

There are over 55 million planets to be discovered in Galaxy Legion, and what makes each one different is its Planet Type, Planet Size, the resources that it produces, and its name, of course.

Planet Database

Your ship's computer is equipped with an initially empty planet database. The planet database stores the location and meta-data for planets that you currently have scanned. Currently scanned planets are listed on the "PLANETS" tab of your main console. From the PLANETS tab, you can scan for new planets, click on an individual planet for details/options, and sort or filter the list of planets.

Sorting and Filtering List of Planets

Sort the list of planets by ascending or descending order by clicking on the column headers. The filter is applied real-time and filters simultaneously by planet name, size, type, best resource, and control. For example, entering "you volc very" as the filter will cause only volcanic planets controlled by you which have a very something best resource or a very something size (it's also possible that a planet has the string "volc" or "you" as a substring somewhere in the planet name). The order of different words in the filter does not matter, and the strings are not case-sensitive, so the following filters are all functionally equivalent: "icy large", "LARGE ICY", and "lArGe ICy".

Adding Planets to the Database

There are 6 known methods to add a planet to the database:

  • Scanning for new planets. This is a stochastic process described in the following section.
  • Sharing planet locations. Legion members may "alert" a planet location to other members of the same legion. This functionality is based on heavily regulated and leased scan-link channels; planets added under this method are only temporarily available to all legion members, and will be removed after a specific amount of time. If the planet is colonized (or invaded then colonized) by a particular recipient during this window, then its location will remain in the colonizing user's planet database.
  • Using the Alien Star Chart Artifact. This artifact added a random planet to your planet database, and is assumed to be equivalent to a single successful scan. (Only available from artifact point shipments before 21nov2010).
  • Hacking an enemy ship's database. The planet database is typically maintained in an isolated enclave of the ship's computer with periodic synchronization. It is rare, but the results of a successful hack may coincide with synchronization which will allow planet data to be hacked. The result is that both ships will now have the same planet scanned.
  • Daily Rewards. It is rumored (and possibly a myth) that planet information is returned on extremely rare occasions as a Daily Reward. The probability of this event is considered to be virtually zero for all intents and purposes. However, after 5 years of play, you can unlock a Prismatic planet for yourself.
  • Special Missions. Special mission may return planet information. High rank missions even unlock the discovery of new TYPES of planets (Aphotic and Ecumenopolis, etc). The other canonical case of this is the special planet "Exotica" as a reward for completion of the mission Ruler of Exotica.

Scanning for New Planets

For those wishing to do a mass scan session or a scan fest, read the Scan Blitz for more detailed information on how it can be done properly.

To scan for new planets, click the "Scan for New Planets" button on the "PLANETS" tab of your main console. The scanning processes consumes Energy and is probabilistic in nature. The probability stated on the console represents the ship's computer's calculated odds that a planet will be identified by the scan. The nature of the flux and related scanning technology allow for a sufficiently accurate calculation of this probability.

Once a planet is identified, the ship's scanners attempt to isolate and analyze the planet. Whether this 2nd scan is successful is a function of your scanning power and the identified planet's cloak. The exact nature of this function is not known, but it has been proposed by high-rank scientists, and confirmed by empirical observations, that this scan-cloak function is indeed probabilistic and of the form: A - B*(cloak/scan) as opposed to a simple add-subtract of scan versus cloak abilities. The actual probability of the overall scan is the stated scanning probability multiplied by the results of the scan-cloak function; therefore, the stated scanning probability is an upper-bound on the actual probability.

Since the 2nd scan function depends on the specific identified planet, your ship computer is unable to report the overall scanning probability prior to the scan. Depending on the results of the scan-cloak function, the identified planet may or may not have enough cloak to remain hidden from the scan after the identification. If the planet is successfully identified, and then successfully isolated/analyzed, the overall scan is considered successful, and the planet is added to your planet database.

Your ship must maintain active scan links with all scanned planets, so the planet identification probability decreases as the number of successfully scanned planets increases. More and more scanning power is needed to maintain more and more active scan-links.

Removing Planets from the Database

Removing a planet from your planet database deactivates active scan links, thus increasing your planet identification probability. Planets are removed from your database when:

  • You use a Star Chart Purger artifact on the planet. You cannot use a Star Chart Purger on a planet that you currently control.
  • A player uses a Planet Flux artifact on the planet. The Planet Flux artifact disrupts any existing active scan links to the planet, effectively removing it from all databases which have it scanned. This leaves the user of the Planet Flux as the only user who has the planet scanned.
  • A planet [[Alerts#Planet_Alerts|alert}} expires.

