
Reactors are a type of ship Module that give a bonus to your total max energy. The maximum number of researched reactors that may be equipped at one time is 3.

The current maximum Energy that can be obtained purely from researchable equipment (ignoring any artifact, Race or Profession bonuses) is from 3 Mk IV Proxy-Universe Reactors, which give 1620 Energy for 150 decks and take a total upkeep of 1,485,000,000 (1.485 billion) credits per day.



A Fusion Reactor gives a +10 bonus to energy. By equipping 3 of these to a ship that normally would have 100 MAX energy and no Relays the ship would have 130 MAX energy.

But that's the poor man's example. If you want a REAL example, based around mid-game stats, let's assume that you have a heavy cruiser that has a base energy of 100, with not one, not even two, but THREE Singularity Cores - Mk. IV. Basic energy levels on this ship would be a staggering 469 Energy! However, this would have a nominal recharge rate at the typical 3 minutes per energy (Assuming you haven't gotten the Omicron Injector yet, which would be unlikely). The time to fully charge the energy reserves from 0 to 469 equates to 23 hours and 27 minutes. That's not a fun wait at all. However, if you throw 4 X-Conduits in there, the energy drops down to 269, but the time of recharge spikes to 2 minutes. At this rate, the time to get to 269 energy from 0 energy would be 8 hours and 58 minutes. Significantly faster than before, no? Plus, it's just enough that, if you go to sleep, you should wake up to a full energy bank. :) And if you sleep longer, uninstall one or two conduits. It may not charge fully, but it'll charge more than without any conduits at all. ;)

Researchable Reactors

These Reactors can be unlocked by performing Energy Research. Every odd-numbered tier of research unlocks a new reactor (Ie. tier 1, tier 3, tier 5, and so on). The other tiers unlock Relays.

