Main Page

Galaxy Legion Wiki needs your input!
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
If you would like to assist with editing the wiki, see this forum post about how to set up a wiki account.
Also be sure to check out the game forums and, of course, the game itself.
We're also starting an effort to properly categorize our pages, please view Uncategorized Pages for further info!
Getting started
Your character in Galaxy Legion plays the role of a commander of a ship in the galaxy, your goal is to become the most powerful commander in the galaxy. When you start you will first be asked to choose from the list of Races and Professions.
Please consult these pages thoroughly as these are major decisions which can be changed later only through the use of Galaxy Points. After this you are set out into the galaxy:
Galaxy Legion Interface
- GL Interface
- GL Interface News Tab
- GL Interface Ship Tab
- GL Interface Planets Tab
- GL Legion Interface Legion Tab
- GL Interface Missions Tab
- GL Interface Battle Tab
- GL Interface Trade Tab
- GL Interface Research Tab
Game Concepts
- Galaxy Points
- Ranks
- Minerals
- Artifacts
- Research Tree
- Missions
- Mission Completion Rewards
- Abilities
- Combat
- Medals
- Equations
Ship Modules
- Weapons
- Shields, Dampeners & Thrusters
- Hulls
- Reactors, Relays
- Jammers & Cloaking, Scanners
- Other Modules
- Allies