Number of Planets in the Galaxy

The total number of planets in the galaxy has grown as the number of players has increased. [1]: "The game 'automatically' expands the size of the Galaxy based on the number of active players. There needs to be enough planets for everyone to have a bit of breathing room, but also allow a bit of conflict and worry that someone may have scanned your planet..."

However, the displayed value on the planet scan tab in the game is infrequently updated. Changes can be tracked in this forum topic, but here is a rough outline of the history of galactic expansion:

25jun2024: 57,739,330 (relic planets added)

11jun2024: 55,527,697

28may2024: 46,725,688

24may2024: 37,612,686

21may2024: 32,697,681

19may2024: 28,922,178

18may2024: 24,126,175

17may2024: 14,051,679 (shattered planets and machine planets added)

26jan2020: 8,826,841

21jan2019: 8,826,222

30sep2016: 8,823,623

25nov2014: 8,818,708

12nov2014: 6,827,768

14oct2014: 5,420,075

29jan2014: 4,905,495

26apr2013: 4,905,495

15dec2012: 4,272,362

29apr2012: 4,272,362

30sep2011: 1,938,505 (after Dan's kick)

30sep2011: 1,405,300

13sep2011: 1,405,300 (at least 4 months)

31dec2010: 865,953

27dec2010: 744,299

20jul2010: 397,198

Colonization Requirements

Planetary Colonization Requirements
Planet(s) Rank Required Colonization Cost Invasion Cost
1 0 0 0
2 4 1,000 2,000
3 8 8,000 16,000
4 12 27,000 54,000
5 16 64,000 128,000
6 20 125,000 250,000
7 24 216,000 432,000
8 28 343,000 686,000
9 32 512,000 1,024,000
10 36 729,000 1,458,000
11 40 1,000,000 2,000,000
12 44 1,331,000 2,662,000
13 48 1,728,000 3,456,000
14 52 2,197,000 4,394,000
15 56 2,744,000 5,488,000
16 60 3,375,000 6,750,000
17 64 4,096,000 8,192,000
18 68 4,913,000 9,826,000
19 72 5,832,000 11,664,000
20 76 6,859,000 13,718,000
30 116 24,389,000 48,778,000
40 156 59,319,000 118,638,000
50 196 117,649,000 235,298,000
60 236 205,379,000 410,758,000
70 276 328,509,000 657,018,000
80 316 493,039,000 986,078,000
90 356 704,969,000 1,409,938,000
100 396 970,299,000 1,940,598,000
150 596 3,307,949,000 6,615,898,000
200 796 7,880,599,000 15,761,198,000
250 996 15,438,249,000 30,876,498,000
300 1196 26,730,899,000 53,461,798,000
350 1396 42,508,549,000 85,017,098,000
400 1596 63,521,199,000 127,042,398,000
450 1796 90,518,849,000 181,037,698,000
500 1996 124,251,499,000 248,502,998,000
600 2396 214,921,799,000 429,843,598,000
700 2796 341,532,099,000 683,064,198,000
800 3196 510,082,399,000 1,020,164,798,000
900 3596 726,572,699,000 1,453,145,398,000
1000 3996 997,002,999,000 1,994,005,998,000
1250 4996 1,948,441,249,000 3,896,882,498,000

You are limited in how many planets you can occupy by your current rank. The limit is one planet, plus one per four ranks you have achieved. (i.e. N=(Rank/4)+1)

  • with the exception of the 3 Drannik Colony Ships. This artifact has the effect that: Planet +1 to number of planet colonies for your rank. The artifact can NOT be used on gas, toxic, volcanic, or shared planets. Keep in mind that while planets colonized by these ships do not count against your limit, and do not cost you credits as regularly colonized planets[2], you also do not get the planetary Resource Storage bonuses that regular planets provide [3].

Colonizing a planet, whether peacefully or through invasion, also costs credits. The cost is dependent on how many planets you have already occupied, and it costs twice as much to invade a planet as it does to colonize an unoccupied planet.