Version Type Size Energy Energy/Deck CR Cost Mineral Cost Upkeep per Day Required Research Image URL
Mk I1 Fusion Reactor 10 +10 1.000 3,000 CR None 150 CR Cold Fusion fusion-reactor.png
Mk II Fusion Reactor 11 +13 1.182 4,500 CR 90 Dynite 225 CR Cold Fusion fusion-reactor2.png
Mk III Fusion Reactor 12 +16 1.333 6,750 CR 135 Dynite 338 CR Cold Fusion fusion-reactor3.png
Mk IV Fusion Reactor 13 +19 1.462 10,125 CR 202 Dynite 506 CR Cold Fusion fusion-reactor4.png
Mk I1 Graviton Core 14 +23 1.643 15,190 CR 30 Chrisium 760 CR Graviton Induction graviton-core.png
Mk II Graviton Core 15 +27 1.800 22,780 CR 46 Chrisium 1,100 CR Graviton Induction graviton-core2.png
Mk III Graviton Core 16 +31 1.938 34,170 CR 68 Chrisium 1,700 CR Graviton Induction graviton-core3.png
Mk VI Graviton Core 17 +35 2.059 51,260 CR 103 Chrisium 2,600 CR Graviton Induction graviton-core4.png
Mk I1 Quantum Capacitor 18 +40 2.222 76,890 CR 15 Darrinyte 3,800 CR Quantum Capacitors quantum-capacitor.png
Mk II Quantum Capacitor 19 +45 2.368 115,330 CR 23 Darrinyte 5,800 CR Quantum Capacitors quantum-capacitor2.png
Mk III Quantum Capacitor 20 +50 2.500 173,000 CR 35 Darrinyte 8,700 CR Quantum Capacitors quantum-capacitor3.png
Mk IV Quantum Capacitor 21 +55 2.619 260,000 CR 10 Hydium 13,000 CR Quantum Capacitors quantum-capacitor4.png
Mk I1 Antimatter Reactor 22 +62 2.818 390,000 CR 16 Hydium 19,500 CR Antimatter Containment antimatter.png
Mk II Antimatter Reactor 23 +69 3.000 583,000 CR 23 Hydium 29,200 CR Antimatter Containment antimatter2.png
Mk III Antimatter Reactor 24 +76 3.167 875,000 CR 18 Erixion 43,800 CR Antimatter Containment antimatter3.png
Mk IV Antimatter Reactor 25 +83 3.320 1,310,000 CR 26 Erixion 65,500 CR Antimatter Containment antimatter4.png
Mk I1 Singularity Core 26 +93 3.577 1,950,000 CR 39 Erixion 97,500 CR Singularity Control s-core.png
Mk II Singularity Core 27 +103 3.815 3,000,000 CR 60 Erixion 150,000 CR Singularity Control s-core2.png
Mk III Singularity Core 28 +113 4.035 4,400,000 CR 18 Pawlacite 220,000 CR Singularity Control s-core3.png
Mk IV Singularity Core 29 +123 4.241 6,600,000 CR 26 Pawlacite 330,000 CR Singularity Control s-core4.png
Mk I1 Zero-Point Reactor 30 +136 4.533 9,900,000 CR 40 Pawlacite 495,000 CR Zero Point Energy zpe-reactor.png
Mk II Zero-Point Reactor 31 +149 4.806 15,000,000 CR 30 Dieterion 750,000 CR Zero Point Energy zpe-reactor2.png
Mk III Zero-Point Reactor 32 +162 5.063 22,500,000 CR 45 Dieterion 1,125,000 CR Zero Point Energy zpe-reactor3.png
Mk IV Zero-Point Reactor 33 +175 5.303 34,000,000 CR 68 Dieterion 1,700,000 CR Zero Point Energy zpe-reactor4.png
Mk I1 Dark Energy Core 34 +191 5.618 50,000,000 CR 50 Dysillon 2,500,000 CR Dark Energy Induction de-core.png
Mk II Dark Energy Core 35 +207 5.914 76,000,000 CR 76 Dysillon 3,800,000 CR Dark Energy Induction de-core2.png
Mk III Dark Energy Core 36 +223 6.194 114,000,000 CR 114 Dysillon 5,700,000 CR Dark Energy Induction de-core3.png
Mk IV Dark Energy Core 37 +239 6.459 170,000,000 CR 34 Kurenite 8,500,000 CR Dark Energy Induction de-core4.png
Mk I1 Intra-D Collider 38 +258 6.789 255,000,000 CR 60 Kurenite 12,800,000 CR Intra Dimensional Colliding intra-d.png
Mk II Intra-D Collider 39 +277 7.103 383,000,000 CR 90 Kurenite 19,200,000 CR Intra Dimensional Colliding intra-d2.png
Mk III Intra-D Collider 40 +296 7.400 575,000,000 CR 180 Kurenite 28,800,000 CR Intra Dimensional Colliding intra-d3.png
Mk IV Intra-D Collider 41 +315 7.683 862,000,000 CR 360 Kurenite 43,100,000 CR Intra Dimensional Colliding intra-d4.png
Mk I1 Supernova Generator 42 +337 8.024 1,300,000,000 CR 500 Kurenite 65,000,000 CR Supernova Generation snova-gen.png
Mk II Supernova Generator 43 +359 8.349 1,900,000,000 CR 700 Kurenite 95,000,000 CR Supernova Generation snova-gen2.png
Mk III Supernova Generator 44 +381 8.659 2,900,000,000 CR 1,000 Kurenite 145,000,000 CR Supernova Generation snova-gen3.png
Mk IV Supernova Generator 45 +403 8.956 4,300,000,000 CR 1,800 Kurenite 215,000,000 CR Supernova Generation snova-gen4.png
Mk I1 Proxy-Universe Reactor 47 +442 9.404 5,500,000,000 CR 35 Aidonium 275,000,000 CR Proxy-Universe Reactions proxyu.png
Mk II Proxy-Universe Reactor 48 +470 9.792 7,000,000,000 CR 55 Aidonium 350,000,000 CR Proxy-Universe Reactions proxyu2.png
Mk III Proxy-Universe Reactor 49 +500 10.204 8,500,000,000 CR 100 Aidonium 415,000,000 CR Proxy-Universe Reactions proxyu3.png
Mk IV Proxy-Universe Reactor 50 +540 10.8 9,900,000,000 CR 150 Aidonium 495,000,000 CR Proxy-Universe Reactions proxyu4.png

1 Mk I cores do not display any suffix. For example, the Fusion Reactor - Mk I simply displays as Fusion Reactor

Discoverable or Salvageable Reactors

These reactors can be obtained by completing certain objectives, such as defeating certain enemies in combat or as rewards for completing a specific mission. They do not count towards your ship limit of 3 reactors, but have their own limits as stated below.

