium Alloy Lv 1  ?? base-platingd.png
Nanosphere Base Plating Hull +1200 250,000 CR 12,500 CR 4 12 Platings Nanospheres Lv 1  ?? base-platingns.png
Nexus Base Plating Hull +2500 5,000,000 CR 250,000 CR 4 12 Platings Nexus Grids Lv 1  ?? base-platingn.png
Neutronium Base Plating Hull +7500 50,000,000 CR 2,500,000 CR 4 12 Platings Neutronium Lv 1 3 base-platingnt2.png
Fermionic Base Plating Hull +15000 500,000,000 CR 25,000,000 CR 4 12 Platings Fermionic Unification Lv 1 4 base-platingferm.png
Syncopated Base Plating Hull +30000 5,000,000,000 CR 250,000,000 CR 4 12 Platings Syncopated Phase Matter Lv 1 5 base-platingsync.png


These modules can be obtained by studying the Defensive Systems Research Tree.

Defensive Base Modules
(Occupy Standard Space in the Base)
Module Name Bonus Cost Upkeep Size Limit Required Research Min
Structural Stabilizer Defense +50 2,000 CR 100 CR 2 12 Defenses Motion Compensation Lv 1  ?? base-defense1.png
Inertial Dampening Array Defense +100 20,000 CR 1,000 CR 2 12 Defenses Inertial Dampening Lv 1  ?? base-defense2.png
Inertial Canceling Array Defense +200 100,000 CR 5,000 CR 2 12 Defenses Inertial Cancelation Lv 1  ?? base-defensecanc.png
Phase Shift Array Defense +400 2,000,000 CR 100,000 CR 2 12 Defenses Phase Shifting Lv 1  ?? base-defensephase.png
Energy Nullification Array Defense +800 50,000,000 CR 2,500,000 CR 2 12 Defenses Energy Nullification Lv 1 3 base-defensenull.png
Trans-Temporal Array Defense +1600 500,000,000 CR 25,000,000 CR 2 12 Defenses Trans-Temporal Travel Lv 1 4 base-defensetta.png
Entropy Field Array Defense +3500 5,000,000,000 CR 250,000,000 CR 2 12 Defenses Entropy Field Warping Lv 1 5 base-defenseent.png

Special Base Modules

These modules can be obtained by studying the Legion Base Research Tree.