Colonization Formula

Based on this data, Kurisu has established a formula which seems to accurately predict colonization costs for those wishing info not verified in the above table:

n = number of planets currently colonized
x = number of planets you will have after the next colonization
n = x - 1

p(x) = (n^3 + 3n^2 + 3n + 1) * 1000

or quite simply put: (n+1)^3 * 1000

Remember that invasion costs will still be double what is calculated by the above formula.

Types of Planets

A planet comes with a variety of resources that can be produced, and the type of planet you find determines what those resources will be. While some resources might be abundant, other resources may not be available at all. The list below show what planets are out in the galaxy, how likely you are to find them, and what they will typically be able to produce.

Naturally Occuring

These planets are normally found in the game without requiring any artifacts to create them, all created planets originally begin life as one of these basic types. Some naturally occurring planets that can also be created after completing specific missions, are listed under Player Created Planets.

Common Planets

Any successful scan has a good chance of being one of the following, sized from Very Tiny (Barren Planets) or Tiny (Volcanic Planets), to Very Massive (Gas Planets).

Barren Planets

Most common resource is minerals; max observed natural: Very Large / Mining: Rich. Upgradable to Ocean, Sentient, or Luminous planets via Octafari and Sentinox mission chains, or by use of the Luminous Sub-Frequency Lens ability granted by the Bahreen race respectively.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
barren1.png barren2.png barren3.png barren4.png barren5.png
Volcanic Planets

Most common resource is minerals; max observed natural: Very Large / Mining: Ultra Rich

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
volcanic1.png volcanic2.png volcanic3.png volcanic4.png volcanic5.png volcanic6.png
  • Note: The 6th image can only be obtained by using an Illumination Siphon artifact on a volcanic planet.
Gas Planets

Usually most common with only research resources; max observed natural: Very Massive / Research: Extremely Rich

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
gas1.png gas2.png gas3.png gas4.png gas5.png gas6.png

Uncommon Planets

These can be found when scanning, some more common than others.

Desert Planets

Most common resource is artifacts; max observed natural: Very Large / Artifact: Very Rich. Limited upgrades to Crystal planets available via mission. Unlimited Upgrades to Luminous planets available by use of the Luminous Sub-Frequency Lens ability provided by the Bahreen race.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
desert1.png desert2.png desert3.png desert4.png desert5.png
Icy Planets

Most common resource is artifacts; max observed natural: Very Large / Artifact: Extremely Rich. Limited upgrades to Oceanic planets available via mission. (Note: This planet is the only planet in game which has the potential to reach the vaunted status of "Mega Colossal"). Unlimited upgrades to Luminous planets available by use of the Luminous Sub-Frequency Lens ability provided by the Bahreen Race.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
icy1.png icy2.png icy3.png icy4.png icy5.png
Toxic Planets

Most common resource is minerals; max observed natural: Very Large / Mining: Very Rich. Blade Harvester NPCs spawn randomly in the battle tab providing an unlimited supply of mineral resource enhancers that can be used on Toxic planets. These artifacts cannot be used on a Toxic of mineral availability of 15x or higher. However, because the artifact provides a bonus of two levels to the mineral availability, a toxic planet at 14x Mega Rich will reach 16x Mega rich before it cannot be enhanced further, while a toxic at 13x mega rich will only reach 15x mega rich. Limited upgrades to Irradiated Worlds available via mission. Unlimited Upgrades to Luminous planets available by use of the Luminous Sub-Frequency Lens ability provided by the Bahreen race.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
toxic1.png toxic2.png toxic3.png toxic4.png toxic5.png

Rare Planets

Low chance of finding rare planets when scanning, however you may see one or more of these by Rank 30. You should see at least one of all those below by Rank 100.

Metallic Planets

Most common resource is mining/research; max observed natural: Very Massive / Mining or Research: Extremely Rich. Unlimited Upgrades to Luminous planets available by use of the Luminous Sub-Frequency Lens ability provided by the Bahreen race.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
metallic1.png metallic2.png metallic3.png metallic4.png metallic5.png
Oceanic Planets (natural)

Most common resource is artifacts/research; max observed natural: Massive / Artifact or Research: Extremely Rich.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
oceanic1.png oceanic2.png oceanic3.png oceanic4.png oceanic5.png
Terra Planets

Most common resource is artifacts; max observed natural: Very Large / Artifact: 3x Mega Rich. Limited upgrades to Gaia planest available via mission. Unlimited Upgrades to Luminous planets available by use of the Luminous Sub-Frequency Lens ability provided by the Bahreen race.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
terra1.png terra2.png terra3.png terra4.png terra5.png terra6.png

Extremely Rare Planets

Very low chance of finding one when scanning. However you might see at least one of these by Rank 100.