Name Size Energy Bonus Second Bonus Energy Ratio Obtained From Upkeep Scrap Value Equip Limit Image
Bio-Con Controller Unit 20 90 Activated ability 4.50 Medal: Mark of the Creators 60M CR 7 to 14 CTP 1 bioconcon.png
Dark Warp Coil 20 30 125 Hull 1.50 NPC: Dark Warp Gate (One Dark Warp Gate is unlocked per Limitless Travel mission completion. Four of these NPC's are available per player) 137,500 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 (Mission NPC Reward) wtube.png
Drannik Power Core 10 50 None 5.00 NPC: Akkiren, Drannik Hub, Okkilor, Drannik Hub 25,000 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 Drannik Cores drannikcore.png
Encephalon Core 12 70 None 5.833 NPC: Xiloy, Drannik Encephalon 125,000 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 Drannik Cores drannikcore2.png
Genetarr Transmitter 10 20 20 Scan 2.00 Mission: Thoughts Revealed 1,250 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 (Mission Reward) gcomm.png
Genetarr Transmitter -
Mark II 1
10 20 55 Scan 2.00 Mission: Thoughts Revealed (Player must be rank 50+ when module is FIRST installed) 12,500 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 (Mission Reward) gcomm.png
Lazuli Tevrazon Core 18 35 40 Attack 1.94 NPC: Lazuli Supercannon 1,250,000 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 (Mission NPC Reward) lzcore.png
Q-Pedd Assembly Line 6.02 20 150 1300 Hull 7.50 NPC: QPP1-L05, Q-Pedd Prototype 2018  ?? CR 7 to 14 ctp 2 Q-Pedd Assembly Lines wconsolex.png
Q-Pedd Logic Servo3 10 20 60 Hull 2.0 Mission: Q-Pedd Repair Inspection (Limited Time: Valentine's 2012) 7,500 CR  ? to ? ?? 2 Q-Pedd Logic Servos (Mission Reward) qservo.png
Q-Pedd Ansible4 15 50 200 Shield, Activated Ability4 3.33 Artifact Market (During fortnight before Valentine's Day): 58 GP 1,000,000 CR 18,000,000 CR 2 Q-Pedd Ansibles qpeddans.gif
Surge Plexus 20 50 NPC Attack +5% 2.5 Battle Market: 32 Silver Badges each. 7,500 CR 2 to 4 parts.pngCTP 3 Plexuses/Plexii becharger.png
T-Plasma Dynamo 22 70 60 Scan 3.1818 Mission: Silthion Hybrids 2,500,000 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 Dynamos (Mission Reward) tpscan.png
T-Plasma Dynamo II 5 22 140 120 Scan 6.3636 Task 3 of Legion Mission: Encounter at Nabai 2,500,000 CR  ? to ? ?? 4 Dynamos (Mission Reward) tpscan2.gif
Titancore Reactor 20 60 200 Shield 3 NPC: Titancore Power Node (one spawned for each completion of Weakened Reticulation mission)  ? CR  ? to ? ?? 4 (Mission NPC Reward) titanpowerc.png
Voliir Modulator 6 10 15 40 Scan 3 NPC: Voliir Enforcer (one spawned for each completion of The Voliir Arrival mission) 2,500 N/A 3 (Mission NPC Reward) volscan5.png
Voliir Modulator II 6 10 30 80 Scan 3 NPC: Voliir Enforcer Same as above with at least one F.A.T.H.E.R installed 2,500 N/A 3 (Mission NPC Reward) volscan5.png
XRP Battery Pack 15 40 40 Shield 2.66 NPC: XRP-Prototype 25,000 CR 7 to 14 CTP 4 XRP Batteries rslbattery2.png
XRP Warp-Charge Pack 18 70 70 Shield 3.89 NPC: XRP Warp Station 5,500,000 CR 9 to 18 CTP 4 XRP Batteries warpflow.gif
Zortah's Interface Jack 6 16 30 75 Scan 1.88 Mission: Zortah's Abduction 2,800,000 CR 8 to 16 CTP 3 (Mission Reward) z-interface.png
Zortah's Interface Jack v.2 5 16 60 113 Scan 3.75 Mission: Futile Interrogation 2,800,000 CR  ? to ? ?? 3 (Mission Reward) z-interface2.png

1 If the Genetarr Transmitter is FIRST installed after you reach rank 50, you will instead get the upgraded Mark II version, which grants an additional 35 scan power. It is therefore strongly recommended that you wait until you are level 50 before you first equip the Genetarr Transmitter.

