Minerals are gained by receiving a shipment via the Trade Tab of the game.
Minerals, consist of:
Note that you can also gain Exotic Matter from Mineral shipments. Exotic Matter is NOT a mineral, but it is a rare and extremely useful resource in the game, required in large volumes for high-level missions. Exotic Matter takes up NO cargo space, so it is strongly recommended that players save as much of it as they can.
Gaining Minerals
The above list shows the Minerals in order of rarity, with Dynite being the most common Mineral and Aidonium being the (current) rarest. Minerals are gained hourly through receiving Shipments from your mineral producing planets. The exact amount that you get changes depending on your rank and how much you have saved in Planetary Production, but there are limits on the maximum amount that can be stored at any one time. This limit can be increased through colonising Planets and through building Resource Storage Structures on those planets.
In there, assuming that a planet has been colonized and is producing minerals, a countdown called "Planetary Production Output" will be displayed, counting down until the next shipment of minerals is received (this countdown resets once every hour). Below this counter is a "Resource" column, with the row "Minerals". Next to it is the amount of minerals that is currently being produced per shipment. The "Total Planet Capacity" is the maximum amount of minerals you can have stored, ready to "Receive Minerals Shipment".
The number of minerals that will be obtained in a shipment depends on how much has been stored up. If 1,500 minerals have been stored, then pressing the button "Receive Minerals Shipment" will net 1,500 minerals of assorted kinds (assuming that the owner of the planet has in excess of 150 cargo space free on their ship). If you are getting poor mineral shipments, then try and save up more, or increase your cargo space so that you can receive more minerals at a time.
When you collect minerals, the game splits the size of the shipment received between the different available types of minerals. The percentage weighting of each mineral depends on rank, so it is not generally possible to receive Aidonium from Mineral shipments until you reach rank 160.
Uses of Minerals
All minerals can be sold and are used to create Structures and Modules. If you wish to build a structure or buy a module without having to check your mineral stock, you can always try to keep 1 hour's worth of mineral production on hand by selling your stock of minerals just before collecting the next hour of production. You can click on a mineral type to 'lock' the minerals from being sold inadvertently if you want to stock up.
While aidonium provides the highest values, kurenite is the most efficient in terms of cargo space, which makes kurenite the default mineral currency for trading. Selling minerals eventually becomes the "best" way to earn Credits at later ranks. Selling minerals is also easier and more Energy efficient then gaining Credits through Missions.
Here is the Current market Price on the minerals when Buying from the market. (When selling to the market you are charged a 20% tariff on ALL minerals)
Mineral | Buying Price |
Dynite ![]() | 11 CR |
Chrisium ![]() | 95 CR |
Darrinyte ![]() | 1,151 CR |
Hydium ![]() | 3,981 CR |
Erixion ![]() | 6,862 CR |
Pawlacite ![]() | 39,702 CR |
Dieterion ![]() | 131,379 CR |
Dysillon ![]() | 473,441 CR |
Kurenite ![]() | 1,502,201 CR |
Aidonium ![]() | 17,677,527 CR |
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