Exotic Planets

Exotic planets are rare worlds with abundant resources and unusual life forms. They can vary in size and richness.

Each player gets the chance to create an invulnerable Exotic Planet by completing the mission The Terra Project. A second exotic planet known as Exotica becomes known after completing the mission Ruler of Exotica.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
exotic1.png exotic2.png exotic3.png exotic4.png exotic5.png exotic6.png
  • Note: The 6th image can only be obtained by using an Illumination Siphon artifact on an existing exotic planet or transforming into an exotic, a gas planet where a Reticulate Archival has been applied, or transforming into an exotic, a volcanic planet where an Illumination Siphon has been applied, or transorming into an exotic, a terra planet where a Chuhn Exo-Habitability Probe has been applied.

Player Created Planets

Rare Planets

Aphotic Planets

Also known as Shadow Planets. Only found in the Vorigar Expanse, which is available through using a Vorigar Scan Data artifact received from completing the mission Into the Expanse (through the Aggressive Evolution chain available at Rank 210). They are always Very Large size, Very Rich Mining, Extremely Rich Artifacts, and Mega Rich Research. They also have 1200 Passive Cloak.

Aphotic Planets (Shadow planets) are worlds that receive little to no sunlight from their host star, but their cores produce enough heat to prevent the surface from freezing. They exist inside the Vorigar Expanse, a large region of the existing galaxy. Due to the amount of the Silthion gas in the Expanse, all planets within it are Aphotic.

Once an Aphotic planet is discovered by a player in the Vorigar Expanse (using a Vorigar Scan Data artifact, that planet is added to the pool of available planets and can then be found by other players through normal scanning.

  • Note: The passive cloak bonus was boosted to 1200, up from 200, on August 4, 2011
Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
aphotic1.png aphotic2.png aphotic3.png aphotic4.png aphotic5.png
Ecumenopolis Planets

Huge mega-cities that encompass an entire planet. They can be found using a Gravidynamic Scan Data artifact through completing the mission City of None (through the Empty Arrival chain available at Rank 230). They appear to always be Large size, Abundant Mining, Ultra Rich Artifact and 2x Mega Rich Research. They have a passive cloak bonus of 700.

Once an Ecumenopolis planet is discovered by a player after using the Gravidynamic Scan Data artifact, that planet is added to the pool of available planets and can then be found by other players through normal scanning.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
ecumenopolis1.png ecumenopolis2.png ecumenopolis3.png ecumenopolis4.png ecumenopolis5.png
Crystal Planets

Desert Planets that have been transformed by using a Gamma Crystallizer artifact, which is only available through completing the mission Crystal Inferno (through the Pawlacite Thaw chain available at Rank 95). Gamma Crystallizers add +1 size and +2 richness to all three resource types on the planet.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
crystal1.png crystal2.png crystal3.png crystal4.png crystal5.png
Demon Planets

Also known as Class Y planets. Volcanic planets that have been transformed by using a Thermionic Intensifier Artifact. This artifact is gained through a discovery in the Collective Theory Lab (Also known as the CT-Lab) Thermionic Intensifiers add +800 passive attack, +1 size, and +1 richness to all three resource types on the planet.

Use the Thermionic Intensifier on a Very Massive 15x Mega Rich Volcanic world to get a Colossal 16x Mega Rich planet. Since Eruption Channelers will not be able to be used on the planet after it's transformation, it may be wise to use them to maximize passive attack before creating the Demon.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
demon1.png demon2.png demon3.png demon4.png demon5.png demon6.png
Irradiated Planets

Toxic Planets that have been transformed by using an Isolytic Irradiator artifact that is only available through completing the mission Potent Residuum.

Isolytic Irradiators add +1 size and +2 richness to all three resource types on the planet. Irradiated planets can also have their mining output increased to up to 15x Mega Rich through Toxic Purifier artifacts, that are dropped by certain rare NPC's. Use the Isolytic Irradiator on a Very Massive 16x Mega Rich Toxic world to get a Colossal 18x Mega Rich planet.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
irradiated1.png irradiated2.png irradiated3.png irradiated4.png irradiated5.png

Oceanic Planets (created)

While Oceanic Planets can be found naturally, they can also be created by using a Octafari Hydroshifter on a Barren Planet, or using a Mass Surface Melter on an Icy Planet.