2This module was retired for a newer version in the same seasonal of the following year.

3 While Installed: Vygoid and Zolazin get double the Energy Bonus from the Q-Pedd Logic Servos.

4 Q-Pedd Ansible - Activated Ability: +5% NPC Attack for 1 hour, Cooldown 20 hours. If you have 2 Ansibles, the ability does not stack but you can activate one during the cooldown period of the other. Also, while the Q-Pedd Ansible is shown in the "Energy" section of the Ship tab, it has the second best Shield/Deckspace ratio of any module in the game (only Aegis Capacitors are better).

5 This is not an actual ship mod gained from the task, but rather an upgrade that is used on the existing T-Plasma Dynamo.

6 Both versions of Zortah's Interface Jack, and both versions of the Voliir Modulator, will be displayed in the Devices tab of your ship, not in the Energy tab. They are listed there because they provide more scan than energy. |}

Legion Mission-Exclusive Energy Mods

These Energy Mods are available only from completing specific tasks during Legion missions, which are a special type of collaborative mission that is undertaken by an entire legion rather than just individual players. Each mission has three tasks that must all be completed, but each player may only complete one of the tasks, meaning a legion must carefully decide who does each task. Legion missions last for three days (72 hours), but this can be both increased - or decreased - by spending Galaxy Points.

Name Size Energy Second Bonus Energy / Deck Mission Task Equip Limit Upkeep per Day Image URL
Siladon Mine Cores (0% Upgrade) 15 50 +100 Cloak 3.33 The Siladon Event Disable Siladon Mines 1 Siladon Mine Cores 36.4M CR With 3 Bots siladmines.png
Siladon Mine Cores (200% Upgrade) 15 150 +300 Cloak 10 The Siladon Event Disable Siladon Mines 1 Siladon Mine Cores 109.2M CR With 3 Bots siladmines.png
Xathe Containment Hold (0% Upgrade) 25 60 Hull +200 Shield +200 2.4 The Xathe Vortex Capture Vortex Entities 1 Xathe Containment Hold 36.4M CR With 3 Bots xanthgen.png
Xathe Containment Hold (200% Upgrade) 25 180 Hull +600 Shield +600 7.2 The Xathe Vortex Capture Vortex Entities 1 Xathe Containment Hold 109.2M CR With 3 Bots xanthgen.png

See Also:

Engineers vs. Reactors/Cores

Many players feel that building Reactors is a much more productive way to increase your energy reserves than placing your Rank Points into Engineers because Reactors can be upgraded and removed at will. Engineer's are permanent investment. Usually, rank points are split between TO (Tactical Officers) and Engineers; putting rank points into decks is highly looked down upon, because the rank points would have a much better use in adding to your crew (such as TO and Engineers). In addition, with a high Artifacts/hour, one can gain all the decks one needs by using ship bots.

To further illustrate this point, 1 Rank Point is equal to 2 Energy points, if placed into an Engineer. At the early levels, this can look very nice (after all, a basic Fusion Reactor has a 1 deck to 1 energy ratio), but at the higher levels, this becomes completely overshadowed by the larger reactors. Using the Singularity Core - Mk. IV example above, 1 Singularity Core - Mk. IV takes up 29 deck slots, but gives 123 energy. This is a ratio of 1 Rank Point to 4.2 energy points. By this logic, while useful at the early levels, an engineer rapidly becomes dated as the tech increases (Generally dated by the Graviton Core Mk. IV, although an argument can still be made for the engineers at this point), making them less useful.

However, higher level players will still have a use for engineers in later stages. Using the example above, 3 Singularity cores give 369 energy, but that is a maximum. While enough deck space needs to be maintained for as high a level of Reactors as a player can research, any additional rank points placed into engineers could be well spent. Indeed at very high levels (300+) players often rely on ship bots from artifact shipments to maintain growth in decks, and all rank points (whether from ranking up or from rescued prisoners) tend to be split between engineers and tactical officers (the exact ratio of that split is a matter for debate, see the forums for further information).

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