Special Base Modules
(Occupy Special Space in the Base)
Module Name Bonus Cost Upkeep Size Limit Required Research Min
Asteroid Extractor Mining: 20 1,000 CR 50 CR 2 4 Mining Modules Advanced Logistics  ?? base-mining1.png
Science Bay Research: 20 140,000 CR 7,000 CR 2 4 Research Modules Advanced Logistics  ?? base-research1.png
Base Factory Artifact: 20 140,000 CR 7,000 CR 2 4 Artifact Modules Advanced Logistics  ?? base-artifact1.png
Commerce Bay Grants the ability to withdraw funds from the base. 250,000 CR
+ 50 Exotic Matter
12,500 CR 3 1 Commerce Bay Galactic Commerce  ?? base-commerce.png
Docking Port Allows the legion to hold 2 more members. 250,000 CR
+ 20 XTS-9
12,500 CR 4 5 Docks Spacial Docking  ?? base-docking.png
Repair Bay Allows the base to repair ships. 500,000 CR
+ 25 XTS-9
25,000 CR 4 1 Repair Bay Spacial Docking  ?? base-repair.png
Mining-Drone Bay Mining: 35 2,000 Credits
+ 100 Exotic Matter
250,000 CR 3 4 Mining Modules AI Logistics 3 base-mining2.png
A.I. Bay Research: 35 5,000,000 CR 250,000 CR 3 4 Research Modules AI Logistics 3 base-aibay.png
Automated Factory Artifact: 35 5,000,000 CR 250,000 CR 3 4 Artifact Modules AI Logistics 3 base-autofact.png
Embassy Allows the legion to establish 2 additional treaties. 15,000,000 CR
+ 20 Political Favor
750,000 CR 2 5 Embassies Xeno-Diplomacy 3 base-embassy.png
Mission Control Center Allows your legion to start and manage legion missions. Legions should have at least 15 active members to use. 200,000,000,000 CR
+ 2500 CTP
10,000,000,000 CR 2 1 Mission Control Center Xeno-Diplomacy 4 lmcontrol.png
Collective Theory Lab Allows the legion to discover new artifact designs. 500,000,000 CR
+ 1,000 CTP
25,000,000 CR 4 1 Theory Lab Hybrid Theory Dynamics 4 base-theory.png
Sub-Quantum Harvester Mining: 50 3,000 CR
+ 200 Exotic Matter
2,500,000 CR 4 4 Mining Modules Sub-Quantum Logistics 4 base-subharv.png
Sub-Quantum Core Research: 50 50,000,000 CR 2,500,000 CR 4 4 Research Modules Sub-Quantum Logistics 4 base-subcore.png
Sub-Quantum Fabricator Artifact: 50 50,000,000 CR 2,500,000 CR 4 4 Artifact Modules Sub-Quantum Logistics 4 base-subfab.png
Shield Charging Station Allows the base to charge the shields of ships. 200,000,000 CR
+ 25 XTS-9
10,000,000 CR 4 1 Base Charger Phase Transference 4 base-charger.png
Material Transporter Mining: 75 4,000 CR
+ 300 Exotic Matter
25,000,000 CR 5 4 Mining Modules Dimensional Logistics 5 base-mattrans.png
Sentience Core Research: 75 500,000,000 CR 25,000,000 CR 5 4 Research Modules Dimensional Logistics 5 base-mattrans.png
Rift Fabricator Artifact: 75 500,000,000 CR 25,000,000 CR 5 4 Artifact Modules Dimensional Logistics 5 base-artirift.png
Universal Service Terminal Provides the Legion with special ship Bonuses.
Note: (2 Bonuses Every day, Activation is every 4 hours, and costs 50 CTP)
5,000,000,000 CR
+ 1000 CTP
250,000,000 CR 2 1 Universal Service Terminal Universal Maintenance 51 basemaint.png
Base HyperLifter Mining: 110 6,000 CR
+ 500 Exotic Matter
 ? 6 4 Mining Modules Hyper Logistics 6 base-hyperl.png
Base HyperCore Research: 110 10,000,000,000 CR 500,000,000 CR 6 4 Research Modules Hyper Logistics 6 base-hyperc.png
Base HyperFactory Artifact: 110 10,000,000,000 CR 500,000,000 CR 6 4 Artifact Modules Hyper Logistics 6 base-hyperf.png
Starcore Isomine Mining: 142 4.2T credits.pngCR;
42k parts.pngCTP
 ?? 7 4 Mining Modules Starcore Logistics  ?? base-starcore1.png
Starcore Neurocog Research: 142 4.2T credits.pngCR;
42k parts.pngCTP
 ?? 7 4 Research Modules Starcore Logistics  ?? base-starcore3.png
Starcore Foundry Artifact: 142 9.2T credits.pngCR;
98k parts.pngCTP
460B credits.pngCR 7 4 Artifact Modules Starcore Logistics  ?? base-starcore2.png

1 Given that the Research topic needed comes after Dimensional Logistics (Needed for Base level 5 upgrades), I am presuming that this means that level 5 base is needed for the Terminal - Luked

Collective Theory Lab (Advanced Module)


After the legion has finished researching Hybrid Theory Dynamics, they will be allowed to construct the Collective Theory Lab (CT-Lab for short) on their base.

As with other special structures, the CT-Lab will unlock a new option in the 'Actions' tab when installed. Only members who have also finished researching Hybrid Theory Dynamics can use the Lab. Members must also be 'Loyal' to use the CT-Lab.

The CT-Lab allows the legion to research new 'discoveries'. A discovery allows lab-users to combine common artifacts into newer, more powerful artifacts. Unlike normal research, discoveries are completely random and are intended to be a way for members to constantly spend research points after they have completed most of the tiers.

Base Combat

See Base Combat


See also

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