Octafari Hydroshifters add +1 size and +2 richness to all three resource types on the planet.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
oceanic1.png oceanic2.png oceanic3.png oceanic4.png oceanic5.png
Plasma planets

Gas Planets that have been transformed by using a Phasic Chain-Ionizer Artifact. This artifact is gained through a discovery in the Collective Theory Lab (Also known as the CT-Lab) Phasic-Chain Ionizers add +300 passive defense, +1 size, and +2 richness to research.

Use the Phasic-Chain Ionizer on a Very Massive 17x Mega Rich Gas world to get a Colossal 19x Mega Rich planet. It is now possible to get Gas planets up to 17x Mega Rich with the use of the Lepus Data Kernel. Since Gas Igniter Rods will not be able to be used on the planet after it's transformation, it may be wise to use them to maximize passive attack before creating the Plasma. Unlike a Gas planet, on a Plasma you can build Population structures such as Topopolis Rings.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
plasma1.png plasma2.png plasma3.png plasma4.png plasma5.png plasma6.png
Prismatic Planets

Prismatic Planets are invincible planets gained through the use of the Omnispectral Lens which is awarded as part of the 5-year medal Path of the Devoted. Prismatic planets start out as Large planets with all resources at Extremely Abundant. This is upgradeable via use of the planet's inherent ability Atmospheric Transform. It comes with a structure Prismatic Foundation which is also upgradeable by the planet's second inherent ability Prismatic Upgrade. The planet's size can also be enhanced via use of the Tectonic Compiler which so far is awarded three times: Once upon completion of the medal Prismatic Eclipse, and again via the medal Prismatic Dawn, and finally via the medal Prismatic Twilight. Once receiving and using the 6th year award, Prismatic Transcendance, prismatic rings are unlocked as well as another ability Prismatic Domain which recruits government officials to one of your other planets. The officials take up zero space. It would seem that it is possible for prismatic planets to get analyze according to a forum post: Upon finishing the mission Porowyn's Arrival and using the Prismatic Philtery, another ability is added to the planet which boosts planet production by 1% ON each prismatic planet that has a philtery. This bonus stacks. Lasts 3 days. Costs 500 energy.

Type1 Type2
prismatic1.png prismatic2.png
prismshield1.png prismshield2.png
rings1-p.png rings2-p.png

Extremely Rare Planets

Gaia Planets

Terra planets that have been transformed through the use of The Gaia Seed Artifact, which is available by completing the mission The Drannik Extinction. The Gaia Seed adds +1 size and +2 richness to all three resource types on the planet.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
gaia1.png gaia2.png gaia3.png gaia4.png gaia5.png gaia6.png
Luminous Planets

Barren, Desert, Metallic, Icy, Terra, or Toxic Planets that have been transformed by using the Luminous Sub-Frequency Lens ability provided by the Bahreen race.

Luminous Sub-Frequency adds +1 size and +3 richness to all three resource types on the planet.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
luminous1.png luminous2.png luminous3.png luminous4.png luminous5.png luminous6.png
Sentient Planets

Barren planets that have been transformed through the use of a Planetary Sentiox Artifact, which is available by completing the mission Hacking the Sentiox. The Planetary Sentiox adds +700 Passive Attack, +700 Passive Defense, +1 size and +2 richness to all three resource types on the planet.

  • Note: The passive attack/defense bonuses were boosted to 700, up from 200, on August 4, 2011
Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
sentient1.png sentient2.png sentient3.png sentient4.png sentient5.png
Chthonian Planets

Gas planets that have been transformed through the use of Chthonian Exchanger Artifact, which is available by completing Task 1 of the legion mission Carthyne Symposium. Transforms an unoccupied Gas world into a Chthonian planet. the planet's size will decrease by 2. Artifact and Mineral will then each become 50% of the planet's research resource (capped at 18x research before transformation). All research resources will then be lost.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
chthonian1.png chthonian2.png chthonian3.png chthonian4.png chthonian5.png chthonian6.png
Rift Planets

Created by using a Subspace Fissuron, 3 of which are available from the mission The Rift Project in return for 30 Quasi-Spacial Expanders (10 per fissuron).

