Astrometric Revelations

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Stellar Cartography Astrometric Revelations none

Mission Briefing


Exotic matter experiments have revealed new astrometric sciences, especially in neutron star collisions, hypernova remnants, and chronophase anomalies... normally more difficult to study in detail with existing technologies. But... the work continues.

These astrophysical breakthroughs could not have been possible without your significant Exotic Matter contributions.
I am not familiar with your work specifically. Dr...

Skethra. Dr. Vaelis Skethra. I've been leading the current team.
You are... Tenebrisian ?

Dr. Skethra: Quite right. We joined the allied sciences after the Tenebris Event. I was promoted, along with Chief Rexel, to lead the effort on chronophase studies.
Chronophase analysis... Time anomalies ?

Dr. Skethra: Yes. Though the field is still maturing, we already have evidence of larger disturbances... of varying degrees. Events much greater than the ones we encountered in our own system.
What has been uncovered so far ? Has our timeline been tampered with ?

Dr. Skethra: Though we can detect disturbances and perturbations in the time continuum, the reasons or causes are still far from our understanding.
Have you cross-referenced data taken from the Prejor ? or other powerful entities ?

Dr. Skethra: It is best we refrain from speculation at this stage. We should continue funneling resources into this field, however. I trust you are still up to the engagement...

End Transmission.

Becomes Available Upon: Completion of Stellar Cartography
Un-gray Requirements:
Per Round Requirements: 420 Energy and 420 Exotic Matter
Per Round Rewards: 5 XP
Per Completion Rewards: 1 Star Chart Purger for every 3 rounds
Per Round Risks: None

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 420 Energy and 420 Exotic Matter
Rewards: 5 XP, 1 Star Chart Purger every 3rd round
XP Return Ratio: 
  • 42 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 17,640 Energy and 17,640 Exotic Matter
Rewards: 210 XP and 14 Star Chart Purger
  • This mission can be repeated at any time and it does not count towards completed missions credit.

Previous Mission Star Chart Purger Chain (#2 of 2) Next Mission
Stellar Cartography Astrometric Revelations none

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