Bahreen Transformation Pact

Mission Reward Artifact


(Note: the pact you receive in your cargo is the same image as the Xecti Pact.)

Allows transformation into the Bahreen. Unlocks the ability to choose Bahreen whenever picking a new race. Bahreen can transform entire planets into Luminous ones.

Available from: The mission The Luminous Era.

Artifact Type: Player
Set Duration: Permanent
Cost in Energy to Use: None
Artifact Effects:

Adds Bahreen to the choice of player races to choose from.

Number Available: 1
Alternate Uses: None
Scraps for: Cannot be scrapped
Share: No
Send: No


  • The Bahreen race have an ability to transform Barren, Desert, Metallic, Icy, Terra, or Toxic worlds into Luminous worlds at a cost of Prismodyne Energy. 40 hour Cooldown.
  • Bahreen Professions: Guard, Governor, Explorer, Physicist, Excavator, Mentor

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