The original planet may be of any size or type.

When transformed the type changes to "Rift" and the planet's stats change as follows:

  • "Invincible" Attribute Added (Planet cannot be invaded, no enemy artifacts or abilities may be used on it.)
  • All Passive Attributes increased by 10,000 (Attack, Defense, Cloak)
  • All Resource Availability increased by 15 levels (Mineral, Artifact, Research)
  • Planet size is increased to Mega-Colossal, regardless of original size.

The lowest possible values a rift can have are one resource being 4x Mega, and the remaining two being 3x Mega.

This is because no planet in the game can have 0 resource availability in all three locations, it must have at the minimum one resource which has at least the "Extremely Sparse" Availability. (See Below for clarification)

The maximum values of planetary richness that a player can achieve for a rift depend on the artifacts available to him to use during creation. See Maximizing Planets for more details.

The best planets to rift are natural dysons; however given the rarity of these most players will maximize a normal planet.

As far as anyone knows there are no natural Rift Planets.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5 Type6
rift1.png rift2.png rift3.png rift4.png rift5.png rift6.png
  • Note: The 6th image can only be obtained by using an Illumination Siphon artifact on an existing rift planet or rifting a gas planet where a Reticulate Archival has been applied, or rifting a volcanic planet where an Illumination Siphon has been applied, or rifting a terra (or gaia) planet where a Chuhn Exo-Habitability Probe has been applied, or rifting an exotic planet transformed from any of those source planets.

Mythical Planets

Although supremely rare when scanning, some of those below have been know to turn up by Rank 30.

Dyson Planets

One of the best planets can be created after completing the mission, The Colossal Project. The mission Dyson that it creates will be Colossal in size and 28x Mega Rich in all three resources. It is produced by using a Special Artifact on a metallic planet of your choice. The artifact is obtained after using 10 Quasi-spacial Expander's in the mission The Colossal Project.

Dyson planets can be discovered naturally, through lucky searches, but their rarity is such that very few players ever scan one, much less own one.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4 Type5
dyson1.png dyson2.png dyson3.png dyson4.png dyson5.png

Planet Size

Planet size determines how much space the planet has available for buildings. Some buildings take up more space than others, so this number is good to know. However Artifacts that change planet size are talking about the SIZE of the planet as defined in the Size column, not the SPACE of the planet. Effectively an artifact that "Increases Planet Size by 1" will "use 6 space".

From largest to smallest, the planet sizes, and there available space are:

Size Rank Size Displayed Standard Population Standard Space Small Moons Small Moons + Gift of the Spirit Large Moons Large Moons + Gift of the Spirit Luminous Moons Luminous Moons + Gift of the Spirit
11 Mega Colossal** 220 81 89 94 97 102 101 to 105 106 to 111
10 Colossal 200 75 83 87 90 95 94 to 98 98 to 102
9 Very Massive 180 69 76 80 83 87 86 to 90 91 to 94
8 Massive 160 63 69 73 76 79 79 to 82 83 to 86
7 Very Large 140 57 63 66 68 72 71 to 74 75 to 78
6 Large 120 51 56 59 61 64 64 to 66 67 to 70
5 Average 100 45 50 52 54 57 56 to 59 59 to 61
4 Small 80 39 43 45 47 49 49 to 51 51 to 53
3 Very Small 60 33 36 38 40 42 41 to 43 43 to 45
2 Tiny 40 27 30 31 32 34 34 to 35 35 to 37
1 Very Tiny 20 21 23 24 25 26 26 to 27 28 to 29
0 Planet does not exist - - - - - - - -
Planet Size Notes
    • "Mega Colossal" No longer shows as "Colossal":
  • This is because the game itself was not initially populated with a planet of this size, but players have determined how to expand a planet past the soft limit of the game's mechanics. Since the planet was not originally given a specific title, showing only as "Colossal", players started to refer to them as "Extremely Colossal", "Very Colossal", "Mega Colossal", "Titanic" and "Gigantic". Given the naming conventions for other planets, the proper name should be "Very Colossal". However Dan decided to break with tradition on this planet when he made it an officially accepted size in the game, instead calling it "Mega Colossal". <-- ** Verified **

How to obtain a "Mega Colossal" Planet:

  • Obtain any Ice-world, and use the Quasi Spacial Expander artifacts on it until the planet reaches the maximum size you can increase them to by using the expander (The maximum size reachable this way is, 09 - "Very Massive"). At that point use a Mass Surface Melter Artifact on the planet, this will change your Icy planet into an oceanic planet, and also increase the planet size by 2, as well as increasing the resource abundance of all available resources by two.
  • Alternatively, use a Subspace Fissuron on any planet (preferably one with maxed production).

For more information about maximizing the resource richness of planets, see Maximizing_Planets.


Every planet has resources that can be harvested. Those resources are what help you progress further in the game. The resources for each planet are:

Note, each Planet that you own will also by default increase your maximum Mining Points Storage by 500 and Artifact Points Storage by 1000. Research Points Storage is determined primarily by your Rank. Note also that each planet you own is one more that can hold a Polychoron Vault, the only infinitely available, easy-to-get planet structure that boosts Resource Points Storage by 1000 of each, which means you can reliably boost your storage capacity by 1500 Mineral Points, 2000 Artifact Points and 1000 Research Points for each planet you occupy.

Resource Availability

The resource availability modifier is added to the resource production for a given resource on the planet. In order from worst production to best production, the availabilities follow.

Value of N Availability Name Displayed Multiplier Effective Multiplier Ex: Toxic Purifier
Uplift max.
Ex: Toxic Purifiers
Needed to max.
Ex: Planet Data Optimizers
Needed to max.
0 Resource will not be displayed! Resource will not be displayed! 0.00 16x 14 27
1 Extremely Sparse -75% 0.25 15x 13 26
2 Very Sparse -50% 0.50 16x 13 25
3 Sparse -25% 0.75 15x 12 24
4 Average 0% 1.00 16x 12 23
5 Abundant 25% 1.25 15x 11 22
6 Very Abundant 50% 1.50 16x 11 21
7 Extremely Abundant 75% 1.75 15x 10 20
8 Rich 100% 2.00 16x 10 19
9 Very Rich 125% 2.25 15x 9 18
10 Extremely Rich 150% 2.50 16x 9 17
11 Ultra Rich 175% 2.75 15x 8 16
12 Mega Rich 200% 3.00 16x 8 15
13 1x Mega Rich* 225% 3.25 15x 7 14
14 2x Mega Rich* 250% 3.50 16x 7 13
15 3x Mega Rich* 275% 3.75 15x 6 12
16 4x Mega Rich* 300% 4.00 16x 6 11
17 5x Mega Rich* 325% 4.25 15x 5 10
18 6x Mega Rich* 350% 4.50 16x 5 9
19 7x Mega Rich* 375% 4.75 15x 4 8
20 8x Mega Rich* 400% 5.00 16x 4 7
21 9x Mega Rich* 425% 5.25 15x 3 6
22 10x Mega Rich* 450% 5.50 16x 3 5
23 11x Mega Rich* 475% 5.75 15x 2 4
24 12x Mega Rich* 500% 6.00 16x 2 3
25 13x Mega Rich* 525% 6.25 15x 1 2
26 14x Mega Rich* 550% 6.50 16x 1 1
27 15x Mega Rich* 575% 6.75 15x - -
28 16x Mega Rich* 600% 7.00 16x - -
29 17x Mega Rich* 625% 7.25 - - -
30 18x Mega Rich* 650% 7.50 - - -
31 19x Mega Rich* 675% 7.75 - - -
32 20x Mega Rich* 700% 8.00 - - -
33 21x Mega Rich* 725% 8.25 - - -
34 22x Mega Rich* 750% 8.50 - - -
40 28x Mega Rich* 900% 10.00 - - -
47 35x Mega Rich* 1075% 11.75 - - -
48 36x Mega Rich* 1100% 12.00 - - -
49 37x Mega Rich* 1125% 12.25 - - -
50 38x Mega Rich* 1150% 12.5 - - -
51 39x Mega Rich* 1175% 12.75 - - -
100 88x Mega Rich* 2400% 25.00 - - -
102 90x Mega Rich* 2450% 25.50 - - -
117 105x Mega Rich* 2825% 29.25 - - -
Resource Formula

The way planets resource availability is determined as a multiplier is a simple formula: 1*(-1+(.25*N))%

Planet Resource Notes
  • "Displayed Multiplier" refers to the "availability bonus" shown when hovering over the production statistics in the planet display screen.
  • After Ultra Rich the scale for planets differs from the scale for legion bases by one step, as legion bases do not have a plain "Mega Rich" in their scale (it shows as 1x Mega Rich).
  • for more detailed notes on optimizing planets, see Maximizing Planets
  • The Dyson Sphere artifact will change a Metallic Planet directly to 28x Mega Rich on all three stats, but is a one-time only artifact received from the mission, The Colossal Project.
  • The max Artifact and Mining Richness that non-Dyson planets can attain by human interaction is 24x Mega Rich by carefully using various artifacts in a precise order. These can then be boosted to 39x Mega rich using a Subspace Fissuron (only 3 available per player)
  • Research richness can be boosted by multiple uses of Kronyn Datacubes up to 88x, which can be finished off with a Mass Surface Melter and a Subspace Fissuron to end up with a 105x Mega Rich
  • The Highest observed Mega rich planet is a naturally discovered, but artifically enhanced, 100+ x Mega Rich planet, owned by a banned player and still hidden out there somewhere.

Base Planetary Production

Do you need to know which planet you should colonize?

Planet Structures which are researched are generally referred to by their Availability Bonus ("I have +4s on all my Gas Planets", or "I am going to need to save up before I can complete the upgrade of all of my planets to +10 buildings." &co.)

Below is a chart of Planet Structures ordered by their size, which also is the order they become available in.

Larger planets provide more space for structures, allowing you to maximize the resource availability bonus the planet provides. While they do cost more money to upgrade you also collected more income from them at every resource tick prior to that point, and after that point than you would have had you used a smaller planet of the same availability.

Strategy: Terraforming Devices are quite common (SEE BELOW NOTE), T.O. Troop Carriers can drop several in the course of a week. Quasi Spacial Expanders are Incredibly rare, they come from the same T.O. Troop Carrier, and you would be lucky to find one every few months. Therefore the BEST long term strategy is to Generally try to acquire the largest planets possible, and increase their resource availability over time, instead of getting smaller planets which might have higher availability because the likelihood you can increase the number of structures they can hold is remote.

Note: The rarity of this T.O. Troop Carrier NPC has increased significantly since this was first written, now only seen once for several thousand NPCs that cross your Battle Tab. Also while more than one NPC can drop Terraforming Devices, there is only one that drops QSEs. The idea of getting several terraformers per week really only applies if you devote most of your energy to hitting npcs, and QSEs are unlikely to turn up more than once or twice in a year.

Production Size Prod/Size Mining Structures Research Structures Artifact Structures
1 4 0.250 Surface Mine Research Station Surface Scanner
2 7 0.285 Extraction Drones Robotics Lab Analyzer Drones
3 9 0.333 Nanite Disassemblers Nanite Lab Subterranean Probes
4 11 0.363 Deep Core Mine Theory Engine Deep Scan Harmonizer
5 13 0.384 Mesh Extractor AI Network Mesh Probes
6 15 0.400 Quantum Reassembler Quantum Computer Grid Quantum Analyzer Engine
8 16 0.500 Gravitonic Teleporter Gravitonic Brain Gravitonic Revealer
10 17 0.588 Stellar Converter Matrioshka Brain Stellar Replicator
12 18 0.666 Star Lifting Hypernode Brain Hyperforge Fabricator
Production Formula

To calculate the total production of a planet, use this general formula:

Total Production=(Module production)*(1+decimal(availability bonus))*(1+decimal(developmental bonus))

Where it says decimal, find the decimal of that percent. For example extremely rich is +150% bonus. As a decimal, that would be 1.5.

Planet Effects and Events

Planets may experience occasional events that affect their stats or production. Events occur under the following conditions:

  • Randomly - some planets will experience events randomly. Most of these effects are temporary, but some are permanent. The chances of a random effect occurring is increased if your Profession is a Governor.
  • Invasion - a successful Planetary Invasion may trigger a beneficial or negative event. These effects are always temporary.
  • Colonization - colonizing a planet may trigger beneficial events. These effects are temporary.
  • Artifact Inducement - using certain artifacts may allow you to trigger beneficial events on certain planets. Most of these effects are temporary, some are permanent.

There are a number of different events. The full list can be found: Planetary Events and Effects.

See also

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